/* Prototype JavaScript framework, version 1.6.1 * (c) 2005-2009 Sam Stephenson * * Prototype is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license. * For details, see the Prototype web site: http://www.prototypejs.org/ * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var Prototype = { Version: '1.6.1', Browser: (function(){ var ua = navigator.userAgent; var isOpera = Object.prototype.toString.call(window.opera) == '[object Opera]'; return { IE: !!window.attachEvent && !isOpera, Opera: isOpera, WebKit: ua.indexOf('AppleWebKit/') > -1, Gecko: ua.indexOf('Gecko') > -1 && ua.indexOf('KHTML') === -1, MobileSafari: /Apple.*Mobile.*Safari/.test(ua) } })(), BrowserFeatures: { XPath: !!document.evaluate, SelectorsAPI: !!document.querySelector, ElementExtensions: (function() { var constructor = window.Element || window.HTMLElement; return !!(constructor && constructor.prototype); })(), SpecificElementExtensions: (function() { if (typeof window.HTMLDivElement !== 'undefined') return true; var div = document.createElement('div'); var form = document.createElement('form'); var isSupported = false; if (div['__proto__'] && (div['__proto__'] !== form['__proto__'])) { isSupported = true; } div = form = null; return isSupported; })() }, ScriptFragment: ']*>([\\S\\s]*?)<\/script>', JSONFilter: /^\/\*-secure-([\s\S]*)\*\/\s*$/, emptyFunction: function() { }, K: function(x) { return x } }; if (Prototype.Browser.MobileSafari) Prototype.BrowserFeatures.SpecificElementExtensions = false; var Abstract = { }; var Try = { these: function() { var returnValue; for (var i = 0, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) { var lambda = arguments[i]; try { returnValue = lambda(); break; } catch (e) { } } return returnValue; } }; /* Based on Alex Arnell's inheritance implementation. */ var Class = (function() { function subclass() {}; function create() { var parent = null, properties = $A(arguments); if (Object.isFunction(properties[0])) parent = properties.shift(); function klass() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Object.extend(klass, Class.Methods); klass.superclass = parent; klass.subclasses = []; if (parent) { subclass.prototype = parent.prototype; klass.prototype = new subclass; parent.subclasses.push(klass); } for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) klass.addMethods(properties[i]); if (!klass.prototype.initialize) klass.prototype.initialize = Prototype.emptyFunction; klass.prototype.constructor = klass; return klass; } function addMethods(source) { var ancestor = this.superclass && this.superclass.prototype; var properties = Object.keys(source); if (!Object.keys({ toString: true }).length) { if (source.toString != Object.prototype.toString) properties.push("toString"); if (source.valueOf != Object.prototype.valueOf) properties.push("valueOf"); } for (var i = 0, length = properties.length; i < length; i++) { var property = properties[i], value = source[property]; if (ancestor && Object.isFunction(value) && value.argumentNames().first() == "$super") { var method = value; value = (function(m) { return function() { return ancestor[m].apply(this, arguments); }; })(property).wrap(method); value.valueOf = method.valueOf.bind(method); value.toString = method.toString.bind(method); } this.prototype[property] = value; } return this; } return { create: create, Methods: { addMethods: addMethods } }; })(); (function() { var _toString = Object.prototype.toString; function extend(destination, source) { for (var property in source) destination[property] = source[property]; return destination; } function inspect(object) { try { if (isUndefined(object)) return 'undefined'; if (object === null) return 'null'; return object.inspect ? object.inspect() : String(object); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof RangeError) return '...'; throw e; } } function toJSON(object) { var type = typeof object; switch (type) { case 'undefined': case 'function': case 'unknown': return; case 'boolean': return object.toString(); } if (object === null) return 'null'; if (object.toJSON) return object.toJSON(); if (isElement(object)) return; var results = []; for (var property in object) { var value = toJSON(object[property]); if (!isUndefined(value)) results.push(property.toJSON() + ': ' + value); } return '{' + results.join(', ') + '}'; } function toQueryString(object) { return $H(object).toQueryString(); } function toHTML(object) { return object && object.toHTML ? object.toHTML() : String.interpret(object); } function keys(object) { var results = []; for (var property in object) results.push(property); return results; } function values(object) { var results = []; for (var property in object) results.push(object[property]); return results; } function clone(object) { return extend({ }, object); } function isElement(object) { return !!(object && object.nodeType == 1); } function isArray(object) { return _toString.call(object) == "[object Array]"; } function isHash(object) { return object instanceof Hash; } function isFunction(object) { return typeof object === "function"; } function isString(object) { return _toString.call(object) == "[object String]"; } function isNumber(object) { return _toString.call(object) == "[object Number]"; } function isUndefined(object) { return typeof object === "undefined"; } extend(Object, { extend: extend, inspect: inspect, toJSON: toJSON, toQueryString: toQueryString, toHTML: toHTML, keys: keys, values: values, clone: clone, isElement: isElement, isArray: isArray, isHash: isHash, isFunction: isFunction, isString: isString, isNumber: isNumber, isUndefined: isUndefined }); })(); Object.extend(Function.prototype, (function() { var slice = Array.prototype.slice; function update(array, args) { var arrayLength = array.length, length = args.length; while (length--) array[arrayLength + length] = args[length]; return array; } function merge(array, args) { array = slice.call(array, 0); return update(array, args); } function argumentNames() { var names = this.toString().match(/^[\s\(]*function[^(]*\(([^)]*)\)/)[1] .replace(/\/\/.*?[\r\n]|\/\*(?:.|[\r\n])*?\*\//g, '') .replace(/\s+/g, '').split(','); return names.length == 1 && !names[0] ? [] : names; } function bind(context) { if (arguments.length < 2 && Object.isUndefined(arguments[0])) return this; var __method = this, args = slice.call(arguments, 1); return function() { var a = merge(args, arguments); return __method.apply(context, a); } } function bindAsEventListener(context) { var __method = this, args = slice.call(arguments, 1); return function(event) { var a = update([event || window.event], args); return __method.apply(context, a); } } function curry() { if (!arguments.length) return this; var __method = this, args = slice.call(arguments, 0); return function() { var a = merge(args, arguments); return __method.apply(this, a); } } function delay(timeout) { var __method = this, args = slice.call(arguments, 1); timeout = timeout * 1000 return window.setTimeout(function() { return __method.apply(__method, args); }, timeout); } function defer() { var args = update([0.01], arguments); return this.delay.apply(this, args); } function wrap(wrapper) { var __method = this; return function() { var a = update([__method.bind(this)], arguments); return wrapper.apply(this, a); } } function methodize() { if (this._methodized) return this._methodized; var __method = this; return this._methodized = function() { var a = update([this], arguments); return __method.apply(null, a); }; } return { argumentNames: argumentNames, bind: bind, bindAsEventListener: bindAsEventListener, curry: curry, delay: delay, defer: defer, wrap: wrap, methodize: methodize } })()); Date.prototype.toJSON = function() { return '"' + this.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + (this.getUTCMonth() + 1).toPaddedString(2) + '-' + this.getUTCDate().toPaddedString(2) + 'T' + this.getUTCHours().toPaddedString(2) + ':' + this.getUTCMinutes().toPaddedString(2) + ':' + this.getUTCSeconds().toPaddedString(2) + 'Z"'; }; RegExp.prototype.match = RegExp.prototype.test; RegExp.escape = function(str) { return String(str).replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1'); }; var PeriodicalExecuter = Class.create({ initialize: function(callback, frequency) { this.callback = callback; this.frequency = frequency; this.currentlyExecuting = false; this.registerCallback(); }, registerCallback: function() { this.timer = setInterval(this.onTimerEvent.bind(this), this.frequency * 1000); }, execute: function() { this.callback(this); }, stop: function() { if (!this.timer) return; clearInterval(this.timer); this.timer = null; }, onTimerEvent: function() { if (!this.currentlyExecuting) { try { this.currentlyExecuting = true; this.execute(); this.currentlyExecuting = false; } catch(e) { this.currentlyExecuting = false; throw e; } } } }); Object.extend(String, { interpret: function(value) { return value == null ? '' : String(value); }, specialChar: { '\b': '\\b', '\t': '\\t', '\n': '\\n', '\f': '\\f', '\r': '\\r', '\\': '\\\\' } }); Object.extend(String.prototype, (function() { function prepareReplacement(replacement) { if (Object.isFunction(replacement)) return replacement; var template = new Template(replacement); return function(match) { return template.evaluate(match) }; } function gsub(pattern, replacement) { var result = '', source = this, match; replacement = prepareReplacement(replacement); if (Object.isString(pattern)) pattern = RegExp.escape(pattern); if (!(pattern.length || pattern.source)) { replacement = replacement(''); return replacement + source.split('').join(replacement) + replacement; } while (source.length > 0) { if (match = source.match(pattern)) { result += source.slice(0, match.index); result += String.interpret(replacement(match)); source = source.slice(match.index + match[0].length); } else { result += source, source = ''; } } return result; } function sub(pattern, replacement, count) { replacement = prepareReplacement(replacement); count = Object.isUndefined(count) ? 1 : count; return this.gsub(pattern, function(match) { if (--count < 0) return match[0]; return replacement(match); }); } function scan(pattern, iterator) { this.gsub(pattern, iterator); return String(this); } function truncate(length, truncation) { length = length || 30; truncation = Object.isUndefined(truncation) ? '...' : truncation; return this.length > length ? this.slice(0, length - truncation.length) + truncation : String(this); } function strip() { return this.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); } function stripTags() { return this.replace(/<\w+(\s+("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^>])+)?>|<\/\w+>/gi, ''); } function stripScripts() { return this.replace(new RegExp(Prototype.ScriptFragment, 'img'), ''); } function extractScripts() { var matchAll = new RegExp(Prototype.ScriptFragment, 'img'); var matchOne = new RegExp(Prototype.ScriptFragment, 'im'); return (this.match(matchAll) || []).map(function(scriptTag) { return (scriptTag.match(matchOne) || ['', ''])[1]; }); } function evalScripts() { return this.extractScripts().map(function(script) { return eval(script) }); } function escapeHTML() { return this.replace(/&/g,'&').replace(//g,'>'); } function unescapeHTML() { return this.stripTags().replace(/</g,'<').replace(/>/g,'>').replace(/&/g,'&'); } function toQueryParams(separator) { var match = this.strip().match(/([^?#]*)(#.*)?$/); if (!match) return { }; return match[1].split(separator || '&').inject({ }, function(hash, pair) { if ((pair = pair.split('='))[0]) { var key = decodeURIComponent(pair.shift()); var value = pair.length > 1 ? pair.join('=') : pair[0]; if (value != undefined) value = decodeURIComponent(value); if (key in hash) { if (!Object.isArray(hash[key])) hash[key] = [hash[key]]; hash[key].push(value); } else hash[key] = value; } return hash; }); } function toArray() { return this.split(''); } function succ() { return this.slice(0, this.length - 1) + String.fromCharCode(this.charCodeAt(this.length - 1) + 1); } function times(count) { return count < 1 ? '' : new Array(count + 1).join(this); } function camelize() { var parts = this.split('-'), len = parts.length; if (len == 1) return parts[0]; var camelized = this.charAt(0) == '-' ? parts[0].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + parts[0].substring(1) : parts[0]; for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) camelized += parts[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + parts[i].substring(1); return camelized; } function capitalize() { return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.substring(1).toLowerCase(); } function underscore() { return this.replace(/::/g, '/') .replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g, '$1_$2') .replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, '$1_$2') .replace(/-/g, '_') .toLowerCase(); } function dasherize() { return this.replace(/_/g, '-'); } function inspect(useDoubleQuotes) { var escapedString = this.replace(/[\x00-\x1f\\]/g, function(character) { if (character in String.specialChar) { return String.specialChar[character]; } return '\\u00' + character.charCodeAt().toPaddedString(2, 16); }); if (useDoubleQuotes) return '"' + escapedString.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"'; return "'" + escapedString.replace(/'/g, '\\\'') + "'"; } function toJSON() { return this.inspect(true); } function unfilterJSON(filter) { return this.replace(filter || Prototype.JSONFilter, '$1'); } function isJSON() { var str = this; if (str.blank()) return false; str = this.replace(/\\./g, '@').replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"/g, ''); return (/^[,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]*$/).test(str); } function evalJSON(sanitize) { var json = this.unfilterJSON(); try { if (!sanitize || json.isJSON()) return eval('(' + json + ')'); } catch (e) { } throw new SyntaxError('Badly formed JSON string: ' + this.inspect()); } function include(pattern) { return this.indexOf(pattern) > -1; } function startsWith(pattern) { return this.indexOf(pattern) === 0; } function endsWith(pattern) { var d = this.length - pattern.length; return d >= 0 && this.lastIndexOf(pattern) === d; } function empty() { return this == ''; } function blank() { return /^\s*$/.test(this); } function interpolate(object, pattern) { return new Template(this, pattern).evaluate(object); } return { gsub: gsub, sub: sub, scan: scan, truncate: truncate, strip: String.prototype.trim ? String.prototype.trim : strip, stripTags: stripTags, stripScripts: stripScripts, extractScripts: extractScripts, evalScripts: evalScripts, escapeHTML: escapeHTML, unescapeHTML: unescapeHTML, toQueryParams: toQueryParams, parseQuery: toQueryParams, toArray: toArray, succ: succ, times: times, camelize: camelize, capitalize: capitalize, underscore: underscore, dasherize: dasherize, inspect: inspect, toJSON: toJSON, unfilterJSON: unfilterJSON, isJSON: isJSON, evalJSON: evalJSON, include: include, startsWith: startsWith, endsWith: endsWith, empty: empty, blank: blank, interpolate: interpolate }; })()); var Template = Class.create({ initialize: function(template, pattern) { this.template = template.toString(); this.pattern = pattern || Template.Pattern; }, evaluate: function(object) { if (object && Object.isFunction(object.toTemplateReplacements)) object = object.toTemplateReplacements(); return this.template.gsub(this.pattern, function(match) { if (object == null) return (match[1] + ''); var before = match[1] || ''; if (before == '\\') return match[2]; var ctx = object, expr = match[3]; var pattern = /^([^.[]+|\[((?:.*?[^\\])?)\])(\.|\[|$)/; match = pattern.exec(expr); if (match == null) return before; while (match != null) { var comp = match[1].startsWith('[') ? match[2].replace(/\\\\]/g, ']') : match[1]; ctx = ctx[comp]; if (null == ctx || '' == match[3]) break; expr = expr.substring('[' == match[3] ? match[1].length : match[0].length); match = pattern.exec(expr); } return before + String.interpret(ctx); }); } }); Template.Pattern = /(^|.|\r|\n)(#\{(.*?)\})/; var $break = { }; var Enumerable = (function() { function each(iterator, context) { var index = 0; try { this._each(function(value) { iterator.call(context, value, index++); }); } catch (e) { if (e != $break) throw e; } return this; } function eachSlice(number, iterator, context) { var index = -number, slices = [], array = this.toArray(); if (number < 1) return array; while ((index += number) < array.length) slices.push(array.slice(index, index+number)); return slices.collect(iterator, context); } function all(iterator, context) { iterator = iterator || Prototype.K; var result = true; this.each(function(value, index) { result = result && !!iterator.call(context, value, index); if (!result) throw $break; }); return result; } function any(iterator, context) { iterator = iterator || Prototype.K; var result = false; this.each(function(value, index) { if (result = !!iterator.call(context, value, index)) throw $break; }); return result; } function collect(iterator, context) { iterator = iterator || Prototype.K; var results = []; this.each(function(value, index) { results.push(iterator.call(context, value, index)); }); return results; } function detect(iterator, context) { var result; this.each(function(value, index) { if (iterator.call(context, value, index)) { result = value; throw $break; } }); return result; } function findAll(iterator, context) { var results = []; this.each(function(value, index) { if (iterator.call(context, value, index)) results.push(value); }); return results; } function grep(filter, iterator, context) { iterator = iterator || Prototype.K; var results = []; if (Object.isString(filter)) filter = new RegExp(RegExp.escape(filter)); this.each(function(value, index) { if (filter.match(value)) results.push(iterator.call(context, value, index)); }); return results; } function include(object) { if (Object.isFunction(this.indexOf)) if (this.indexOf(object) != -1) return true; var found = false; this.each(function(value) { if (value == object) { found = true; throw $break; } }); return found; } function inGroupsOf(number, fillWith) { fillWith = Object.isUndefined(fillWith) ? null : fillWith; return this.eachSlice(number, function(slice) { while(slice.length < number) slice.push(fillWith); return slice; }); } function inject(memo, iterator, context) { this.each(function(value, index) { memo = iterator.call(context, memo, value, index); }); return memo; } function invoke(method) { var args = $A(arguments).slice(1); return this.map(function(value) { return value[method].apply(value, args); }); } function max(iterator, context) { iterator = iterator || Prototype.K; var result; this.each(function(value, index) { value = iterator.call(context, value, index); if (result == null || value >= result) result = value; }); return result; } function min(iterator, context) { iterator = iterator || Prototype.K; var result; this.each(function(value, index) { value = iterator.call(context, value, index); if (result == null || value < result) result = value; }); return result; } function partition(iterator, context) { iterator = iterator || Prototype.K; var trues = [], falses = []; this.each(function(value, index) { (iterator.call(context, value, index) ? trues : falses).push(value); }); return [trues, falses]; } function pluck(property) { var results = []; this.each(function(value) { results.push(value[property]); }); return results; } function reject(iterator, context) { var results = []; this.each(function(value, index) { if (!iterator.call(context, value, index)) results.push(value); }); return results; } function sortBy(iterator, context) { return this.map(function(value, index) { return { value: value, criteria: iterator.call(context, value, index) }; }).sort(function(left, right) { var a = left.criteria, b = right.criteria; return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0; }).pluck('value'); } function toArray() { return this.map(); } function zip() { var iterator = Prototype.K, args = $A(arguments); if (Object.isFunction(args.last())) iterator = args.pop(); var collections = [this].concat(args).map($A); return this.map(function(value, index) { return iterator(collections.pluck(index)); }); } function size() { return this.toArray().length; } function inspect() { return '#'; } return { each: each, eachSlice: eachSlice, all: all, every: all, any: any, some: any, collect: collect, map: collect, detect: detect, findAll: findAll, select: findAll, filter: findAll, grep: grep, include: include, member: include, inGroupsOf: inGroupsOf, inject: inject, invoke: invoke, max: max, min: min, partition: partition, pluck: pluck, reject: reject, sortBy: sortBy, toArray: toArray, entries: toArray, zip: zip, size: size, inspect: inspect, find: detect }; })(); function $A(iterable) { if (!iterable) return []; if ('toArray' in Object(iterable)) return iterable.toArray(); var length = iterable.length || 0, results = new Array(length); while (length--) results[length] = iterable[length]; return results; } function $w(string) { if (!Object.isString(string)) return []; string = string.strip(); return string ? string.split(/\s+/) : []; } Array.from = $A; (function() { var arrayProto = Array.prototype, slice = arrayProto.slice, _each = arrayProto.forEach; // use native browser JS 1.6 implementation if available function each(iterator) { for (var i = 0, length = this.length; i < length; i++) iterator(this[i]); } if (!_each) _each = each; function clear() { this.length = 0; return this; } function first() { return this[0]; } function last() { return this[this.length - 1]; } function compact() { return this.select(function(value) { return value != null; }); } function flatten() { return this.inject([], function(array, value) { if (Object.isArray(value)) return array.concat(value.flatten()); array.push(value); return array; }); } function without() { var values = slice.call(arguments, 0); return this.select(function(value) { return !values.include(value); }); } function reverse(inline) { return (inline !== false ? this : this.toArray())._reverse(); } function uniq(sorted) { return this.inject([], function(array, value, index) { if (0 == index || (sorted ? array.last() != value : !array.include(value))) array.push(value); return array; }); } function intersect(array) { return this.uniq().findAll(function(item) { return array.detect(function(value) { return item === value }); }); } function clone() { return slice.call(this, 0); } function size() { return this.length; } function inspect() { return '[' + this.map(Object.inspect).join(', ') + ']'; } function toJSON() { var results = []; this.each(function(object) { var value = Object.toJSON(object); if (!Object.isUndefined(value)) results.push(value); }); return '[' + results.join(', ') + ']'; } function indexOf(item, i) { i || (i = 0); var length = this.length; if (i < 0) i = length + i; for (; i < length; i++) if (this[i] === item) return i; return -1; } function lastIndexOf(item, i) { i = isNaN(i) ? this.length : (i < 0 ? this.length + i : i) + 1; var n = this.slice(0, i).reverse().indexOf(item); return (n < 0) ? n : i - n - 1; } function concat() { var array = slice.call(this, 0), item; for (var i = 0, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) { item = arguments[i]; if (Object.isArray(item) && !('callee' in item)) { for (var j = 0, arrayLength = item.length; j < arrayLength; j++) array.push(item[j]); } else { array.push(item); } } return array; } Object.extend(arrayProto, Enumerable); if (!arrayProto._reverse) arrayProto._reverse = arrayProto.reverse; Object.extend(arrayProto, { _each: _each, clear: clear, first: first, last: last, compact: compact, flatten: flatten, without: without, reverse: reverse, uniq: uniq, intersect: intersect, clone: clone, toArray: clone, size: size, inspect: inspect, toJSON: toJSON }); var CONCAT_ARGUMENTS_BUGGY = (function() { return [].concat(arguments)[0][0] !== 1; })(1,2) if (CONCAT_ARGUMENTS_BUGGY) arrayProto.concat = concat; if (!arrayProto.indexOf) arrayProto.indexOf = indexOf; if (!arrayProto.lastIndexOf) arrayProto.lastIndexOf = lastIndexOf; })(); function $H(object) { return new Hash(object); }; var Hash = Class.create(Enumerable, (function() { function initialize(object) { this._object = Object.isHash(object) ? object.toObject() : Object.clone(object); } function _each(iterator) { for (var key in this._object) { var value = this._object[key], pair = [key, value]; pair.key = key; pair.value = value; iterator(pair); } } function set(key, value) { return this._object[key] = value; } function get(key) { if (this._object[key] !== Object.prototype[key]) return this._object[key]; } function unset(key) { var value = this._object[key]; delete this._object[key]; return value; } function toObject() { return Object.clone(this._object); } function keys() { return this.pluck('key'); } function values() { return this.pluck('value'); } function index(value) { var match = this.detect(function(pair) { return pair.value === value; }); return match && match.key; } function merge(object) { return this.clone().update(object); } function update(object) { return new Hash(object).inject(this, function(result, pair) { result.set(pair.key, pair.value); return result; }); } function toQueryPair(key, value) { if (Object.isUndefined(value)) return key; return key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(String.interpret(value)); } function toQueryString() { return this.inject([], function(results, pair) { var key = encodeURIComponent(pair.key), values = pair.value; if (values && typeof values == 'object') { if (Object.isArray(values)) return results.concat(values.map(toQueryPair.curry(key))); } else results.push(toQueryPair(key, values)); return results; }).join('&'); } function inspect() { return '#'; } function toJSON() { return Object.toJSON(this.toObject()); } function clone() { return new Hash(this); } return { initialize: initialize, _each: _each, set: set, get: get, unset: unset, toObject: toObject, toTemplateReplacements: toObject, keys: keys, values: values, index: index, merge: merge, update: update, toQueryString: toQueryString, inspect: inspect, toJSON: toJSON, clone: clone }; })()); Hash.from = $H; Object.extend(Number.prototype, (function() { function toColorPart() { return this.toPaddedString(2, 16); } function succ() { return this + 1; } function times(iterator, context) { $R(0, this, true).each(iterator, context); return this; } function toPaddedString(length, radix) { var string = this.toString(radix || 10); return '0'.times(length - string.length) + string; } function toJSON() { return isFinite(this) ? this.toString() : 'null'; } function abs() { return Math.abs(this); } function round() { return Math.round(this); } function ceil() { return Math.ceil(this); } function floor() { return Math.floor(this); } return { toColorPart: toColorPart, succ: succ, times: times, toPaddedString: toPaddedString, toJSON: toJSON, abs: abs, round: round, ceil: ceil, floor: floor }; })()); function $R(start, end, exclusive) { return new ObjectRange(start, end, exclusive); } var ObjectRange = Class.create(Enumerable, (function() { function initialize(start, end, exclusive) { this.start = start; this.end = end; this.exclusive = exclusive; } function _each(iterator) { var value = this.start; while (this.include(value)) { iterator(value); value = value.succ(); } } function include(value) { if (value < this.start) return false; if (this.exclusive) return value < this.end; return value <= this.end; } return { initialize: initialize, _each: _each, include: include }; })()); var Ajax = { getTransport: function() { return Try.these( function() {return new XMLHttpRequest()}, function() {return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP')}, function() {return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')} ) || false; }, activeRequestCount: 0 }; Ajax.Responders = { responders: [], _each: function(iterator) { this.responders._each(iterator); }, register: function(responder) { if (!this.include(responder)) this.responders.push(responder); }, unregister: function(responder) { this.responders = this.responders.without(responder); }, dispatch: function(callback, request, transport, json) { this.each(function(responder) { if (Object.isFunction(responder[callback])) { try { responder[callback].apply(responder, [request, transport, json]); } catch (e) { } } }); } }; Object.extend(Ajax.Responders, Enumerable); Ajax.Responders.register({ onCreate: function() { Ajax.activeRequestCount++ }, onComplete: function() { Ajax.activeRequestCount-- } }); Ajax.Base = Class.create({ initialize: function(options) { this.options = { method: 'post', asynchronous: true, contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', encoding: 'UTF-8', parameters: '', evalJSON: true, evalJS: true }; Object.extend(this.options, options || { }); this.options.method = this.options.method.toLowerCase(); if (Object.isString(this.options.parameters)) this.options.parameters = this.options.parameters.toQueryParams(); else if (Object.isHash(this.options.parameters)) this.options.parameters = this.options.parameters.toObject(); } }); Ajax.Request = Class.create(Ajax.Base, { _complete: false, initialize: function($super, url, options) { $super(options); this.transport = Ajax.getTransport(); this.request(url); }, request: function(url) { this.url = url; this.method = this.options.method; var params = Object.clone(this.options.parameters); if (!['get', 'post'].include(this.method)) { params['_method'] = this.method; this.method = 'post'; } this.parameters = params; if (params = Object.toQueryString(params)) { if (this.method == 'get') this.url += (this.url.include('?') ? '&' : '?') + params; else if (/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/.test(navigator.userAgent)) params += '&_='; } try { var response = new Ajax.Response(this); if (this.options.onCreate) this.options.onCreate(response); Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onCreate', this, response); this.transport.open(this.method.toUpperCase(), this.url, this.options.asynchronous); if (this.options.asynchronous) this.respondToReadyState.bind(this).defer(1); this.transport.onreadystatechange = this.onStateChange.bind(this); this.setRequestHeaders(); this.body = this.method == 'post' ? (this.options.postBody || params) : null; this.transport.send(this.body); /* Force Firefox to handle ready state 4 for synchronous requests */ if (!this.options.asynchronous && this.transport.overrideMimeType) this.onStateChange(); } catch (e) { this.dispatchException(e); } }, onStateChange: function() { var readyState = this.transport.readyState; if (readyState > 1 && !((readyState == 4) && this._complete)) this.respondToReadyState(this.transport.readyState); }, setRequestHeaders: function() { var headers = { 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'X-Prototype-Version': Prototype.Version, 'Accept': 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*' }; if (this.method == 'post') { headers['Content-type'] = this.options.contentType + (this.options.encoding ? '; charset=' + this.options.encoding : ''); /* Force "Connection: close" for older Mozilla browsers to work * around a bug where XMLHttpRequest sends an incorrect * Content-length header. See Mozilla Bugzilla #246651. */ if (this.transport.overrideMimeType && (navigator.userAgent.match(/Gecko\/(\d{4})/) || [0,2005])[1] < 2005) headers['Connection'] = 'close'; } if (typeof this.options.requestHeaders == 'object') { var extras = this.options.requestHeaders; if (Object.isFunction(extras.push)) for (var i = 0, length = extras.length; i < length; i += 2) headers[extras[i]] = extras[i+1]; else $H(extras).each(function(pair) { headers[pair.key] = pair.value }); } for (var name in headers) this.transport.setRequestHeader(name, headers[name]); }, success: function() { var status = this.getStatus(); return !status || (status >= 200 && status < 300); }, getStatus: function() { try { return this.transport.status || 0; } catch (e) { return 0 } }, respondToReadyState: function(readyState) { var state = Ajax.Request.Events[readyState], response = new Ajax.Response(this); if (state == 'Complete') { try { this._complete = true; (this.options['on' + response.status] || this.options['on' + (this.success() ? 'Success' : 'Failure')] || Prototype.emptyFunction)(response, response.headerJSON); } catch (e) { this.dispatchException(e); } var contentType = response.getHeader('Content-type'); if (this.options.evalJS == 'force' || (this.options.evalJS && this.isSameOrigin() && contentType && contentType.match(/^\s*(text|application)\/(x-)?(java|ecma)script(;.*)?\s*$/i))) this.evalResponse(); } try { (this.options['on' + state] || Prototype.emptyFunction)(response, response.headerJSON); Ajax.Responders.dispatch('on' + state, this, response, response.headerJSON); } catch (e) { this.dispatchException(e); } if (state == 'Complete') { this.transport.onreadystatechange = Prototype.emptyFunction; } }, isSameOrigin: function() { var m = this.url.match(/^\s*https?:\/\/[^\/]*/); return !m || (m[0] == '#{protocol}//#{domain}#{port}'.interpolate({ protocol: location.protocol, domain: document.domain, port: location.port ? ':' + location.port : '' })); }, getHeader: function(name) { try { return this.transport.getResponseHeader(name) || null; } catch (e) { return null; } }, evalResponse: function() { try { return eval((this.transport.responseText || '').unfilterJSON()); } catch (e) { this.dispatchException(e); } }, dispatchException: function(exception) { (this.options.onException || Prototype.emptyFunction)(this, exception); Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onException', this, exception); } }); Ajax.Request.Events = ['Uninitialized', 'Loading', 'Loaded', 'Interactive', 'Complete']; Ajax.Response = Class.create({ initialize: function(request){ this.request = request; var transport = this.transport = request.transport, readyState = this.readyState = transport.readyState; if((readyState > 2 && !Prototype.Browser.IE) || readyState == 4) { this.status = this.getStatus(); this.statusText = this.getStatusText(); this.responseText = String.interpret(transport.responseText); this.headerJSON = this._getHeaderJSON(); } if(readyState == 4) { var xml = transport.responseXML; this.responseXML = Object.isUndefined(xml) ? null : xml; this.responseJSON = this._getResponseJSON(); } }, status: 0, statusText: '', getStatus: Ajax.Request.prototype.getStatus, getStatusText: function() { try { return this.transport.statusText || ''; } catch (e) { return '' } }, getHeader: Ajax.Request.prototype.getHeader, getAllHeaders: function() { try { return this.getAllResponseHeaders(); } catch (e) { return null } }, getResponseHeader: function(name) { return this.transport.getResponseHeader(name); }, getAllResponseHeaders: function() { return this.transport.getAllResponseHeaders(); }, _getHeaderJSON: function() { var json = this.getHeader('X-JSON'); if (!json) return null; json = decodeURIComponent(escape(json)); try { return json.evalJSON(this.request.options.sanitizeJSON || !this.request.isSameOrigin()); } catch (e) { this.request.dispatchException(e); } }, _getResponseJSON: function() { var options = this.request.options; if (!options.evalJSON || (options.evalJSON != 'force' && !(this.getHeader('Content-type') || '').include('application/json')) || this.responseText.blank()) return null; try { return this.responseText.evalJSON(options.sanitizeJSON || !this.request.isSameOrigin()); } catch (e) { this.request.dispatchException(e); } } }); Ajax.Updater = Class.create(Ajax.Request, { initialize: function($super, container, url, options) { this.container = { success: (container.success || container), failure: (container.failure || (container.success ? null : container)) }; options = Object.clone(options); var onComplete = options.onComplete; options.onComplete = (function(response, json) { this.updateContent(response.responseText); if (Object.isFunction(onComplete)) onComplete(response, json); }).bind(this); $super(url, options); }, updateContent: function(responseText) { var receiver = this.container[this.success() ? 'success' : 'failure'], options = this.options; if (!options.evalScripts) responseText = responseText.stripScripts(); if (receiver = $(receiver)) { if (options.insertion) { if (Object.isString(options.insertion)) { var insertion = { }; insertion[options.insertion] = responseText; receiver.insert(insertion); } else options.insertion(receiver, responseText); } else receiver.update(responseText); } } }); Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater = Class.create(Ajax.Base, { initialize: function($super, container, url, options) { $super(options); this.onComplete = this.options.onComplete; this.frequency = (this.options.frequency || 2); this.decay = (this.options.decay || 1); this.updater = { }; this.container = container; this.url = url; this.start(); }, start: function() { this.options.onComplete = this.updateComplete.bind(this); this.onTimerEvent(); }, stop: function() { this.updater.options.onComplete = undefined; clearTimeout(this.timer); (this.onComplete || Prototype.emptyFunction).apply(this, arguments); }, updateComplete: function(response) { if (this.options.decay) { this.decay = (response.responseText == this.lastText ? this.decay * this.options.decay : 1); this.lastText = response.responseText; } this.timer = this.onTimerEvent.bind(this).delay(this.decay * this.frequency); }, onTimerEvent: function() { this.updater = new Ajax.Updater(this.container, this.url, this.options); } }); function $(element) { if (arguments.length > 1) { for (var i = 0, elements = [], length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) elements.push($(arguments[i])); return elements; } if (Object.isString(element)) element = document.getElementById(element); return Element.extend(element); } if (Prototype.BrowserFeatures.XPath) { document._getElementsByXPath = function(expression, parentElement) { var results = []; var query = document.evaluate(expression, $(parentElement) || document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); for (var i = 0, length = query.snapshotLength; i < length; i++) results.push(Element.extend(query.snapshotItem(i))); return results; }; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (!window.Node) var Node = { }; if (!Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Object.extend(Node, { ELEMENT_NODE: 1, ATTRIBUTE_NODE: 2, TEXT_NODE: 3, CDATA_SECTION_NODE: 4, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: 5, ENTITY_NODE: 6, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: 7, COMMENT_NODE: 8, DOCUMENT_NODE: 9, DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: 10, DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: 11, NOTATION_NODE: 12 }); } (function(global) { var SETATTRIBUTE_IGNORES_NAME = (function(){ var elForm = document.createElement("form"); var elInput = document.createElement("input"); var root = document.documentElement; elInput.setAttribute("name", "test"); elForm.appendChild(elInput); root.appendChild(elForm); var isBuggy = elForm.elements ? (typeof elForm.elements.test == "undefined") : null; root.removeChild(elForm); elForm = elInput = null; return isBuggy; })(); var element = global.Element; global.Element = function(tagName, attributes) { attributes = attributes || { }; tagName = tagName.toLowerCase(); var cache = Element.cache; if (SETATTRIBUTE_IGNORES_NAME && attributes.name) { tagName = '<' + tagName + ' name="' + attributes.name + '">'; delete attributes.name; return Element.writeAttribute(document.createElement(tagName), attributes); } if (!cache[tagName]) cache[tagName] = Element.extend(document.createElement(tagName)); return Element.writeAttribute(cache[tagName].cloneNode(false), attributes); }; Object.extend(global.Element, element || { }); if (element) global.Element.prototype = element.prototype; })(this); Element.cache = { }; Element.idCounter = 1; Element.Methods = { visible: function(element) { return $(element).style.display != 'none'; }, toggle: function(element) { element = $(element); Element[Element.visible(element) ? 'hide' : 'show'](element); return element; }, hide: function(element) { element = $(element); element.style.display = 'none'; return element; }, show: function(element) { element = $(element); element.style.display = ''; return element; }, remove: function(element) { element = $(element); element.parentNode.removeChild(element); return element; }, update: (function(){ var SELECT_ELEMENT_INNERHTML_BUGGY = (function(){ var el = document.createElement("select"), isBuggy = true; el.innerHTML = ""; if (el.options && el.options[0]) { isBuggy = el.options[0].nodeName.toUpperCase() !== "OPTION"; } el = null; return isBuggy; })(); var TABLE_ELEMENT_INNERHTML_BUGGY = (function(){ try { var el = document.createElement("table"); if (el && el.tBodies) { el.innerHTML = "test"; var isBuggy = typeof el.tBodies[0] == "undefined"; el = null; return isBuggy; } } catch (e) { return true; } })(); var SCRIPT_ELEMENT_REJECTS_TEXTNODE_APPENDING = (function () { var s = document.createElement("script"), isBuggy = false; try { s.appendChild(document.createTextNode("")); isBuggy = !s.firstChild || s.firstChild && s.firstChild.nodeType !== 3; } catch (e) { isBuggy = true; } s = null; return isBuggy; })(); function update(element, content) { element = $(element); if (content && content.toElement) content = content.toElement(); if (Object.isElement(content)) return element.update().insert(content); content = Object.toHTML(content); var tagName = element.tagName.toUpperCase(); if (tagName === 'SCRIPT' && SCRIPT_ELEMENT_REJECTS_TEXTNODE_APPENDING) { element.text = content; return element; } if (SELECT_ELEMENT_INNERHTML_BUGGY || TABLE_ELEMENT_INNERHTML_BUGGY) { if (tagName in Element._insertionTranslations.tags) { while (element.firstChild) { element.removeChild(element.firstChild); } Element._getContentFromAnonymousElement(tagName, content.stripScripts()) .each(function(node) { element.appendChild(node) }); } else { element.innerHTML = content.stripScripts(); } } else { element.innerHTML = content.stripScripts(); } content.evalScripts.bind(content).defer(); return element; } return update; })(), replace: function(element, content) { element = $(element); if (content && content.toElement) content = content.toElement(); else if (!Object.isElement(content)) { content = Object.toHTML(content); var range = element.ownerDocument.createRange(); range.selectNode(element); content.evalScripts.bind(content).defer(); content = range.createContextualFragment(content.stripScripts()); } element.parentNode.replaceChild(content, element); return element; }, insert: function(element, insertions) { element = $(element); if (Object.isString(insertions) || Object.isNumber(insertions) || Object.isElement(insertions) || (insertions && (insertions.toElement || insertions.toHTML))) insertions = {bottom:insertions}; var content, insert, tagName, childNodes; for (var position in insertions) { content = insertions[position]; position = position.toLowerCase(); insert = Element._insertionTranslations[position]; if (content && content.toElement) content = content.toElement(); if (Object.isElement(content)) { insert(element, content); continue; } content = Object.toHTML(content); tagName = ((position == 'before' || position == 'after') ? element.parentNode : element).tagName.toUpperCase(); childNodes = Element._getContentFromAnonymousElement(tagName, content.stripScripts()); if (position == 'top' || position == 'after') childNodes.reverse(); childNodes.each(insert.curry(element)); content.evalScripts.bind(content).defer(); } return element; }, wrap: function(element, wrapper, attributes) { element = $(element); if (Object.isElement(wrapper)) $(wrapper).writeAttribute(attributes || { }); else if (Object.isString(wrapper)) wrapper = new Element(wrapper, attributes); else wrapper = new Element('div', wrapper); if (element.parentNode) element.parentNode.replaceChild(wrapper, element); wrapper.appendChild(element); return wrapper; }, inspect: function(element) { element = $(element); var result = '<' + element.tagName.toLowerCase(); $H({'id': 'id', 'className': 'class'}).each(function(pair) { var property = pair.first(), attribute = pair.last(); var value = (element[property] || '').toString(); if (value) result += ' ' + attribute + '=' + value.inspect(true); }); return result + '>'; }, recursivelyCollect: function(element, property) { element = $(element); var elements = []; while (element = element[property]) if (element.nodeType == 1) elements.push(Element.extend(element)); return elements; }, ancestors: function(element) { return Element.recursivelyCollect(element, 'parentNode'); }, descendants: function(element) { return Element.select(element, "*"); }, firstDescendant: function(element) { element = $(element).firstChild; while (element && element.nodeType != 1) element = element.nextSibling; return $(element); }, immediateDescendants: function(element) { if (!(element = $(element).firstChild)) return []; while (element && element.nodeType != 1) element = element.nextSibling; if (element) return [element].concat($(element).nextSiblings()); return []; }, previousSiblings: function(element) { return Element.recursivelyCollect(element, 'previousSibling'); }, nextSiblings: function(element) { return Element.recursivelyCollect(element, 'nextSibling'); }, siblings: function(element) { element = $(element); return Element.previousSiblings(element).reverse() .concat(Element.nextSiblings(element)); }, match: function(element, selector) { if (Object.isString(selector)) selector = new Selector(selector); return selector.match($(element)); }, up: function(element, expression, index) { element = $(element); if (arguments.length == 1) return $(element.parentNode); var ancestors = Element.ancestors(element); return Object.isNumber(expression) ? ancestors[expression] : Selector.findElement(ancestors, expression, index); }, down: function(element, expression, index) { element = $(element); if (arguments.length == 1) return Element.firstDescendant(element); return Object.isNumber(expression) ? Element.descendants(element)[expression] : Element.select(element, expression)[index || 0]; }, previous: function(element, expression, index) { element = $(element); if (arguments.length == 1) return $(Selector.handlers.previousElementSibling(element)); var previousSiblings = Element.previousSiblings(element); return Object.isNumber(expression) ? previousSiblings[expression] : Selector.findElement(previousSiblings, expression, index); }, next: function(element, expression, index) { element = $(element); if (arguments.length == 1) return $(Selector.handlers.nextElementSibling(element)); var nextSiblings = Element.nextSiblings(element); return Object.isNumber(expression) ? nextSiblings[expression] : Selector.findElement(nextSiblings, expression, index); }, select: function(element) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return Selector.findChildElements(element, args); }, adjacent: function(element) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return Selector.findChildElements(element.parentNode, args).without(element); }, identify: function(element) { element = $(element); var id = Element.readAttribute(element, 'id'); if (id) return id; do { id = 'anonymous_element_' + Element.idCounter++ } while ($(id)); Element.writeAttribute(element, 'id', id); return id; }, readAttribute: function(element, name) { element = $(element); if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { var t = Element._attributeTranslations.read; if (t.values[name]) return t.values[name](element, name); if (t.names[name]) name = t.names[name]; if (name.include(':')) { return (!element.attributes || !element.attributes[name]) ? null : element.attributes[name].value; } } return element.getAttribute(name); }, writeAttribute: function(element, name, value) { element = $(element); var attributes = { }, t = Element._attributeTranslations.write; if (typeof name == 'object') attributes = name; else attributes[name] = Object.isUndefined(value) ? true : value; for (var attr in attributes) { name = t.names[attr] || attr; value = attributes[attr]; if (t.values[attr]) name = t.values[attr](element, value); if (value === false || value === null) element.removeAttribute(name); else if (value === true) element.setAttribute(name, name); else element.setAttribute(name, value); } return element; }, getHeight: function(element) { return Element.getDimensions(element).height; }, getWidth: function(element) { return Element.getDimensions(element).width; }, classNames: function(element) { return new Element.ClassNames(element); }, hasClassName: function(element, className) { if (!(element = $(element))) return; var elementClassName = element.className; return (elementClassName.length > 0 && (elementClassName == className || new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)").test(elementClassName))); }, addClassName: function(element, className) { if (!(element = $(element))) return; if (!Element.hasClassName(element, className)) element.className += (element.className ? ' ' : '') + className; return element; }, removeClassName: function(element, className) { if (!(element = $(element))) return; element.className = element.className.replace( new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + className + "(\\s+|$)"), ' ').strip(); return element; }, toggleClassName: function(element, className) { if (!(element = $(element))) return; return Element[Element.hasClassName(element, className) ? 'removeClassName' : 'addClassName'](element, className); }, cleanWhitespace: function(element) { element = $(element); var node = element.firstChild; while (node) { var nextNode = node.nextSibling; if (node.nodeType == 3 && !/\S/.test(node.nodeValue)) element.removeChild(node); node = nextNode; } return element; }, empty: function(element) { return $(element).innerHTML.blank(); }, descendantOf: function(element, ancestor) { element = $(element), ancestor = $(ancestor); if (element.compareDocumentPosition) return (element.compareDocumentPosition(ancestor) & 8) === 8; if (ancestor.contains) return ancestor.contains(element) && ancestor !== element; while (element = element.parentNode) if (element == ancestor) return true; return false; }, scrollTo: function(element) { element = $(element); var pos = Element.cumulativeOffset(element); window.scrollTo(pos[0], pos[1]); return element; }, getStyle: function(element, style) { element = $(element); style = style == 'float' ? 'cssFloat' : style.camelize(); var value = element.style[style]; if (!value || value == 'auto') { var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null); value = css ? css[style] : null; } if (style == 'opacity') return value ? parseFloat(value) : 1.0; return value == 'auto' ? null : value; }, getOpacity: function(element) { return $(element).getStyle('opacity'); }, setStyle: function(element, styles) { element = $(element); var elementStyle = element.style, match; if (Object.isString(styles)) { element.style.cssText += ';' + styles; return styles.include('opacity') ? element.setOpacity(styles.match(/opacity:\s*(\d?\.?\d*)/)[1]) : element; } for (var property in styles) if (property == 'opacity') element.setOpacity(styles[property]); else elementStyle[(property == 'float' || property == 'cssFloat') ? (Object.isUndefined(elementStyle.styleFloat) ? 'cssFloat' : 'styleFloat') : property] = styles[property]; return element; }, setOpacity: function(element, value) { element = $(element); element.style.opacity = (value == 1 || value === '') ? '' : (value < 0.00001) ? 0 : value; return element; }, getDimensions: function(element) { element = $(element); var display = Element.getStyle(element, 'display'); if (display != 'none' && display != null) // Safari bug return {width: element.offsetWidth, height: element.offsetHeight}; var els = element.style; var originalVisibility = els.visibility; var originalPosition = els.position; var originalDisplay = els.display; els.visibility = 'hidden'; if (originalPosition != 'fixed') // Switching fixed to absolute causes issues in Safari els.position = 'absolute'; els.display = 'block'; var originalWidth = element.clientWidth; var originalHeight = element.clientHeight; els.display = originalDisplay; els.position = originalPosition; els.visibility = originalVisibility; return {width: originalWidth, height: originalHeight}; }, makePositioned: function(element) { element = $(element); var pos = Element.getStyle(element, 'position'); if (pos == 'static' || !pos) { element._madePositioned = true; element.style.position = 'relative'; if (Prototype.Browser.Opera) { element.style.top = 0; element.style.left = 0; } } return element; }, undoPositioned: function(element) { element = $(element); if (element._madePositioned) { element._madePositioned = undefined; element.style.position = element.style.top = element.style.left = element.style.bottom = element.style.right = ''; } return element; }, makeClipping: function(element) { element = $(element); if (element._overflow) return element; element._overflow = Element.getStyle(element, 'overflow') || 'auto'; if (element._overflow !== 'hidden') element.style.overflow = 'hidden'; return element; }, undoClipping: function(element) { element = $(element); if (!element._overflow) return element; element.style.overflow = element._overflow == 'auto' ? '' : element._overflow; element._overflow = null; return element; }, cumulativeOffset: function(element) { var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; do { valueT += element.offsetTop || 0; valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0; element = element.offsetParent; } while (element); return Element._returnOffset(valueL, valueT); }, positionedOffset: function(element) { var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; do { valueT += element.offsetTop || 0; valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0; element = element.offsetParent; if (element) { if (element.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'BODY') break; var p = Element.getStyle(element, 'position'); if (p !== 'static') break; } } while (element); return Element._returnOffset(valueL, valueT); }, absolutize: function(element) { element = $(element); if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'absolute') return element; var offsets = Element.positionedOffset(element); var top = offsets[1]; var left = offsets[0]; var width = element.clientWidth; var height = element.clientHeight; element._originalLeft = left - parseFloat(element.style.left || 0); element._originalTop = top - parseFloat(element.style.top || 0); element._originalWidth = element.style.width; element._originalHeight = element.style.height; element.style.position = 'absolute'; element.style.top = top + 'px'; element.style.left = left + 'px'; element.style.width = width + 'px'; element.style.height = height + 'px'; return element; }, relativize: function(element) { element = $(element); if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'relative') return element; element.style.position = 'relative'; var top = parseFloat(element.style.top || 0) - (element._originalTop || 0); var left = parseFloat(element.style.left || 0) - (element._originalLeft || 0); element.style.top = top + 'px'; element.style.left = left + 'px'; element.style.height = element._originalHeight; element.style.width = element._originalWidth; return element; }, cumulativeScrollOffset: function(element) { var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; do { valueT += element.scrollTop || 0; valueL += element.scrollLeft || 0; element = element.parentNode; } while (element); return Element._returnOffset(valueL, valueT); }, getOffsetParent: function(element) { if (element.offsetParent) return $(element.offsetParent); if (element == document.body) return $(element); while ((element = element.parentNode) && element != document.body) if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') != 'static') return $(element); return $(document.body); }, viewportOffset: function(forElement) { var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; var element = forElement; do { valueT += element.offsetTop || 0; valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0; if (element.offsetParent == document.body && Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'absolute') break; } while (element = element.offsetParent); element = forElement; do { if (!Prototype.Browser.Opera || (element.tagName && (element.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'BODY'))) { valueT -= element.scrollTop || 0; valueL -= element.scrollLeft || 0; } } while (element = element.parentNode); return Element._returnOffset(valueL, valueT); }, clonePosition: function(element, source) { var options = Object.extend({ setLeft: true, setTop: true, setWidth: true, setHeight: true, offsetTop: 0, offsetLeft: 0 }, arguments[2] || { }); source = $(source); var p = Element.viewportOffset(source); element = $(element); var delta = [0, 0]; var parent = null; if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'absolute') { parent = Element.getOffsetParent(element); delta = Element.viewportOffset(parent); } if (parent == document.body) { delta[0] -= document.body.offsetLeft; delta[1] -= document.body.offsetTop; } if (options.setLeft) element.style.left = (p[0] - delta[0] + options.offsetLeft) + 'px'; if (options.setTop) element.style.top = (p[1] - delta[1] + options.offsetTop) + 'px'; if (options.setWidth) element.style.width = source.offsetWidth + 'px'; if (options.setHeight) element.style.height = source.offsetHeight + 'px'; return element; } }; Object.extend(Element.Methods, { getElementsBySelector: Element.Methods.select, childElements: Element.Methods.immediateDescendants }); Element._attributeTranslations = { write: { names: { className: 'class', htmlFor: 'for' }, values: { } } }; if (Prototype.Browser.Opera) { Element.Methods.getStyle = Element.Methods.getStyle.wrap( function(proceed, element, style) { switch (style) { case 'left': case 'top': case 'right': case 'bottom': if (proceed(element, 'position') === 'static') return null; case 'height': case 'width': if (!Element.visible(element)) return null; var dim = parseInt(proceed(element, style), 10); if (dim !== element['offset' + style.capitalize()]) return dim + 'px'; var properties; if (style === 'height') { properties = ['border-top-width', 'padding-top', 'padding-bottom', 'border-bottom-width']; } else { properties = ['border-left-width', 'padding-left', 'padding-right', 'border-right-width']; } return properties.inject(dim, function(memo, property) { var val = proceed(element, property); return val === null ? memo : memo - parseInt(val, 10); }) + 'px'; default: return proceed(element, style); } } ); Element.Methods.readAttribute = Element.Methods.readAttribute.wrap( function(proceed, element, attribute) { if (attribute === 'title') return element.title; return proceed(element, attribute); } ); } else if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { Element.Methods.getOffsetParent = Element.Methods.getOffsetParent.wrap( function(proceed, element) { element = $(element); try { element.offsetParent } catch(e) { return $(document.body) } var position = element.getStyle('position'); if (position !== 'static') return proceed(element); element.setStyle({ position: 'relative' }); var value = proceed(element); element.setStyle({ position: position }); return value; } ); $w('positionedOffset viewportOffset').each(function(method) { Element.Methods[method] = Element.Methods[method].wrap( function(proceed, element) { element = $(element); try { element.offsetParent } catch(e) { return Element._returnOffset(0,0) } var position = element.getStyle('position'); if (position !== 'static') return proceed(element); var offsetParent = element.getOffsetParent(); if (offsetParent && offsetParent.getStyle('position') === 'fixed') offsetParent.setStyle({ zoom: 1 }); element.setStyle({ position: 'relative' }); var value = proceed(element); element.setStyle({ position: position }); return value; } ); }); Element.Methods.cumulativeOffset = Element.Methods.cumulativeOffset.wrap( function(proceed, element) { try { element.offsetParent } catch(e) { return Element._returnOffset(0,0) } return proceed(element); } ); Element.Methods.getStyle = function(element, style) { element = $(element); style = (style == 'float' || style == 'cssFloat') ? 'styleFloat' : style.camelize(); var value = element.style[style]; if (!value && element.currentStyle) value = element.currentStyle[style]; if (style == 'opacity') { if (value = (element.getStyle('filter') || '').match(/alpha\(opacity=(.*)\)/)) if (value[1]) return parseFloat(value[1]) / 100; return 1.0; } if (value == 'auto') { if ((style == 'width' || style == 'height') && (element.getStyle('display') != 'none')) return element['offset' + style.capitalize()] + 'px'; return null; } return value; }; Element.Methods.setOpacity = function(element, value) { function stripAlpha(filter){ return filter.replace(/alpha\([^\)]*\)/gi,''); } element = $(element); var currentStyle = element.currentStyle; if ((currentStyle && !currentStyle.hasLayout) || (!currentStyle && element.style.zoom == 'normal')) element.style.zoom = 1; var filter = element.getStyle('filter'), style = element.style; if (value == 1 || value === '') { (filter = stripAlpha(filter)) ? style.filter = filter : style.removeAttribute('filter'); return element; } else if (value < 0.00001) value = 0; style.filter = stripAlpha(filter) + 'alpha(opacity=' + (value * 100) + ')'; return element; }; Element._attributeTranslations = (function(){ var classProp = 'className'; var forProp = 'for'; var el = document.createElement('div'); el.setAttribute(classProp, 'x'); if (el.className !== 'x') { el.setAttribute('class', 'x'); if (el.className === 'x') { classProp = 'class'; } } el = null; el = document.createElement('label'); el.setAttribute(forProp, 'x'); if (el.htmlFor !== 'x') { el.setAttribute('htmlFor', 'x'); if (el.htmlFor === 'x') { forProp = 'htmlFor'; } } el = null; return { read: { names: { 'class': classProp, 'className': classProp, 'for': forProp, 'htmlFor': forProp }, values: { _getAttr: function(element, attribute) { return element.getAttribute(attribute); }, _getAttr2: function(element, attribute) { return element.getAttribute(attribute, 2); }, _getAttrNode: function(element, attribute) { var node = element.getAttributeNode(attribute); return node ? node.value : ""; }, _getEv: (function(){ var el = document.createElement('div'); el.onclick = Prototype.emptyFunction; var value = el.getAttribute('onclick'); var f; if (String(value).indexOf('{') > -1) { f = function(element, attribute) { attribute = element.getAttribute(attribute); if (!attribute) return null; attribute = attribute.toString(); attribute = attribute.split('{')[1]; attribute = attribute.split('}')[0]; return attribute.strip(); }; } else if (value === '') { f = function(element, attribute) { attribute = element.getAttribute(attribute); if (!attribute) return null; return attribute.strip(); }; } el = null; return f; })(), _flag: function(element, attribute) { return $(element).hasAttribute(attribute) ? attribute : null; }, style: function(element) { return element.style.cssText.toLowerCase(); }, title: function(element) { return element.title; } } } } })(); Element._attributeTranslations.write = { names: Object.extend({ cellpadding: 'cellPadding', cellspacing: 'cellSpacing' }, Element._attributeTranslations.read.names), values: { checked: function(element, value) { element.checked = !!value; }, style: function(element, value) { element.style.cssText = value ? value : ''; } } }; Element._attributeTranslations.has = {}; $w('colSpan rowSpan vAlign dateTime accessKey tabIndex ' + 'encType maxLength readOnly longDesc frameBorder').each(function(attr) { Element._attributeTranslations.write.names[attr.toLowerCase()] = attr; Element._attributeTranslations.has[attr.toLowerCase()] = attr; }); (function(v) { Object.extend(v, { href: v._getAttr2, src: v._getAttr2, type: v._getAttr, action: v._getAttrNode, disabled: v._flag, checked: v._flag, readonly: v._flag, multiple: v._flag, onload: v._getEv, onunload: v._getEv, onclick: v._getEv, ondblclick: v._getEv, onmousedown: v._getEv, onmouseup: v._getEv, onmouseover: v._getEv, onmousemove: v._getEv, onmouseout: v._getEv, onfocus: v._getEv, onblur: v._getEv, onkeypress: v._getEv, onkeydown: v._getEv, onkeyup: v._getEv, onsubmit: v._getEv, onreset: v._getEv, onselect: v._getEv, onchange: v._getEv }); })(Element._attributeTranslations.read.values); if (Prototype.BrowserFeatures.ElementExtensions) { (function() { function _descendants(element) { var nodes = element.getElementsByTagName('*'), results = []; for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) if (node.tagName !== "!") // Filter out comment nodes. results.push(node); return results; } Element.Methods.down = function(element, expression, index) { element = $(element); if (arguments.length == 1) return element.firstDescendant(); return Object.isNumber(expression) ? _descendants(element)[expression] : Element.select(element, expression)[index || 0]; } })(); } } else if (Prototype.Browser.Gecko && /rv:1\.8\.0/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { Element.Methods.setOpacity = function(element, value) { element = $(element); element.style.opacity = (value == 1) ? 0.999999 : (value === '') ? '' : (value < 0.00001) ? 0 : value; return element; }; } else if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) { Element.Methods.setOpacity = function(element, value) { element = $(element); element.style.opacity = (value == 1 || value === '') ? '' : (value < 0.00001) ? 0 : value; if (value == 1) if(element.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'IMG' && element.width) { element.width++; element.width--; } else try { var n = document.createTextNode(' '); element.appendChild(n); element.removeChild(n); } catch (e) { } return element; }; Element.Methods.cumulativeOffset = function(element) { var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; do { valueT += element.offsetTop || 0; valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0; if (element.offsetParent == document.body) if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'absolute') break; element = element.offsetParent; } while (element); return Element._returnOffset(valueL, valueT); }; } if ('outerHTML' in document.documentElement) { Element.Methods.replace = function(element, content) { element = $(element); if (content && content.toElement) content = content.toElement(); if (Object.isElement(content)) { element.parentNode.replaceChild(content, element); return element; } content = Object.toHTML(content); var parent = element.parentNode, tagName = parent.tagName.toUpperCase(); if (Element._insertionTranslations.tags[tagName]) { var nextSibling = element.next(); var fragments = Element._getContentFromAnonymousElement(tagName, content.stripScripts()); parent.removeChild(element); if (nextSibling) fragments.each(function(node) { parent.insertBefore(node, nextSibling) }); else fragments.each(function(node) { parent.appendChild(node) }); } else element.outerHTML = content.stripScripts(); content.evalScripts.bind(content).defer(); return element; }; } Element._returnOffset = function(l, t) { var result = [l, t]; result.left = l; result.top = t; return result; }; Element._getContentFromAnonymousElement = function(tagName, html) { var div = new Element('div'), t = Element._insertionTranslations.tags[tagName]; if (t) { div.innerHTML = t[0] + html + t[1]; t[2].times(function() { div = div.firstChild }); } else div.innerHTML = html; return $A(div.childNodes); }; Element._insertionTranslations = { before: function(element, node) { element.parentNode.insertBefore(node, element); }, top: function(element, node) { element.insertBefore(node, element.firstChild); }, bottom: function(element, node) { element.appendChild(node); }, after: function(element, node) { element.parentNode.insertBefore(node, element.nextSibling); }, tags: { TABLE: ['', '
', 1], TBODY: ['', '
', 2], TR: ['', '
', 3], TD: ['
', '
', 4], SELECT: ['', 1] } }; (function() { var tags = Element._insertionTranslations.tags; Object.extend(tags, { THEAD: tags.TBODY, TFOOT: tags.TBODY, TH: tags.TD }); })(); Element.Methods.Simulated = { hasAttribute: function(element, attribute) { attribute = Element._attributeTranslations.has[attribute] || attribute; var node = $(element).getAttributeNode(attribute); return !!(node && node.specified); } }; Element.Methods.ByTag = { }; Object.extend(Element, Element.Methods); (function(div) { if (!Prototype.BrowserFeatures.ElementExtensions && div['__proto__']) { window.HTMLElement = { }; window.HTMLElement.prototype = div['__proto__']; Prototype.BrowserFeatures.ElementExtensions = true; } div = null; })(document.createElement('div')) Element.extend = (function() { function checkDeficiency(tagName) { if (typeof window.Element != 'undefined') { var proto = window.Element.prototype; if (proto) { var id = '_' + (Math.random()+'').slice(2); var el = document.createElement(tagName); proto[id] = 'x'; var isBuggy = (el[id] !== 'x'); delete proto[id]; el = null; return isBuggy; } } return false; } function extendElementWith(element, methods) { for (var property in methods) { var value = methods[property]; if (Object.isFunction(value) && !(property in element)) element[property] = value.methodize(); } } var HTMLOBJECTELEMENT_PROTOTYPE_BUGGY = checkDeficiency('object'); if (Prototype.BrowserFeatures.SpecificElementExtensions) { if (HTMLOBJECTELEMENT_PROTOTYPE_BUGGY) { return function(element) { if (element && typeof element._extendedByPrototype == 'undefined') { var t = element.tagName; if (t && (/^(?:object|applet|embed)$/i.test(t))) { extendElementWith(element, Element.Methods); extendElementWith(element, Element.Methods.Simulated); extendElementWith(element, Element.Methods.ByTag[t.toUpperCase()]); } } return element; } } return Prototype.K; } var Methods = { }, ByTag = Element.Methods.ByTag; var extend = Object.extend(function(element) { if (!element || typeof element._extendedByPrototype != 'undefined' || element.nodeType != 1 || element == window) return element; var methods = Object.clone(Methods), tagName = element.tagName.toUpperCase(); if (ByTag[tagName]) Object.extend(methods, ByTag[tagName]); extendElementWith(element, methods); element._extendedByPrototype = Prototype.emptyFunction; return element; }, { refresh: function() { if (!Prototype.BrowserFeatures.ElementExtensions) { Object.extend(Methods, Element.Methods); Object.extend(Methods, Element.Methods.Simulated); } } }); extend.refresh(); return extend; })(); Element.hasAttribute = function(element, attribute) { if (element.hasAttribute) return element.hasAttribute(attribute); return Element.Methods.Simulated.hasAttribute(element, attribute); }; Element.addMethods = function(methods) { var F = Prototype.BrowserFeatures, T = Element.Methods.ByTag; if (!methods) { Object.extend(Form, Form.Methods); Object.extend(Form.Element, Form.Element.Methods); Object.extend(Element.Methods.ByTag, { "FORM": Object.clone(Form.Methods), "INPUT": Object.clone(Form.Element.Methods), "SELECT": Object.clone(Form.Element.Methods), "TEXTAREA": Object.clone(Form.Element.Methods) }); } if (arguments.length == 2) { var tagName = methods; methods = arguments[1]; } if (!tagName) Object.extend(Element.Methods, methods || { }); else { if (Object.isArray(tagName)) tagName.each(extend); else extend(tagName); } function extend(tagName) { tagName = tagName.toUpperCase(); if (!Element.Methods.ByTag[tagName]) Element.Methods.ByTag[tagName] = { }; Object.extend(Element.Methods.ByTag[tagName], methods); } function copy(methods, destination, onlyIfAbsent) { onlyIfAbsent = onlyIfAbsent || false; for (var property in methods) { var value = methods[property]; if (!Object.isFunction(value)) continue; if (!onlyIfAbsent || !(property in destination)) destination[property] = value.methodize(); } } function findDOMClass(tagName) { var klass; var trans = { "OPTGROUP": "OptGroup", "TEXTAREA": "TextArea", "P": "Paragraph", "FIELDSET": "FieldSet", "UL": "UList", "OL": "OList", "DL": "DList", "DIR": "Directory", "H1": "Heading", "H2": "Heading", "H3": "Heading", "H4": "Heading", "H5": "Heading", "H6": "Heading", "Q": "Quote", "INS": "Mod", "DEL": "Mod", "A": "Anchor", "IMG": "Image", "CAPTION": "TableCaption", "COL": "TableCol", "COLGROUP": "TableCol", "THEAD": "TableSection", "TFOOT": "TableSection", "TBODY": "TableSection", "TR": "TableRow", "TH": "TableCell", "TD": "TableCell", "FRAMESET": "FrameSet", "IFRAME": "IFrame" }; if (trans[tagName]) klass = 'HTML' + trans[tagName] + 'Element'; if (window[klass]) return window[klass]; klass = 'HTML' + tagName + 'Element'; if (window[klass]) return window[klass]; klass = 'HTML' + tagName.capitalize() + 'Element'; if (window[klass]) return window[klass]; var element = document.createElement(tagName); var proto = element['__proto__'] || element.constructor.prototype; element = null; return proto; } var elementPrototype = window.HTMLElement ? HTMLElement.prototype : Element.prototype; if (F.ElementExtensions) { copy(Element.Methods, elementPrototype); copy(Element.Methods.Simulated, elementPrototype, true); } if (F.SpecificElementExtensions) { for (var tag in Element.Methods.ByTag) { var klass = findDOMClass(tag); if (Object.isUndefined(klass)) continue; copy(T[tag], klass.prototype); } } Object.extend(Element, Element.Methods); delete Element.ByTag; if (Element.extend.refresh) Element.extend.refresh(); Element.cache = { }; }; document.viewport = { getDimensions: function() { return { width: this.getWidth(), height: this.getHeight() }; }, getScrollOffsets: function() { return Element._returnOffset( window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft, window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop); } }; (function(viewport) { var B = Prototype.Browser, doc = document, element, property = {}; function getRootElement() { if (B.WebKit && !doc.evaluate) return document; if (B.Opera && window.parseFloat(window.opera.version()) < 9.5) return document.body; return document.documentElement; } function define(D) { if (!element) element = getRootElement(); property[D] = 'client' + D; viewport['get' + D] = function() { return element[property[D]] }; return viewport['get' + D](); } viewport.getWidth = define.curry('Width'); viewport.getHeight = define.curry('Height'); })(document.viewport); Element.Storage = { UID: 1 }; Element.addMethods({ getStorage: function(element) { if (!(element = $(element))) return; var uid; if (element === window) { uid = 0; } else { if (typeof element._prototypeUID === "undefined") element._prototypeUID = [Element.Storage.UID++]; uid = element._prototypeUID[0]; } if (!Element.Storage[uid]) Element.Storage[uid] = $H(); return Element.Storage[uid]; }, store: function(element, key, value) { if (!(element = $(element))) return; if (arguments.length === 2) { Element.getStorage(element).update(key); } else { Element.getStorage(element).set(key, value); } return element; }, retrieve: function(element, key, defaultValue) { if (!(element = $(element))) return; var hash = Element.getStorage(element), value = hash.get(key); if (Object.isUndefined(value)) { hash.set(key, defaultValue); value = defaultValue; } return value; }, clone: function(element, deep) { if (!(element = $(element))) return; var clone = element.cloneNode(deep); clone._prototypeUID = void 0; if (deep) { var descendants = Element.select(clone, '*'), i = descendants.length; while (i--) { descendants[i]._prototypeUID = void 0; } } return Element.extend(clone); } }); /* Portions of the Selector class are derived from Jack Slocum's DomQuery, * part of YUI-Ext version 0.40, distributed under the terms of an MIT-style * license. Please see http://www.yui-ext.com/ for more information. */ var Selector = Class.create({ initialize: function(expression) { this.expression = expression.strip(); if (this.shouldUseSelectorsAPI()) { this.mode = 'selectorsAPI'; } else if (this.shouldUseXPath()) { this.mode = 'xpath'; this.compileXPathMatcher(); } else { this.mode = "normal"; this.compileMatcher(); } }, shouldUseXPath: (function() { var IS_DESCENDANT_SELECTOR_BUGGY = (function(){ var isBuggy = false; if (document.evaluate && window.XPathResult) { var el = document.createElement('div'); el.innerHTML = '
'; var xpath = ".//*[local-name()='ul' or local-name()='UL']" + "//*[local-name()='li' or local-name()='LI']"; var result = document.evaluate(xpath, el, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); isBuggy = (result.snapshotLength !== 2); el = null; } return isBuggy; })(); return function() { if (!Prototype.BrowserFeatures.XPath) return false; var e = this.expression; if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit && (e.include("-of-type") || e.include(":empty"))) return false; if ((/(\[[\w-]*?:|:checked)/).test(e)) return false; if (IS_DESCENDANT_SELECTOR_BUGGY) return false; return true; } })(), shouldUseSelectorsAPI: function() { if (!Prototype.BrowserFeatures.SelectorsAPI) return false; if (Selector.CASE_INSENSITIVE_CLASS_NAMES) return false; if (!Selector._div) Selector._div = new Element('div'); try { Selector._div.querySelector(this.expression); } catch(e) { return false; } return true; }, compileMatcher: function() { var e = this.expression, ps = Selector.patterns, h = Selector.handlers, c = Selector.criteria, le, p, m, len = ps.length, name; if (Selector._cache[e]) { this.matcher = Selector._cache[e]; return; } this.matcher = ["this.matcher = function(root) {", "var r = root, h = Selector.handlers, c = false, n;"]; while (e && le != e && (/\S/).test(e)) { le = e; for (var i = 0; i"; } }); if (Prototype.BrowserFeatures.SelectorsAPI && document.compatMode === 'BackCompat') { Selector.CASE_INSENSITIVE_CLASS_NAMES = (function(){ var div = document.createElement('div'), span = document.createElement('span'); div.id = "prototype_test_id"; span.className = 'Test'; div.appendChild(span); var isIgnored = (div.querySelector('#prototype_test_id .test') !== null); div = span = null; return isIgnored; })(); } Object.extend(Selector, { _cache: { }, xpath: { descendant: "//*", child: "/*", adjacent: "/following-sibling::*[1]", laterSibling: '/following-sibling::*', tagName: function(m) { if (m[1] == '*') return ''; return "[local-name()='" + m[1].toLowerCase() + "' or local-name()='" + m[1].toUpperCase() + "']"; }, className: "[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' #{1} ')]", id: "[@id='#{1}']", attrPresence: function(m) { m[1] = m[1].toLowerCase(); return new Template("[@#{1}]").evaluate(m); }, attr: function(m) { m[1] = m[1].toLowerCase(); m[3] = m[5] || m[6]; return new Template(Selector.xpath.operators[m[2]]).evaluate(m); }, pseudo: function(m) { var h = Selector.xpath.pseudos[m[1]]; if (!h) return ''; if (Object.isFunction(h)) return h(m); return new Template(Selector.xpath.pseudos[m[1]]).evaluate(m); }, operators: { '=': "[@#{1}='#{3}']", '!=': "[@#{1}!='#{3}']", '^=': "[starts-with(@#{1}, '#{3}')]", '$=': "[substring(@#{1}, (string-length(@#{1}) - string-length('#{3}') + 1))='#{3}']", '*=': "[contains(@#{1}, '#{3}')]", '~=': "[contains(concat(' ', @#{1}, ' '), ' #{3} ')]", '|=': "[contains(concat('-', @#{1}, '-'), '-#{3}-')]" }, pseudos: { 'first-child': '[not(preceding-sibling::*)]', 'last-child': '[not(following-sibling::*)]', 'only-child': '[not(preceding-sibling::* or following-sibling::*)]', 'empty': "[count(*) = 0 and (count(text()) = 0)]", 'checked': "[@checked]", 'disabled': "[(@disabled) and (@type!='hidden')]", 'enabled': "[not(@disabled) and (@type!='hidden')]", 'not': function(m) { var e = m[6], p = Selector.patterns, x = Selector.xpath, le, v, len = p.length, name; var exclusion = []; while (e && le != e && (/\S/).test(e)) { le = e; for (var i = 0; i= 0)]"; return new Template(predicate).evaluate({ fragment: fragment, a: a, b: b }); } } } }, criteria: { tagName: 'n = h.tagName(n, r, "#{1}", c); c = false;', className: 'n = h.className(n, r, "#{1}", c); c = false;', id: 'n = h.id(n, r, "#{1}", c); c = false;', attrPresence: 'n = h.attrPresence(n, r, "#{1}", c); c = false;', attr: function(m) { m[3] = (m[5] || m[6]); return new Template('n = h.attr(n, r, "#{1}", "#{3}", "#{2}", c); c = false;').evaluate(m); }, pseudo: function(m) { if (m[6]) m[6] = m[6].replace(/"/g, '\\"'); return new Template('n = h.pseudo(n, "#{1}", "#{6}", r, c); c = false;').evaluate(m); }, descendant: 'c = "descendant";', child: 'c = "child";', adjacent: 'c = "adjacent";', laterSibling: 'c = "laterSibling";' }, patterns: [ { name: 'laterSibling', re: /^\s*~\s*/ }, { name: 'child', re: /^\s*>\s*/ }, { name: 'adjacent', re: /^\s*\+\s*/ }, { name: 'descendant', re: /^\s/ }, { name: 'tagName', re: /^\s*(\*|[\w\-]+)(\b|$)?/ }, { name: 'id', re: /^#([\w\-\*]+)(\b|$)/ }, { name: 'className', re: /^\.([\w\-\*]+)(\b|$)/ }, { name: 'pseudo', re: /^:((first|last|nth|nth-last|only)(-child|-of-type)|empty|checked|(en|dis)abled|not)(\((.*?)\))?(\b|$|(?=\s|[:+~>]))/ }, { name: 'attrPresence', re: /^\[((?:[\w-]+:)?[\w-]+)\]/ }, { name: 'attr', re: /\[((?:[\w-]*:)?[\w-]+)\s*(?:([!^$*~|]?=)\s*((['"])([^\4]*?)\4|([^'"][^\]]*?)))?\]/ } ], assertions: { tagName: function(element, matches) { return matches[1].toUpperCase() == element.tagName.toUpperCase(); }, className: function(element, matches) { return Element.hasClassName(element, matches[1]); }, id: function(element, matches) { return element.id === matches[1]; }, attrPresence: function(element, matches) { return Element.hasAttribute(element, matches[1]); }, attr: function(element, matches) { var nodeValue = Element.readAttribute(element, matches[1]); return nodeValue && Selector.operators[matches[2]](nodeValue, matches[5] || matches[6]); } }, handlers: { concat: function(a, b) { for (var i = 0, node; node = b[i]; i++) a.push(node); return a; }, mark: function(nodes) { var _true = Prototype.emptyFunction; for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) node._countedByPrototype = _true; return nodes; }, unmark: (function(){ var PROPERTIES_ATTRIBUTES_MAP = (function(){ var el = document.createElement('div'), isBuggy = false, propName = '_countedByPrototype', value = 'x' el[propName] = value; isBuggy = (el.getAttribute(propName) === value); el = null; return isBuggy; })(); return PROPERTIES_ATTRIBUTES_MAP ? function(nodes) { for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) node.removeAttribute('_countedByPrototype'); return nodes; } : function(nodes) { for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) node._countedByPrototype = void 0; return nodes; } })(), index: function(parentNode, reverse, ofType) { parentNode._countedByPrototype = Prototype.emptyFunction; if (reverse) { for (var nodes = parentNode.childNodes, i = nodes.length - 1, j = 1; i >= 0; i--) { var node = nodes[i]; if (node.nodeType == 1 && (!ofType || node._countedByPrototype)) node.nodeIndex = j++; } } else { for (var i = 0, j = 1, nodes = parentNode.childNodes; node = nodes[i]; i++) if (node.nodeType == 1 && (!ofType || node._countedByPrototype)) node.nodeIndex = j++; } }, unique: function(nodes) { if (nodes.length == 0) return nodes; var results = [], n; for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) if (typeof (n = nodes[i])._countedByPrototype == 'undefined') { n._countedByPrototype = Prototype.emptyFunction; results.push(Element.extend(n)); } return Selector.handlers.unmark(results); }, descendant: function(nodes) { var h = Selector.handlers; for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) h.concat(results, node.getElementsByTagName('*')); return results; }, child: function(nodes) { var h = Selector.handlers; for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) { for (var j = 0, child; child = node.childNodes[j]; j++) if (child.nodeType == 1 && child.tagName != '!') results.push(child); } return results; }, adjacent: function(nodes) { for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) { var next = this.nextElementSibling(node); if (next) results.push(next); } return results; }, laterSibling: function(nodes) { var h = Selector.handlers; for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) h.concat(results, Element.nextSiblings(node)); return results; }, nextElementSibling: function(node) { while (node = node.nextSibling) if (node.nodeType == 1) return node; return null; }, previousElementSibling: function(node) { while (node = node.previousSibling) if (node.nodeType == 1) return node; return null; }, tagName: function(nodes, root, tagName, combinator) { var uTagName = tagName.toUpperCase(); var results = [], h = Selector.handlers; if (nodes) { if (combinator) { if (combinator == "descendant") { for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) h.concat(results, node.getElementsByTagName(tagName)); return results; } else nodes = this[combinator](nodes); if (tagName == "*") return nodes; } for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) if (node.tagName.toUpperCase() === uTagName) results.push(node); return results; } else return root.getElementsByTagName(tagName); }, id: function(nodes, root, id, combinator) { var targetNode = $(id), h = Selector.handlers; if (root == document) { if (!targetNode) return []; if (!nodes) return [targetNode]; } else { if (!root.sourceIndex || root.sourceIndex < 1) { var nodes = root.getElementsByTagName('*'); for (var j = 0, node; node = nodes[j]; j++) { if (node.id === id) return [node]; } } } if (nodes) { if (combinator) { if (combinator == 'child') { for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) if (targetNode.parentNode == node) return [targetNode]; } else if (combinator == 'descendant') { for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) if (Element.descendantOf(targetNode, node)) return [targetNode]; } else if (combinator == 'adjacent') { for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) if (Selector.handlers.previousElementSibling(targetNode) == node) return [targetNode]; } else nodes = h[combinator](nodes); } for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) if (node == targetNode) return [targetNode]; return []; } return (targetNode && Element.descendantOf(targetNode, root)) ? [targetNode] : []; }, className: function(nodes, root, className, combinator) { if (nodes && combinator) nodes = this[combinator](nodes); return Selector.handlers.byClassName(nodes, root, className); }, byClassName: function(nodes, root, className) { if (!nodes) nodes = Selector.handlers.descendant([root]); var needle = ' ' + className + ' '; for (var i = 0, results = [], node, nodeClassName; node = nodes[i]; i++) { nodeClassName = node.className; if (nodeClassName.length == 0) continue; if (nodeClassName == className || (' ' + nodeClassName + ' ').include(needle)) results.push(node); } return results; }, attrPresence: function(nodes, root, attr, combinator) { if (!nodes) nodes = root.getElementsByTagName("*"); if (nodes && combinator) nodes = this[combinator](nodes); var results = []; for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) if (Element.hasAttribute(node, attr)) results.push(node); return results; }, attr: function(nodes, root, attr, value, operator, combinator) { if (!nodes) nodes = root.getElementsByTagName("*"); if (nodes && combinator) nodes = this[combinator](nodes); var handler = Selector.operators[operator], results = []; for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) { var nodeValue = Element.readAttribute(node, attr); if (nodeValue === null) continue; if (handler(nodeValue, value)) results.push(node); } return results; }, pseudo: function(nodes, name, value, root, combinator) { if (nodes && combinator) nodes = this[combinator](nodes); if (!nodes) nodes = root.getElementsByTagName("*"); return Selector.pseudos[name](nodes, value, root); } }, pseudos: { 'first-child': function(nodes, value, root) { for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) { if (Selector.handlers.previousElementSibling(node)) continue; results.push(node); } return results; }, 'last-child': function(nodes, value, root) { for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) { if (Selector.handlers.nextElementSibling(node)) continue; results.push(node); } return results; }, 'only-child': function(nodes, value, root) { var h = Selector.handlers; for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) if (!h.previousElementSibling(node) && !h.nextElementSibling(node)) results.push(node); return results; }, 'nth-child': function(nodes, formula, root) { return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, formula, root); }, 'nth-last-child': function(nodes, formula, root) { return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, formula, root, true); }, 'nth-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) { return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, formula, root, false, true); }, 'nth-last-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) { return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, formula, root, true, true); }, 'first-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) { return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, "1", root, false, true); }, 'last-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) { return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, "1", root, true, true); }, 'only-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) { var p = Selector.pseudos; return p['last-of-type'](p['first-of-type'](nodes, formula, root), formula, root); }, getIndices: function(a, b, total) { if (a == 0) return b > 0 ? [b] : []; return $R(1, total).inject([], function(memo, i) { if (0 == (i - b) % a && (i - b) / a >= 0) memo.push(i); return memo; }); }, nth: function(nodes, formula, root, reverse, ofType) { if (nodes.length == 0) return []; if (formula == 'even') formula = '2n+0'; if (formula == 'odd') formula = '2n+1'; var h = Selector.handlers, results = [], indexed = [], m; h.mark(nodes); for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) { if (!node.parentNode._countedByPrototype) { h.index(node.parentNode, reverse, ofType); indexed.push(node.parentNode); } } if (formula.match(/^\d+$/)) { // just a number formula = Number(formula); for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) if (node.nodeIndex == formula) results.push(node); } else if (m = formula.match(/^(-?\d*)?n(([+-])(\d+))?/)) { // an+b if (m[1] == "-") m[1] = -1; var a = m[1] ? Number(m[1]) : 1; var b = m[2] ? Number(m[2]) : 0; var indices = Selector.pseudos.getIndices(a, b, nodes.length); for (var i = 0, node, l = indices.length; node = nodes[i]; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < l; j++) if (node.nodeIndex == indices[j]) results.push(node); } } h.unmark(nodes); h.unmark(indexed); return results; }, 'empty': function(nodes, value, root) { for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) { if (node.tagName == '!' || node.firstChild) continue; results.push(node); } return results; }, 'not': function(nodes, selector, root) { var h = Selector.handlers, selectorType, m; var exclusions = new Selector(selector).findElements(root); h.mark(exclusions); for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) if (!node._countedByPrototype) results.push(node); h.unmark(exclusions); return results; }, 'enabled': function(nodes, value, root) { for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) if (!node.disabled && (!node.type || node.type !== 'hidden')) results.push(node); return results; }, 'disabled': function(nodes, value, root) { for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) if (node.disabled) results.push(node); return results; }, 'checked': function(nodes, value, root) { for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) if (node.checked) results.push(node); return results; } }, operators: { '=': function(nv, v) { return nv == v; }, '!=': function(nv, v) { return nv != v; }, '^=': function(nv, v) { return nv == v || nv && nv.startsWith(v); }, '$=': function(nv, v) { return nv == v || nv && nv.endsWith(v); }, '*=': function(nv, v) { return nv == v || nv && nv.include(v); }, '~=': function(nv, v) { return (' ' + nv + ' ').include(' ' + v + ' '); }, '|=': function(nv, v) { return ('-' + (nv || "").toUpperCase() + '-').include('-' + (v || "").toUpperCase() + '-'); } }, split: function(expression) { var expressions = []; expression.scan(/(([\w#:.~>+()\s-]+|\*|\[.*?\])+)\s*(,|$)/, function(m) { expressions.push(m[1].strip()); }); return expressions; }, matchElements: function(elements, expression) { var matches = $$(expression), h = Selector.handlers; h.mark(matches); for (var i = 0, results = [], element; element = elements[i]; i++) if (element._countedByPrototype) results.push(element); h.unmark(matches); return results; }, findElement: function(elements, expression, index) { if (Object.isNumber(expression)) { index = expression; expression = false; } return Selector.matchElements(elements, expression || '*')[index || 0]; }, findChildElements: function(element, expressions) { expressions = Selector.split(expressions.join(',')); var results = [], h = Selector.handlers; for (var i = 0, l = expressions.length, selector; i < l; i++) { selector = new Selector(expressions[i].strip()); h.concat(results, selector.findElements(element)); } return (l > 1) ? h.unique(results) : results; } }); if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { Object.extend(Selector.handlers, { concat: function(a, b) { for (var i = 0, node; node = b[i]; i++) if (node.tagName !== "!") a.push(node); return a; } }); } function $$() { return Selector.findChildElements(document, $A(arguments)); } var Form = { reset: function(form) { form = $(form); form.reset(); return form; }, serializeElements: function(elements, options) { if (typeof options != 'object') options = { hash: !!options }; else if (Object.isUndefined(options.hash)) options.hash = true; var key, value, submitted = false, submit = options.submit; var data = elements.inject({ }, function(result, element) { if (!element.disabled && element.name) { key = element.name; value = $(element).getValue(); if (value != null && element.type != 'file' && (element.type != 'submit' || (!submitted && submit !== false && (!submit || key == submit) && (submitted = true)))) { if (key in result) { if (!Object.isArray(result[key])) result[key] = [result[key]]; result[key].push(value); } else result[key] = value; } } return result; }); return options.hash ? data : Object.toQueryString(data); } }; Form.Methods = { serialize: function(form, options) { return Form.serializeElements(Form.getElements(form), options); }, getElements: function(form) { var elements = $(form).getElementsByTagName('*'), element, arr = [ ], serializers = Form.Element.Serializers; for (var i = 0; element = elements[i]; i++) { arr.push(element); } return arr.inject([], function(elements, child) { if (serializers[child.tagName.toLowerCase()]) elements.push(Element.extend(child)); return elements; }) }, getInputs: function(form, typeName, name) { form = $(form); var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName('input'); if (!typeName && !name) return $A(inputs).map(Element.extend); for (var i = 0, matchingInputs = [], length = inputs.length; i < length; i++) { var input = inputs[i]; if ((typeName && input.type != typeName) || (name && input.name != name)) continue; matchingInputs.push(Element.extend(input)); } return matchingInputs; }, disable: function(form) { form = $(form); Form.getElements(form).invoke('disable'); return form; }, enable: function(form) { form = $(form); Form.getElements(form).invoke('enable'); return form; }, findFirstElement: function(form) { var elements = $(form).getElements().findAll(function(element) { return 'hidden' != element.type && !element.disabled; }); var firstByIndex = elements.findAll(function(element) { return element.hasAttribute('tabIndex') && element.tabIndex >= 0; }).sortBy(function(element) { return element.tabIndex }).first(); return firstByIndex ? firstByIndex : elements.find(function(element) { return /^(?:input|select|textarea)$/i.test(element.tagName); }); }, focusFirstElement: function(form) { form = $(form); form.findFirstElement().activate(); return form; }, request: function(form, options) { form = $(form), options = Object.clone(options || { }); var params = options.parameters, action = form.readAttribute('action') || ''; if (action.blank()) action = window.location.href; options.parameters = form.serialize(true); if (params) { if (Object.isString(params)) params = params.toQueryParams(); Object.extend(options.parameters, params); } if (form.hasAttribute('method') && !options.method) options.method = form.method; return new Ajax.Request(action, options); } }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Form.Element = { focus: function(element) { $(element).focus(); return element; }, select: function(element) { $(element).select(); return element; } }; Form.Element.Methods = { serialize: function(element) { element = $(element); if (!element.disabled && element.name) { var value = element.getValue(); if (value != undefined) { var pair = { }; pair[element.name] = value; return Object.toQueryString(pair); } } return ''; }, getValue: function(element) { element = $(element); var method = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); return Form.Element.Serializers[method](element); }, setValue: function(element, value) { element = $(element); var method = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); Form.Element.Serializers[method](element, value); return element; }, clear: function(element) { $(element).value = ''; return element; }, present: function(element) { return $(element).value != ''; }, activate: function(element) { element = $(element); try { element.focus(); if (element.select && (element.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'input' || !(/^(?:button|reset|submit)$/i.test(element.type)))) element.select(); } catch (e) { } return element; }, disable: function(element) { element = $(element); element.disabled = true; return element; }, enable: function(element) { element = $(element); element.disabled = false; return element; } }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var Field = Form.Element; var $F = Form.Element.Methods.getValue; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Form.Element.Serializers = { input: function(element, value) { switch (element.type.toLowerCase()) { case 'checkbox': case 'radio': return Form.Element.Serializers.inputSelector(element, value); default: return Form.Element.Serializers.textarea(element, value); } }, inputSelector: function(element, value) { if (Object.isUndefined(value)) return element.checked ? element.value : null; else element.checked = !!value; }, textarea: function(element, value) { if (Object.isUndefined(value)) return element.value; else element.value = value; }, select: function(element, value) { if (Object.isUndefined(value)) return this[element.type == 'select-one' ? 'selectOne' : 'selectMany'](element); else { var opt, currentValue, single = !Object.isArray(value); for (var i = 0, length = element.length; i < length; i++) { opt = element.options[i]; currentValue = this.optionValue(opt); if (single) { if (currentValue == value) { opt.selected = true; return; } } else opt.selected = value.include(currentValue); } } }, selectOne: function(element) { var index = element.selectedIndex; return index >= 0 ? this.optionValue(element.options[index]) : null; }, selectMany: function(element) { var values, length = element.length; if (!length) return null; for (var i = 0, values = []; i < length; i++) { var opt = element.options[i]; if (opt.selected) values.push(this.optionValue(opt)); } return values; }, optionValue: function(opt) { return Element.extend(opt).hasAttribute('value') ? opt.value : opt.text; } }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Abstract.TimedObserver = Class.create(PeriodicalExecuter, { initialize: function($super, element, frequency, callback) { $super(callback, frequency); this.element = $(element); this.lastValue = this.getValue(); }, execute: function() { var value = this.getValue(); if (Object.isString(this.lastValue) && Object.isString(value) ? this.lastValue != value : String(this.lastValue) != String(value)) { this.callback(this.element, value); this.lastValue = value; } } }); Form.Element.Observer = Class.create(Abstract.TimedObserver, { getValue: function() { return Form.Element.getValue(this.element); } }); Form.Observer = Class.create(Abstract.TimedObserver, { getValue: function() { return Form.serialize(this.element); } }); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Abstract.EventObserver = Class.create({ initialize: function(element, callback) { this.element = $(element); this.callback = callback; this.lastValue = this.getValue(); if (this.element.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'form') this.registerFormCallbacks(); else this.registerCallback(this.element); }, onElementEvent: function() { var value = this.getValue(); if (this.lastValue != value) { this.callback(this.element, value); this.lastValue = value; } }, registerFormCallbacks: function() { Form.getElements(this.element).each(this.registerCallback, this); }, registerCallback: function(element) { if (element.type) { switch (element.type.toLowerCase()) { case 'checkbox': case 'radio': Event.observe(element, 'click', this.onElementEvent.bind(this)); break; default: Event.observe(element, 'change', this.onElementEvent.bind(this)); break; } } } }); Form.Element.EventObserver = Class.create(Abstract.EventObserver, { getValue: function() { return Form.Element.getValue(this.element); } }); Form.EventObserver = Class.create(Abstract.EventObserver, { getValue: function() { return Form.serialize(this.element); } }); (function() { var Event = { KEY_BACKSPACE: 8, KEY_TAB: 9, KEY_RETURN: 13, KEY_ESC: 27, KEY_LEFT: 37, KEY_UP: 38, KEY_RIGHT: 39, KEY_DOWN: 40, KEY_DELETE: 46, KEY_HOME: 36, KEY_END: 35, KEY_PAGEUP: 33, KEY_PAGEDOWN: 34, KEY_INSERT: 45, cache: {} }; var docEl = document.documentElement; var MOUSEENTER_MOUSELEAVE_EVENTS_SUPPORTED = 'onmouseenter' in docEl && 'onmouseleave' in docEl; var _isButton; if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { var buttonMap = { 0: 1, 1: 4, 2: 2 }; _isButton = function(event, code) { return event.button === buttonMap[code]; }; } else if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) { _isButton = function(event, code) { switch (code) { case 0: return event.which == 1 && !event.metaKey; case 1: return event.which == 1 && event.metaKey; default: return false; } }; } else { _isButton = function(event, code) { return event.which ? (event.which === code + 1) : (event.button === code); }; } function isLeftClick(event) { return _isButton(event, 0) } function isMiddleClick(event) { return _isButton(event, 1) } function isRightClick(event) { return _isButton(event, 2) } function element(event) { event = Event.extend(event); var node = event.target, type = event.type, currentTarget = event.currentTarget; if (currentTarget && currentTarget.tagName) { if (type === 'load' || type === 'error' || (type === 'click' && currentTarget.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input' && currentTarget.type === 'radio')) node = currentTarget; } if (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) node = node.parentNode; return Element.extend(node); } function findElement(event, expression) { var element = Event.element(event); if (!expression) return element; var elements = [element].concat(element.ancestors()); return Selector.findElement(elements, expression, 0); } function pointer(event) { return { x: pointerX(event), y: pointerY(event) }; } function pointerX(event) { var docElement = document.documentElement, body = document.body || { scrollLeft: 0 }; return event.pageX || (event.clientX + (docElement.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft) - (docElement.clientLeft || 0)); } function pointerY(event) { var docElement = document.documentElement, body = document.body || { scrollTop: 0 }; return event.pageY || (event.clientY + (docElement.scrollTop || body.scrollTop) - (docElement.clientTop || 0)); } function stop(event) { Event.extend(event); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); event.stopped = true; } Event.Methods = { isLeftClick: isLeftClick, isMiddleClick: isMiddleClick, isRightClick: isRightClick, element: element, findElement: findElement, pointer: pointer, pointerX: pointerX, pointerY: pointerY, stop: stop }; var methods = Object.keys(Event.Methods).inject({ }, function(m, name) { m[name] = Event.Methods[name].methodize(); return m; }); if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { function _relatedTarget(event) { var element; switch (event.type) { case 'mouseover': element = event.fromElement; break; case 'mouseout': element = event.toElement; break; default: return null; } return Element.extend(element); } Object.extend(methods, { stopPropagation: function() { this.cancelBubble = true }, preventDefault: function() { this.returnValue = false }, inspect: function() { return '[object Event]' } }); Event.extend = function(event, element) { if (!event) return false; if (event._extendedByPrototype) return event; event._extendedByPrototype = Prototype.emptyFunction; var pointer = Event.pointer(event); Object.extend(event, { target: event.srcElement || element, relatedTarget: _relatedTarget(event), pageX: pointer.x, pageY: pointer.y }); return Object.extend(event, methods); }; } else { Event.prototype = window.Event.prototype || document.createEvent('HTMLEvents').__proto__; Object.extend(Event.prototype, methods); Event.extend = Prototype.K; } function _createResponder(element, eventName, handler) { var registry = Element.retrieve(element, 'prototype_event_registry'); if (Object.isUndefined(registry)) { CACHE.push(element); registry = Element.retrieve(element, 'prototype_event_registry', $H()); } var respondersForEvent = registry.get(eventName); if (Object.isUndefined(respondersForEvent)) { respondersForEvent = []; registry.set(eventName, respondersForEvent); } if (respondersForEvent.pluck('handler').include(handler)) return false; var responder; if (eventName.include(":")) { responder = function(event) { if (Object.isUndefined(event.eventName)) return false; if (event.eventName !== eventName) return false; Event.extend(event, element); handler.call(element, event); }; } else { if (!MOUSEENTER_MOUSELEAVE_EVENTS_SUPPORTED && (eventName === "mouseenter" || eventName === "mouseleave")) { if (eventName === "mouseenter" || eventName === "mouseleave") { responder = function(event) { Event.extend(event, element); var parent = event.relatedTarget; while (parent && parent !== element) { try { parent = parent.parentNode; } catch(e) { parent = element; } } if (parent === element) return; handler.call(element, event); }; } } else { responder = function(event) { Event.extend(event, element); handler.call(element, event); }; } } responder.handler = handler; respondersForEvent.push(responder); return responder; } function _destroyCache() { for (var i = 0, length = CACHE.length; i < length; i++) { Event.stopObserving(CACHE[i]); CACHE[i] = null; } } var CACHE = []; if (Prototype.Browser.IE) window.attachEvent('onunload', _destroyCache); if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) window.addEventListener('unload', Prototype.emptyFunction, false); var _getDOMEventName = Prototype.K; if (!MOUSEENTER_MOUSELEAVE_EVENTS_SUPPORTED) { _getDOMEventName = function(eventName) { var translations = { mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout" }; return eventName in translations ? translations[eventName] : eventName; }; } function observe(element, eventName, handler) { element = $(element); var responder = _createResponder(element, eventName, handler); if (!responder) return element; if (eventName.include(':')) { if (element.addEventListener) element.addEventListener("dataavailable", responder, false); else { element.attachEvent("ondataavailable", responder); element.attachEvent("onfilterchange", responder); } } else { var actualEventName = _getDOMEventName(eventName); if (element.addEventListener) element.addEventListener(actualEventName, responder, false); else element.attachEvent("on" + actualEventName, responder); } return element; } function stopObserving(element, eventName, handler) { element = $(element); var registry = Element.retrieve(element, 'prototype_event_registry'); if (Object.isUndefined(registry)) return element; if (eventName && !handler) { var responders = registry.get(eventName); if (Object.isUndefined(responders)) return element; responders.each( function(r) { Element.stopObserving(element, eventName, r.handler); }); return element; } else if (!eventName) { registry.each( function(pair) { var eventName = pair.key, responders = pair.value; responders.each( function(r) { Element.stopObserving(element, eventName, r.handler); }); }); return element; } var responders = registry.get(eventName); if (!responders) return; var responder = responders.find( function(r) { return r.handler === handler; }); if (!responder) return element; var actualEventName = _getDOMEventName(eventName); if (eventName.include(':')) { if (element.removeEventListener) element.removeEventListener("dataavailable", responder, false); else { element.detachEvent("ondataavailable", responder); element.detachEvent("onfilterchange", responder); } } else { if (element.removeEventListener) element.removeEventListener(actualEventName, responder, false); else element.detachEvent('on' + actualEventName, responder); } registry.set(eventName, responders.without(responder)); return element; } function fire(element, eventName, memo, bubble) { element = $(element); if (Object.isUndefined(bubble)) bubble = true; if (element == document && document.createEvent && !element.dispatchEvent) element = document.documentElement; var event; if (document.createEvent) { event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); event.initEvent('dataavailable', true, true); } else { event = document.createEventObject(); event.eventType = bubble ? 'ondataavailable' : 'onfilterchange'; } event.eventName = eventName; event.memo = memo || { }; if (document.createEvent) element.dispatchEvent(event); else element.fireEvent(event.eventType, event); return Event.extend(event); } Object.extend(Event, Event.Methods); Object.extend(Event, { fire: fire, observe: observe, stopObserving: stopObserving }); Element.addMethods({ fire: fire, observe: observe, stopObserving: stopObserving }); Object.extend(document, { fire: fire.methodize(), observe: observe.methodize(), stopObserving: stopObserving.methodize(), loaded: false }); if (window.Event) Object.extend(window.Event, Event); else window.Event = Event; })(); (function() { /* Support for the DOMContentLoaded event is based on work by Dan Webb, Matthias Miller, Dean Edwards, John Resig, and Diego Perini. */ var timer; function fireContentLoadedEvent() { if (document.loaded) return; if (timer) window.clearTimeout(timer); document.loaded = true; document.fire('dom:loaded'); } function checkReadyState() { if (document.readyState === 'complete') { document.stopObserving('readystatechange', checkReadyState); fireContentLoadedEvent(); } } function pollDoScroll() { try { document.documentElement.doScroll('left'); } catch(e) { timer = pollDoScroll.defer(); return; } fireContentLoadedEvent(); } if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fireContentLoadedEvent, false); } else { document.observe('readystatechange', checkReadyState); if (window == top) timer = pollDoScroll.defer(); } Event.observe(window, 'load', fireContentLoadedEvent); })(); Element.addMethods(); /*------------------------------- DEPRECATED -------------------------------*/ Hash.toQueryString = Object.toQueryString; var Toggle = { display: Element.toggle }; Element.Methods.childOf = Element.Methods.descendantOf; var Insertion = { Before: function(element, content) { return Element.insert(element, {before:content}); }, Top: function(element, content) { return Element.insert(element, {top:content}); }, Bottom: function(element, content) { return Element.insert(element, {bottom:content}); }, After: function(element, content) { return Element.insert(element, {after:content}); } }; var $continue = new Error('"throw $continue" is deprecated, use "return" instead'); var Position = { includeScrollOffsets: false, prepare: function() { this.deltaX = window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft || 0; this.deltaY = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop || 0; }, within: function(element, x, y) { if (this.includeScrollOffsets) return this.withinIncludingScrolloffsets(element, x, y); this.xcomp = x; this.ycomp = y; this.offset = Element.cumulativeOffset(element); return (y >= this.offset[1] && y < this.offset[1] + element.offsetHeight && x >= this.offset[0] && x < this.offset[0] + element.offsetWidth); }, withinIncludingScrolloffsets: function(element, x, y) { var offsetcache = Element.cumulativeScrollOffset(element); this.xcomp = x + offsetcache[0] - this.deltaX; this.ycomp = y + offsetcache[1] - this.deltaY; this.offset = Element.cumulativeOffset(element); return (this.ycomp >= this.offset[1] && this.ycomp < this.offset[1] + element.offsetHeight && this.xcomp >= this.offset[0] && this.xcomp < this.offset[0] + element.offsetWidth); }, overlap: function(mode, element) { if (!mode) return 0; if (mode == 'vertical') return ((this.offset[1] + element.offsetHeight) - this.ycomp) / element.offsetHeight; if (mode == 'horizontal') return ((this.offset[0] + element.offsetWidth) - this.xcomp) / element.offsetWidth; }, cumulativeOffset: Element.Methods.cumulativeOffset, positionedOffset: Element.Methods.positionedOffset, absolutize: function(element) { Position.prepare(); return Element.absolutize(element); }, relativize: function(element) { Position.prepare(); return Element.relativize(element); }, realOffset: Element.Methods.cumulativeScrollOffset, offsetParent: Element.Methods.getOffsetParent, page: Element.Methods.viewportOffset, clone: function(source, target, options) { options = options || { }; return Element.clonePosition(target, source, options); } }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (!document.getElementsByClassName) document.getElementsByClassName = function(instanceMethods){ function iter(name) { return name.blank() ? null : "[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' " + name + " ')]"; } instanceMethods.getElementsByClassName = Prototype.BrowserFeatures.XPath ? function(element, className) { className = className.toString().strip(); var cond = /\s/.test(className) ? $w(className).map(iter).join('') : iter(className); return cond ? document._getElementsByXPath('.//*' + cond, element) : []; } : function(element, className) { className = className.toString().strip(); var elements = [], classNames = (/\s/.test(className) ? $w(className) : null); if (!classNames && !className) return elements; var nodes = $(element).getElementsByTagName('*'); className = ' ' + className + ' '; for (var i = 0, child, cn; child = nodes[i]; i++) { if (child.className && (cn = ' ' + child.className + ' ') && (cn.include(className) || (classNames && classNames.all(function(name) { return !name.toString().blank() && cn.include(' ' + name + ' '); })))) elements.push(Element.extend(child)); } return elements; }; return function(className, parentElement) { return $(parentElement || document.body).getElementsByClassName(className); }; }(Element.Methods); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Element.ClassNames = Class.create(); Element.ClassNames.prototype = { initialize: function(element) { this.element = $(element); }, _each: function(iterator) { this.element.className.split(/\s+/).select(function(name) { return name.length > 0; })._each(iterator); }, set: function(className) { this.element.className = className; }, add: function(classNameToAdd) { if (this.include(classNameToAdd)) return; this.set($A(this).concat(classNameToAdd).join(' ')); }, remove: function(classNameToRemove) { if (!this.include(classNameToRemove)) return; this.set($A(this).without(classNameToRemove).join(' ')); }, toString: function() { return $A(this).join(' '); } }; Object.extend(Element.ClassNames.prototype, Enumerable); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // script.aculo.us effects.js v1.8.3, Thu Oct 08 11:23:33 +0200 2009 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Thomas Fuchs (http://script.aculo.us, http://mir.aculo.us) // Contributors: // Justin Palmer (http://encytemedia.com/) // Mark Pilgrim (http://diveintomark.org/) // Martin Bialasinki // // script.aculo.us is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license. // For details, see the script.aculo.us web site: http://script.aculo.us/ // converts rgb() and #xxx to #xxxxxx format, // returns self (or first argument) if not convertable String.prototype.parseColor = function() { var color = '#'; if (this.slice(0,4) == 'rgb(') { var cols = this.slice(4,this.length-1).split(','); var i=0; do { color += parseInt(cols[i]).toColorPart() } while (++i<3); } else { if (this.slice(0,1) == '#') { if (this.length==4) for(var i=1;i<4;i++) color += (this.charAt(i) + this.charAt(i)).toLowerCase(); if (this.length==7) color = this.toLowerCase(); } } return (color.length==7 ? color : (arguments[0] || this)); }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Element.collectTextNodes = function(element) { return $A($(element).childNodes).collect( function(node) { return (node.nodeType==3 ? node.nodeValue : (node.hasChildNodes() ? Element.collectTextNodes(node) : '')); }).flatten().join(''); }; Element.collectTextNodesIgnoreClass = function(element, className) { return $A($(element).childNodes).collect( function(node) { return (node.nodeType==3 ? node.nodeValue : ((node.hasChildNodes() && !Element.hasClassName(node,className)) ? Element.collectTextNodesIgnoreClass(node, className) : '')); }).flatten().join(''); }; Element.setContentZoom = function(element, percent) { element = $(element); element.setStyle({fontSize: (percent/100) + 'em'}); if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) window.scrollBy(0,0); return element; }; Element.getInlineOpacity = function(element){ return $(element).style.opacity || ''; }; Element.forceRerendering = function(element) { try { element = $(element); var n = document.createTextNode(' '); element.appendChild(n); element.removeChild(n); } catch(e) { } }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var Effect = { _elementDoesNotExistError: { name: 'ElementDoesNotExistError', message: 'The specified DOM element does not exist, but is required for this effect to operate' }, Transitions: { linear: Prototype.K, sinoidal: function(pos) { return (-Math.cos(pos*Math.PI)/2) + .5; }, reverse: function(pos) { return 1-pos; }, flicker: function(pos) { var pos = ((-Math.cos(pos*Math.PI)/4) + .75) + Math.random()/4; return pos > 1 ? 1 : pos; }, wobble: function(pos) { return (-Math.cos(pos*Math.PI*(9*pos))/2) + .5; }, pulse: function(pos, pulses) { return (-Math.cos((pos*((pulses||5)-.5)*2)*Math.PI)/2) + .5; }, spring: function(pos) { return 1 - (Math.cos(pos * 4.5 * Math.PI) * Math.exp(-pos * 6)); }, none: function(pos) { return 0; }, full: function(pos) { return 1; } }, DefaultOptions: { duration: 1.0, // seconds fps: 100, // 100= assume 66fps max. sync: false, // true for combining from: 0.0, to: 1.0, delay: 0.0, queue: 'parallel' }, tagifyText: function(element) { var tagifyStyle = 'position:relative'; if (Prototype.Browser.IE) tagifyStyle += ';zoom:1'; element = $(element); $A(element.childNodes).each( function(child) { if (child.nodeType==3) { child.nodeValue.toArray().each( function(character) { element.insertBefore( new Element('span', {style: tagifyStyle}).update( character == ' ' ? String.fromCharCode(160) : character), child); }); Element.remove(child); } }); }, multiple: function(element, effect) { var elements; if (((typeof element == 'object') || Object.isFunction(element)) && (element.length)) elements = element; else elements = $(element).childNodes; var options = Object.extend({ speed: 0.1, delay: 0.0 }, arguments[2] || { }); var masterDelay = options.delay; $A(elements).each( function(element, index) { new effect(element, Object.extend(options, { delay: index * options.speed + masterDelay })); }); }, PAIRS: { 'slide': ['SlideDown','SlideUp'], 'blind': ['BlindDown','BlindUp'], 'appear': ['Appear','Fade'] }, toggle: function(element, effect, options) { element = $(element); effect = (effect || 'appear').toLowerCase(); return Effect[ Effect.PAIRS[ effect ][ element.visible() ? 1 : 0 ] ](element, Object.extend({ queue: { position:'end', scope:(element.id || 'global'), limit: 1 } }, options || {})); } }; Effect.DefaultOptions.transition = Effect.Transitions.sinoidal; /* ------------- core effects ------------- */ Effect.ScopedQueue = Class.create(Enumerable, { initialize: function() { this.effects = []; this.interval = null; }, _each: function(iterator) { this.effects._each(iterator); }, add: function(effect) { var timestamp = new Date().getTime(); var position = Object.isString(effect.options.queue) ? effect.options.queue : effect.options.queue.position; switch(position) { case 'front': // move unstarted effects after this effect this.effects.findAll(function(e){ return e.state=='idle' }).each( function(e) { e.startOn += effect.finishOn; e.finishOn += effect.finishOn; }); break; case 'with-last': timestamp = this.effects.pluck('startOn').max() || timestamp; break; case 'end': // start effect after last queued effect has finished timestamp = this.effects.pluck('finishOn').max() || timestamp; break; } effect.startOn += timestamp; effect.finishOn += timestamp; if (!effect.options.queue.limit || (this.effects.length < effect.options.queue.limit)) this.effects.push(effect); if (!this.interval) this.interval = setInterval(this.loop.bind(this), 15); }, remove: function(effect) { this.effects = this.effects.reject(function(e) { return e==effect }); if (this.effects.length == 0) { clearInterval(this.interval); this.interval = null; } }, loop: function() { var timePos = new Date().getTime(); for(var i=0, len=this.effects.length;i= this.startOn) { if (timePos >= this.finishOn) { this.render(1.0); this.cancel(); this.event('beforeFinish'); if (this.finish) this.finish(); this.event('afterFinish'); return; } var pos = (timePos - this.startOn) / this.totalTime, frame = (pos * this.totalFrames).round(); if (frame > this.currentFrame) { this.render(pos); this.currentFrame = frame; } } }, cancel: function() { if (!this.options.sync) Effect.Queues.get(Object.isString(this.options.queue) ? 'global' : this.options.queue.scope).remove(this); this.state = 'finished'; }, event: function(eventName) { if (this.options[eventName + 'Internal']) this.options[eventName + 'Internal'](this); if (this.options[eventName]) this.options[eventName](this); }, inspect: function() { var data = $H(); for(property in this) if (!Object.isFunction(this[property])) data.set(property, this[property]); return '#'; } }); Effect.Parallel = Class.create(Effect.Base, { initialize: function(effects) { this.effects = effects || []; this.start(arguments[1]); }, update: function(position) { this.effects.invoke('render', position); }, finish: function(position) { this.effects.each( function(effect) { effect.render(1.0); effect.cancel(); effect.event('beforeFinish'); if (effect.finish) effect.finish(position); effect.event('afterFinish'); }); } }); Effect.Tween = Class.create(Effect.Base, { initialize: function(object, from, to) { object = Object.isString(object) ? $(object) : object; var args = $A(arguments), method = args.last(), options = args.length == 5 ? args[3] : null; this.method = Object.isFunction(method) ? method.bind(object) : Object.isFunction(object[method]) ? object[method].bind(object) : function(value) { object[method] = value }; this.start(Object.extend({ from: from, to: to }, options || { })); }, update: function(position) { this.method(position); } }); Effect.Event = Class.create(Effect.Base, { initialize: function() { this.start(Object.extend({ duration: 0 }, arguments[0] || { })); }, update: Prototype.emptyFunction }); Effect.Opacity = Class.create(Effect.Base, { initialize: function(element) { this.element = $(element); if (!this.element) throw(Effect._elementDoesNotExistError); // make this work on IE on elements without 'layout' if (Prototype.Browser.IE && (!this.element.currentStyle.hasLayout)) this.element.setStyle({zoom: 1}); var options = Object.extend({ from: this.element.getOpacity() || 0.0, to: 1.0 }, arguments[1] || { }); this.start(options); }, update: function(position) { this.element.setOpacity(position); } }); Effect.Move = Class.create(Effect.Base, { initialize: function(element) { this.element = $(element); if (!this.element) throw(Effect._elementDoesNotExistError); var options = Object.extend({ x: 0, y: 0, mode: 'relative' }, arguments[1] || { }); this.start(options); }, setup: function() { this.element.makePositioned(); this.originalLeft = parseFloat(this.element.getStyle('left') || '0'); this.originalTop = parseFloat(this.element.getStyle('top') || '0'); if (this.options.mode == 'absolute') { this.options.x = this.options.x - this.originalLeft; this.options.y = this.options.y - this.originalTop; } }, update: function(position) { this.element.setStyle({ left: (this.options.x * position + this.originalLeft).round() + 'px', top: (this.options.y * position + this.originalTop).round() + 'px' }); } }); // for backwards compatibility Effect.MoveBy = function(element, toTop, toLeft) { return new Effect.Move(element, Object.extend({ x: toLeft, y: toTop }, arguments[3] || { })); }; Effect.Scale = Class.create(Effect.Base, { initialize: function(element, percent) { this.element = $(element); if (!this.element) throw(Effect._elementDoesNotExistError); var options = Object.extend({ scaleX: true, scaleY: true, scaleContent: true, scaleFromCenter: false, scaleMode: 'box', // 'box' or 'contents' or { } with provided values scaleFrom: 100.0, scaleTo: percent }, arguments[2] || { }); this.start(options); }, setup: function() { this.restoreAfterFinish = this.options.restoreAfterFinish || false; this.elementPositioning = this.element.getStyle('position'); this.originalStyle = { }; ['top','left','width','height','fontSize'].each( function(k) { this.originalStyle[k] = this.element.style[k]; }.bind(this)); this.originalTop = this.element.offsetTop; this.originalLeft = this.element.offsetLeft; var fontSize = this.element.getStyle('font-size') || '100%'; ['em','px','%','pt'].each( function(fontSizeType) { if (fontSize.indexOf(fontSizeType)>0) { this.fontSize = parseFloat(fontSize); this.fontSizeType = fontSizeType; } }.bind(this)); this.factor = (this.options.scaleTo - this.options.scaleFrom)/100; this.dims = null; if (this.options.scaleMode=='box') this.dims = [this.element.offsetHeight, this.element.offsetWidth]; if (/^content/.test(this.options.scaleMode)) this.dims = [this.element.scrollHeight, this.element.scrollWidth]; if (!this.dims) this.dims = [this.options.scaleMode.originalHeight, this.options.scaleMode.originalWidth]; }, update: function(position) { var currentScale = (this.options.scaleFrom/100.0) + (this.factor * position); if (this.options.scaleContent && this.fontSize) this.element.setStyle({fontSize: this.fontSize * currentScale + this.fontSizeType }); this.setDimensions(this.dims[0] * currentScale, this.dims[1] * currentScale); }, finish: function(position) { if (this.restoreAfterFinish) this.element.setStyle(this.originalStyle); }, setDimensions: function(height, width) { var d = { }; if (this.options.scaleX) d.width = width.round() + 'px'; if (this.options.scaleY) d.height = height.round() + 'px'; if (this.options.scaleFromCenter) { var topd = (height - this.dims[0])/2; var leftd = (width - this.dims[1])/2; if (this.elementPositioning == 'absolute') { if (this.options.scaleY) d.top = this.originalTop-topd + 'px'; if (this.options.scaleX) d.left = this.originalLeft-leftd + 'px'; } else { if (this.options.scaleY) d.top = -topd + 'px'; if (this.options.scaleX) d.left = -leftd + 'px'; } } this.element.setStyle(d); } }); Effect.Highlight = Class.create(Effect.Base, { initialize: function(element) { this.element = $(element); if (!this.element) throw(Effect._elementDoesNotExistError); var options = Object.extend({ startcolor: '#ffff99' }, arguments[1] || { }); this.start(options); }, setup: function() { // Prevent executing on elements not in the layout flow if (this.element.getStyle('display')=='none') { this.cancel(); return; } // Disable background image during the effect this.oldStyle = { }; if (!this.options.keepBackgroundImage) { this.oldStyle.backgroundImage = this.element.getStyle('background-image'); this.element.setStyle({backgroundImage: 'none'}); } if (!this.options.endcolor) this.options.endcolor = this.element.getStyle('background-color').parseColor('#ffffff'); if (!this.options.restorecolor) this.options.restorecolor = this.element.getStyle('background-color'); // init color calculations this._base = $R(0,2).map(function(i){ return parseInt(this.options.startcolor.slice(i*2+1,i*2+3),16) }.bind(this)); this._delta = $R(0,2).map(function(i){ return parseInt(this.options.endcolor.slice(i*2+1,i*2+3),16)-this._base[i] }.bind(this)); }, update: function(position) { this.element.setStyle({backgroundColor: $R(0,2).inject('#',function(m,v,i){ return m+((this._base[i]+(this._delta[i]*position)).round().toColorPart()); }.bind(this)) }); }, finish: function() { this.element.setStyle(Object.extend(this.oldStyle, { backgroundColor: this.options.restorecolor })); } }); Effect.ScrollTo = function(element) { var options = arguments[1] || { }, scrollOffsets = document.viewport.getScrollOffsets(), elementOffsets = $(element).cumulativeOffset(); if (options.offset) elementOffsets[1] += options.offset; return new Effect.Tween(null, scrollOffsets.top, elementOffsets[1], options, function(p){ scrollTo(scrollOffsets.left, p.round()); } ); }; /* ------------- combination effects ------------- */ Effect.Fade = function(element) { element = $(element); var oldOpacity = element.getInlineOpacity(); var options = Object.extend({ from: element.getOpacity() || 1.0, to: 0.0, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { if (effect.options.to!=0) return; effect.element.hide().setStyle({opacity: oldOpacity}); } }, arguments[1] || { }); return new Effect.Opacity(element,options); }; Effect.Appear = function(element) { element = $(element); var options = Object.extend({ from: (element.getStyle('display') == 'none' ? 0.0 : element.getOpacity() || 0.0), to: 1.0, // force Safari to render floated elements properly afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { effect.element.forceRerendering(); }, beforeSetup: function(effect) { effect.element.setOpacity(effect.options.from).show(); }}, arguments[1] || { }); return new Effect.Opacity(element,options); }; Effect.Puff = function(element) { element = $(element); var oldStyle = { opacity: element.getInlineOpacity(), position: element.getStyle('position'), top: element.style.top, left: element.style.left, width: element.style.width, height: element.style.height }; return new Effect.Parallel( [ new Effect.Scale(element, 200, { sync: true, scaleFromCenter: true, scaleContent: true, restoreAfterFinish: true }), new Effect.Opacity(element, { sync: true, to: 0.0 } ) ], Object.extend({ duration: 1.0, beforeSetupInternal: function(effect) { Position.absolutize(effect.effects[0].element); }, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { effect.effects[0].element.hide().setStyle(oldStyle); } }, arguments[1] || { }) ); }; Effect.BlindUp = function(element) { element = $(element); element.makeClipping(); return new Effect.Scale(element, 0, Object.extend({ scaleContent: false, scaleX: false, restoreAfterFinish: true, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { effect.element.hide().undoClipping(); } }, arguments[1] || { }) ); }; Effect.BlindDown = function(element) { element = $(element); var elementDimensions = element.getDimensions(); return new Effect.Scale(element, 100, Object.extend({ scaleContent: false, scaleX: false, scaleFrom: 0, scaleMode: {originalHeight: elementDimensions.height, originalWidth: elementDimensions.width}, restoreAfterFinish: true, afterSetup: function(effect) { effect.element.makeClipping().setStyle({height: '0px'}).show(); }, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { effect.element.undoClipping(); } }, arguments[1] || { })); }; Effect.SwitchOff = function(element) { element = $(element); var oldOpacity = element.getInlineOpacity(); return new Effect.Appear(element, Object.extend({ duration: 0.4, from: 0, transition: Effect.Transitions.flicker, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { new Effect.Scale(effect.element, 1, { duration: 0.3, scaleFromCenter: true, scaleX: false, scaleContent: false, restoreAfterFinish: true, beforeSetup: function(effect) { effect.element.makePositioned().makeClipping(); }, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { effect.element.hide().undoClipping().undoPositioned().setStyle({opacity: oldOpacity}); } }); } }, arguments[1] || { })); }; Effect.DropOut = function(element) { element = $(element); var oldStyle = { top: element.getStyle('top'), left: element.getStyle('left'), opacity: element.getInlineOpacity() }; return new Effect.Parallel( [ new Effect.Move(element, {x: 0, y: 100, sync: true }), new Effect.Opacity(element, { sync: true, to: 0.0 }) ], Object.extend( { duration: 0.5, beforeSetup: function(effect) { effect.effects[0].element.makePositioned(); }, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { effect.effects[0].element.hide().undoPositioned().setStyle(oldStyle); } }, arguments[1] || { })); }; Effect.Shake = function(element) { element = $(element); var options = Object.extend({ distance: 20, duration: 0.5 }, arguments[1] || {}); var distance = parseFloat(options.distance); var split = parseFloat(options.duration) / 10.0; var oldStyle = { top: element.getStyle('top'), left: element.getStyle('left') }; return new Effect.Move(element, { x: distance, y: 0, duration: split, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { new Effect.Move(effect.element, { x: -distance*2, y: 0, duration: split*2, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { new Effect.Move(effect.element, { x: distance*2, y: 0, duration: split*2, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { new Effect.Move(effect.element, { x: -distance*2, y: 0, duration: split*2, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { new Effect.Move(effect.element, { x: distance*2, y: 0, duration: split*2, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { new Effect.Move(effect.element, { x: -distance, y: 0, duration: split, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { effect.element.undoPositioned().setStyle(oldStyle); }}); }}); }}); }}); }}); }}); }; Effect.SlideDown = function(element) { element = $(element).cleanWhitespace(); // SlideDown need to have the content of the element wrapped in a container element with fixed height! var oldInnerBottom = element.down().getStyle('bottom'); var elementDimensions = element.getDimensions(); return new Effect.Scale(element, 100, Object.extend({ scaleContent: false, scaleX: false, scaleFrom: window.opera ? 0 : 1, scaleMode: {originalHeight: elementDimensions.height, originalWidth: elementDimensions.width}, restoreAfterFinish: true, afterSetup: function(effect) { effect.element.makePositioned(); effect.element.down().makePositioned(); if (window.opera) effect.element.setStyle({top: ''}); effect.element.makeClipping().setStyle({height: '0px'}).show(); }, afterUpdateInternal: function(effect) { effect.element.down().setStyle({bottom: (effect.dims[0] - effect.element.clientHeight) + 'px' }); }, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { effect.element.undoClipping().undoPositioned(); effect.element.down().undoPositioned().setStyle({bottom: oldInnerBottom}); } }, arguments[1] || { }) ); }; Effect.SlideUp = function(element) { element = $(element).cleanWhitespace(); var oldInnerBottom = element.down().getStyle('bottom'); var elementDimensions = element.getDimensions(); return new Effect.Scale(element, window.opera ? 0 : 1, Object.extend({ scaleContent: false, scaleX: false, scaleMode: 'box', scaleFrom: 100, scaleMode: {originalHeight: elementDimensions.height, originalWidth: elementDimensions.width}, restoreAfterFinish: true, afterSetup: function(effect) { effect.element.makePositioned(); effect.element.down().makePositioned(); if (window.opera) effect.element.setStyle({top: ''}); effect.element.makeClipping().show(); }, afterUpdateInternal: function(effect) { effect.element.down().setStyle({bottom: (effect.dims[0] - effect.element.clientHeight) + 'px' }); }, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { effect.element.hide().undoClipping().undoPositioned(); effect.element.down().undoPositioned().setStyle({bottom: oldInnerBottom}); } }, arguments[1] || { }) ); }; // Bug in opera makes the TD containing this element expand for a instance after finish Effect.Squish = function(element) { return new Effect.Scale(element, window.opera ? 1 : 0, { restoreAfterFinish: true, beforeSetup: function(effect) { effect.element.makeClipping(); }, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { effect.element.hide().undoClipping(); } }); }; Effect.Grow = function(element) { element = $(element); var options = Object.extend({ direction: 'center', moveTransition: Effect.Transitions.sinoidal, scaleTransition: Effect.Transitions.sinoidal, opacityTransition: Effect.Transitions.full }, arguments[1] || { }); var oldStyle = { top: element.style.top, left: element.style.left, height: element.style.height, width: element.style.width, opacity: element.getInlineOpacity() }; var dims = element.getDimensions(); var initialMoveX, initialMoveY; var moveX, moveY; switch (options.direction) { case 'top-left': initialMoveX = initialMoveY = moveX = moveY = 0; break; case 'top-right': initialMoveX = dims.width; initialMoveY = moveY = 0; moveX = -dims.width; break; case 'bottom-left': initialMoveX = moveX = 0; initialMoveY = dims.height; moveY = -dims.height; break; case 'bottom-right': initialMoveX = dims.width; initialMoveY = dims.height; moveX = -dims.width; moveY = -dims.height; break; case 'center': initialMoveX = dims.width / 2; initialMoveY = dims.height / 2; moveX = -dims.width / 2; moveY = -dims.height / 2; break; } return new Effect.Move(element, { x: initialMoveX, y: initialMoveY, duration: 0.01, beforeSetup: function(effect) { effect.element.hide().makeClipping().makePositioned(); }, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { new Effect.Parallel( [ new Effect.Opacity(effect.element, { sync: true, to: 1.0, from: 0.0, transition: options.opacityTransition }), new Effect.Move(effect.element, { x: moveX, y: moveY, sync: true, transition: options.moveTransition }), new Effect.Scale(effect.element, 100, { scaleMode: { originalHeight: dims.height, originalWidth: dims.width }, sync: true, scaleFrom: window.opera ? 1 : 0, transition: options.scaleTransition, restoreAfterFinish: true}) ], Object.extend({ beforeSetup: function(effect) { effect.effects[0].element.setStyle({height: '0px'}).show(); }, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { effect.effects[0].element.undoClipping().undoPositioned().setStyle(oldStyle); } }, options) ); } }); }; Effect.Shrink = function(element) { element = $(element); var options = Object.extend({ direction: 'center', moveTransition: Effect.Transitions.sinoidal, scaleTransition: Effect.Transitions.sinoidal, opacityTransition: Effect.Transitions.none }, arguments[1] || { }); var oldStyle = { top: element.style.top, left: element.style.left, height: element.style.height, width: element.style.width, opacity: element.getInlineOpacity() }; var dims = element.getDimensions(); var moveX, moveY; switch (options.direction) { case 'top-left': moveX = moveY = 0; break; case 'top-right': moveX = dims.width; moveY = 0; break; case 'bottom-left': moveX = 0; moveY = dims.height; break; case 'bottom-right': moveX = dims.width; moveY = dims.height; break; case 'center': moveX = dims.width / 2; moveY = dims.height / 2; break; } return new Effect.Parallel( [ new Effect.Opacity(element, { sync: true, to: 0.0, from: 1.0, transition: options.opacityTransition }), new Effect.Scale(element, window.opera ? 1 : 0, { sync: true, transition: options.scaleTransition, restoreAfterFinish: true}), new Effect.Move(element, { x: moveX, y: moveY, sync: true, transition: options.moveTransition }) ], Object.extend({ beforeStartInternal: function(effect) { effect.effects[0].element.makePositioned().makeClipping(); }, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { effect.effects[0].element.hide().undoClipping().undoPositioned().setStyle(oldStyle); } }, options) ); }; Effect.Pulsate = function(element) { element = $(element); var options = arguments[1] || { }, oldOpacity = element.getInlineOpacity(), transition = options.transition || Effect.Transitions.linear, reverser = function(pos){ return 1 - transition((-Math.cos((pos*(options.pulses||5)*2)*Math.PI)/2) + .5); }; return new Effect.Opacity(element, Object.extend(Object.extend({ duration: 2.0, from: 0, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { effect.element.setStyle({opacity: oldOpacity}); } }, options), {transition: reverser})); }; Effect.Fold = function(element) { element = $(element); var oldStyle = { top: element.style.top, left: element.style.left, width: element.style.width, height: element.style.height }; element.makeClipping(); return new Effect.Scale(element, 5, Object.extend({ scaleContent: false, scaleX: false, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { new Effect.Scale(element, 1, { scaleContent: false, scaleY: false, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { effect.element.hide().undoClipping().setStyle(oldStyle); } }); }}, arguments[1] || { })); }; Effect.Morph = Class.create(Effect.Base, { initialize: function(element) { this.element = $(element); if (!this.element) throw(Effect._elementDoesNotExistError); var options = Object.extend({ style: { } }, arguments[1] || { }); if (!Object.isString(options.style)) this.style = $H(options.style); else { if (options.style.include(':')) this.style = options.style.parseStyle(); else { this.element.addClassName(options.style); this.style = $H(this.element.getStyles()); this.element.removeClassName(options.style); var css = this.element.getStyles(); this.style = this.style.reject(function(style) { return style.value == css[style.key]; }); options.afterFinishInternal = function(effect) { effect.element.addClassName(effect.options.style); effect.transforms.each(function(transform) { effect.element.style[transform.style] = ''; }); }; } } this.start(options); }, setup: function(){ function parseColor(color){ if (!color || ['rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)','transparent'].include(color)) color = '#ffffff'; color = color.parseColor(); return $R(0,2).map(function(i){ return parseInt( color.slice(i*2+1,i*2+3), 16 ); }); } this.transforms = this.style.map(function(pair){ var property = pair[0], value = pair[1], unit = null; if (value.parseColor('#zzzzzz') != '#zzzzzz') { value = value.parseColor(); unit = 'color'; } else if (property == 'opacity') { value = parseFloat(value); if (Prototype.Browser.IE && (!this.element.currentStyle.hasLayout)) this.element.setStyle({zoom: 1}); } else if (Element.CSS_LENGTH.test(value)) { var components = value.match(/^([\+\-]?[0-9\.]+)(.*)$/); value = parseFloat(components[1]); unit = (components.length == 3) ? components[2] : null; } var originalValue = this.element.getStyle(property); return { style: property.camelize(), originalValue: unit=='color' ? parseColor(originalValue) : parseFloat(originalValue || 0), targetValue: unit=='color' ? parseColor(value) : value, unit: unit }; }.bind(this)).reject(function(transform){ return ( (transform.originalValue == transform.targetValue) || ( transform.unit != 'color' && (isNaN(transform.originalValue) || isNaN(transform.targetValue)) ) ); }); }, update: function(position) { var style = { }, transform, i = this.transforms.length; while(i--) style[(transform = this.transforms[i]).style] = transform.unit=='color' ? '#'+ (Math.round(transform.originalValue[0]+ (transform.targetValue[0]-transform.originalValue[0])*position)).toColorPart() + (Math.round(transform.originalValue[1]+ (transform.targetValue[1]-transform.originalValue[1])*position)).toColorPart() + (Math.round(transform.originalValue[2]+ (transform.targetValue[2]-transform.originalValue[2])*position)).toColorPart() : (transform.originalValue + (transform.targetValue - transform.originalValue) * position).toFixed(3) + (transform.unit === null ? '' : transform.unit); this.element.setStyle(style, true); } }); Effect.Transform = Class.create({ initialize: function(tracks){ this.tracks = []; this.options = arguments[1] || { }; this.addTracks(tracks); }, addTracks: function(tracks){ tracks.each(function(track){ track = $H(track); var data = track.values().first(); this.tracks.push($H({ ids: track.keys().first(), effect: Effect.Morph, options: { style: data } })); }.bind(this)); return this; }, play: function(){ return new Effect.Parallel( this.tracks.map(function(track){ var ids = track.get('ids'), effect = track.get('effect'), options = track.get('options'); var elements = [$(ids) || $$(ids)].flatten(); return elements.map(function(e){ return new effect(e, Object.extend({ sync:true }, options)) }); }).flatten(), this.options ); } }); Element.CSS_PROPERTIES = $w( 'backgroundColor backgroundPosition borderBottomColor borderBottomStyle ' + 'borderBottomWidth borderLeftColor borderLeftStyle borderLeftWidth ' + 'borderRightColor borderRightStyle borderRightWidth borderSpacing ' + 'borderTopColor borderTopStyle borderTopWidth bottom clip color ' + 'fontSize fontWeight height left letterSpacing lineHeight ' + 'marginBottom marginLeft marginRight marginTop markerOffset maxHeight '+ 'maxWidth minHeight minWidth opacity outlineColor outlineOffset ' + 'outlineWidth paddingBottom paddingLeft paddingRight paddingTop ' + 'right textIndent top width wordSpacing zIndex'); Element.CSS_LENGTH = /^(([\+\-]?[0-9\.]+)(em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc|\%))|0$/; String.__parseStyleElement = document.createElement('div'); String.prototype.parseStyle = function(){ var style, styleRules = $H(); if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) style = new Element('div',{style:this}).style; else { String.__parseStyleElement.innerHTML = '
'; style = String.__parseStyleElement.childNodes[0].style; } Element.CSS_PROPERTIES.each(function(property){ if (style[property]) styleRules.set(property, style[property]); }); if (Prototype.Browser.IE && this.include('opacity')) styleRules.set('opacity', this.match(/opacity:\s*((?:0|1)?(?:\.\d*)?)/)[1]); return styleRules; }; if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { Element.getStyles = function(element) { var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle($(element), null); return Element.CSS_PROPERTIES.inject({ }, function(styles, property) { styles[property] = css[property]; return styles; }); }; } else { Element.getStyles = function(element) { element = $(element); var css = element.currentStyle, styles; styles = Element.CSS_PROPERTIES.inject({ }, function(results, property) { results[property] = css[property]; return results; }); if (!styles.opacity) styles.opacity = element.getOpacity(); return styles; }; } Effect.Methods = { morph: function(element, style) { element = $(element); new Effect.Morph(element, Object.extend({ style: style }, arguments[2] || { })); return element; }, visualEffect: function(element, effect, options) { element = $(element); var s = effect.dasherize().camelize(), klass = s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1); new Effect[klass](element, options); return element; }, highlight: function(element, options) { element = $(element); new Effect.Highlight(element, options); return element; } }; $w('fade appear grow shrink fold blindUp blindDown slideUp slideDown '+ 'pulsate shake puff squish switchOff dropOut').each( function(effect) { Effect.Methods[effect] = function(element, options){ element = $(element); Effect[effect.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + effect.substring(1)](element, options); return element; }; } ); $w('getInlineOpacity forceRerendering setContentZoom collectTextNodes collectTextNodesIgnoreClass getStyles').each( function(f) { Effect.Methods[f] = Element[f]; } ); Element.addMethods(Effect.Methods); /** * Name: Highslide JS * Version: 4.1.9 (2010-07-05) * Author: Torstein Hønsi * Support: www.highslide.com/support * License: www.highslide.com/#license */ if (!hs) { var hs = { // Language strings lang : { cssDirection: 'ltr', loadingText : 'Loading...', loadingTitle : 'Click to cancel', focusTitle : 'Click to bring to front', fullExpandTitle : 'Expand to actual size (f)', creditsText : '', creditsTitle : 'Go to the Highslide JS homepage', previousText : 'Previous', nextText : 'Next', moveText : 'Move', closeText : 'Close', closeTitle : 'Close (esc)', resizeTitle : 'Resize', playText : 'Play', playTitle : 'Play slideshow (spacebar)', pauseText : 'Pause', pauseTitle : 'Pause slideshow (spacebar)', previousTitle : 'Previous (arrow left)', nextTitle : 'Next (arrow right)', moveTitle : 'Move', fullExpandText : '1:1', number: 'Image %1 of %2', restoreTitle : 'Click to close image, click and drag to move. Use arrow keys for next and previous.' }, lang : { cssDirection: 'ltr', loadingText : 'Moment...', loadingTitle : 'Klicken um abzubrechen', focusTitle : 'Klicken um in den Fordergrund zu holen', fullExpandTitle : 'Auf Originalgröße vergrössern (f)', creditsText : '', creditsTitle : 'Go to the Highslide JS homepage', previousText : 'Vorheriges', nextText : 'Nächstes', moveText : 'Verschieben', closeText : 'Schliessen', closeTitle : 'Schliessen (esc)', resizeTitle : 'Größe ändern', playText : 'Abspielen', playTitle : 'Abspielen Slideshow (Leertaste)', pauseText : 'Pause', pauseTitle : 'Pause Slideshow (Leertaste)', previousTitle : 'Vorheriges (Pfeiltaste Links)', nextTitle : 'Nächstes (Pfeiltaste Rechts)', moveTitle : 'Verschieben', fullExpandText : '1:1', number: 'Bild %1 von %2', restoreTitle : 'Klicken um zu schliessen, klicken und ziehen um zu verschieben, Pfeiltasten um zu wechseln.' }, // See http://highslide.com/ref for examples of settings graphicsDir : 'img/highslide/', expandCursor : '../../cur/zoomin.cur', // null disables restoreCursor : '../../cur/zoomout.cur', // null disables expandDuration : 250, // milliseconds restoreDuration : 250, marginLeft : 15, marginRight : 15, marginTop : 15, marginBottom : 15, zIndexCounter : 1001, // adjust to other absolutely positioned elements loadingOpacity : 0.75, allowMultipleInstances: true, numberOfImagesToPreload : 5, outlineWhileAnimating : 2, // 0 = never, 1 = always, 2 = HTML only outlineStartOffset : 3, // ends at 10 padToMinWidth : false, // pad the popup width to make room for wide caption fullExpandPosition : 'bottom right', fullExpandOpacity : 1, showCredits : true, // you can set this to false if you want creditsHref : 'http://highslide.com/', creditsTarget : '_self', enableKeyListener : true, openerTagNames : ['a', 'area'], // Add more to allow slideshow indexing transitions : [], transitionDuration: 250, dimmingOpacity: 0, // Lightbox style dimming background dimmingDuration: 50, // 0 for instant dimming allowWidthReduction : false, allowHeightReduction : true, preserveContent : true, // Preserve changes made to the content and position of HTML popups. objectLoadTime : 'before', // Load iframes 'before' or 'after' expansion. cacheAjax : true, // Cache ajax popups for instant display. Can be overridden for each popup. anchor : 'auto', // where the image expands from align : 'auto', // position in the client (overrides anchor) targetX: null, // the id of a target element targetY: null, dragByHeading: true, minWidth: 200, minHeight: 200, allowSizeReduction: true, // allow the image to reduce to fit client size. If false, this overrides minWidth and minHeight outlineType : 'drop-shadow', // set null to disable outlines skin : { controls: '' , contentWrapper: ''+ '
'+ '' }, // END OF YOUR SETTINGS // declare internal properties preloadTheseImages : [], continuePreloading: true, expanders : [], overrides : [ 'allowSizeReduction', 'useBox', 'anchor', 'align', 'targetX', 'targetY', 'outlineType', 'outlineWhileAnimating', 'captionId', 'captionText', 'captionEval', 'captionOverlay', 'headingId', 'headingText', 'headingEval', 'headingOverlay', 'creditsPosition', 'dragByHeading', 'autoplay', 'numberPosition', 'transitions', 'dimmingOpacity', 'width', 'height', 'contentId', 'allowWidthReduction', 'allowHeightReduction', 'preserveContent', 'maincontentId', 'maincontentText', 'maincontentEval', 'objectType', 'cacheAjax', 'objectWidth', 'objectHeight', 'objectLoadTime', 'swfOptions', 'wrapperClassName', 'minWidth', 'minHeight', 'maxWidth', 'maxHeight', 'pageOrigin', 'slideshowGroup', 'easing', 'easingClose', 'fadeInOut', 'src' ], overlays : [], idCounter : 0, oPos : { x: ['leftpanel', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'rightpanel'], y: ['above', 'top', 'middle', 'bottom', 'below'] }, mouse: {}, headingOverlay: {}, captionOverlay: {}, swfOptions: { flashvars: {}, params: {}, attributes: {} }, timers : [], slideshows : [], pendingOutlines : {}, sleeping : [], preloadTheseAjax : [], cacheBindings : [], cachedGets : {}, clones : {}, onReady: [], uaVersion: /Trident\/4\.0/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? 8 : parseFloat((navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match( /.+(?:rv|it|ra|ie)[\/: ]([\d.]+)/ ) || [0,'0'])[1]), ie : (document.all && !window.opera), safari : /Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent), geckoMac : /Macintosh.+rv:1\.[0-8].+Gecko/.test(navigator.userAgent), $ : function (id) { if (id) return document.getElementById(id); }, push : function (arr, val) { arr[arr.length] = val; }, createElement : function (tag, attribs, styles, parent, nopad) { var el = document.createElement(tag); if (attribs) hs.extend(el, attribs); if (nopad) hs.setStyles(el, {padding: 0, border: 'none', margin: 0}); if (styles) hs.setStyles(el, styles); if (parent) parent.appendChild(el); return el; }, extend : function (el, attribs) { for (var x in attribs) el[x] = attribs[x]; return el; }, setStyles : function (el, styles) { for (var x in styles) { if (hs.ie && x == 'opacity') { if (styles[x] > 0.99) el.style.removeAttribute('filter'); else el.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity='+ (styles[x] * 100) +')'; } else el.style[x] = styles[x]; } }, animate: function(el, prop, opt) { var start, end, unit; if (typeof opt != 'object' || opt === null) { var args = arguments; opt = { duration: args[2], easing: args[3], complete: args[4] }; } if (typeof opt.duration != 'number') opt.duration = 250; opt.easing = Math[opt.easing] || Math.easeInQuad; opt.curAnim = hs.extend({}, prop); for (var name in prop) { var e = new hs.fx(el, opt , name ); start = parseFloat(hs.css(el, name)) || 0; end = parseFloat(prop[name]); unit = name != 'opacity' ? 'px' : ''; e.custom( start, end, unit ); } }, css: function(el, prop) { if (el.style[prop]) { return el.style[prop]; } else if (document.defaultView) { return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(prop); } else { if (prop == 'opacity') prop = 'filter'; var val = el.currentStyle[prop.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function (a, b){ return b.toUpperCase(); })]; if (prop == 'filter') val = val.replace(/alpha\(opacity=([0-9]+)\)/, function (a, b) { return b / 100 }); return val === '' ? 1 : val; } }, getPageSize : function () { var d = document, w = window, iebody = d.compatMode && d.compatMode != 'BackCompat' ? d.documentElement : d.body; var width = hs.ie ? iebody.clientWidth : (d.documentElement.clientWidth || self.innerWidth), height = hs.ie ? iebody.clientHeight : self.innerHeight; hs.page = { width: width, height: height, scrollLeft: hs.ie ? iebody.scrollLeft : pageXOffset, scrollTop: hs.ie ? iebody.scrollTop : pageYOffset }; return hs.page; }, getPosition : function(el) { if (/area/i.test(el.tagName)) { var imgs = document.getElementsByTagName('img'); for (var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) { var u = imgs[i].useMap; if (u && u.replace(/^.*?#/, '') == el.parentNode.name) { el = imgs[i]; break; } } } var p = { x: el.offsetLeft, y: el.offsetTop }; while (el.offsetParent) { el = el.offsetParent; p.x += el.offsetLeft; p.y += el.offsetTop; if (el != document.body && el != document.documentElement) { p.x -= el.scrollLeft; p.y -= el.scrollTop; } } return p; }, expand : function(a, params, custom, type) { if (!a) a = hs.createElement('a', null, { display: 'none' }, hs.container); if (typeof a.getParams == 'function') return params; if (type == 'html') { for (var i = 0; i < hs.sleeping.length; i++) { if (hs.sleeping[i] && hs.sleeping[i].a == a) { hs.sleeping[i].awake(); hs.sleeping[i] = null; return false; } } hs.hasHtmlExpanders = true; } try { new hs.Expander(a, params, custom, type); return false; } catch (e) { return true; } }, htmlExpand : function(a, params, custom) { return hs.expand(a, params, custom, 'html'); }, getSelfRendered : function() { return hs.createElement('div', { className: 'highslide-html-content', innerHTML: hs.replaceLang(hs.skin.contentWrapper) }); }, getElementByClass : function (el, tagName, className) { var els = el.getElementsByTagName(tagName); for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { if ((new RegExp(className)).test(els[i].className)) { return els[i]; } } return null; }, replaceLang : function(s) { s = s.replace(/\s/g, ' '); var re = /{hs\.lang\.([^}]+)\}/g, matches = s.match(re), lang; if (matches) for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) { lang = matches[i].replace(re, "$1"); if (typeof hs.lang[lang] != 'undefined') s = s.replace(matches[i], hs.lang[lang]); } return s; }, setClickEvents : function () { var els = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { var type = hs.isUnobtrusiveAnchor(els[i]); if (type && !els[i].hsHasSetClick) { (function(){ var t = type; if (hs.fireEvent(hs, 'onSetClickEvent', { element: els[i], type: t })) { els[i].onclick =(type == 'image') ?function() { return hs.expand(this) }: function() { return hs.htmlExpand(this, { objectType: t } );}; } })(); els[i].hsHasSetClick = true; } } hs.getAnchors(); }, isUnobtrusiveAnchor: function(el) { if (el.rel == 'highslide') return 'image'; else if (el.rel == 'highslide-ajax') return 'ajax'; else if (el.rel == 'highslide-iframe') return 'iframe'; else if (el.rel == 'highslide-swf') return 'swf'; }, getCacheBinding : function (a) { for (var i = 0; i < hs.cacheBindings.length; i++) { if (hs.cacheBindings[i][0] == a) { var c = hs.cacheBindings[i][1]; hs.cacheBindings[i][1] = c.cloneNode(1); return c; } } return null; }, preloadAjax : function (e) { var arr = hs.getAnchors(); for (var i = 0; i < arr.htmls.length; i++) { var a = arr.htmls[i]; if (hs.getParam(a, 'objectType') == 'ajax' && hs.getParam(a, 'cacheAjax')) hs.push(hs.preloadTheseAjax, a); } hs.preloadAjaxElement(0); }, preloadAjaxElement : function (i) { if (!hs.preloadTheseAjax[i]) return; var a = hs.preloadTheseAjax[i]; var cache = hs.getNode(hs.getParam(a, 'contentId')); if (!cache) cache = hs.getSelfRendered(); var ajax = new hs.Ajax(a, cache, 1); ajax.onError = function () { }; ajax.onLoad = function () { hs.push(hs.cacheBindings, [a, cache]); hs.preloadAjaxElement(i + 1); }; ajax.run(); }, focusTopmost : function() { var topZ = 0, topmostKey = -1, expanders = hs.expanders, exp, zIndex; for (var i = 0; i < expanders.length; i++) { exp = expanders[i]; if (exp) { zIndex = exp.wrapper.style.zIndex; if (zIndex && zIndex > topZ) { topZ = zIndex; topmostKey = i; } } } if (topmostKey == -1) hs.focusKey = -1; else expanders[topmostKey].focus(); }, getParam : function (a, param) { a.getParams = a.onclick; var p = a.getParams ? a.getParams() : null; a.getParams = null; return (p && typeof p[param] != 'undefined') ? p[param] : (typeof hs[param] != 'undefined' ? hs[param] : null); }, getSrc : function (a) { var src = hs.getParam(a, 'src'); if (src) return src; return a.href; }, getNode : function (id) { var node = hs.$(id), clone = hs.clones[id], a = {}; if (!node && !clone) return null; if (!clone) { clone = node.cloneNode(true); clone.id = ''; hs.clones[id] = clone; return node; } else { return clone.cloneNode(true); } }, discardElement : function(d) { if (d) hs.garbageBin.appendChild(d); hs.garbageBin.innerHTML = ''; }, dim : function(exp) { if (!hs.dimmer) { hs.dimmer = hs.createElement ('div', { className: 'highslide-dimming highslide-viewport-size', owner: '', onclick: function() { if (hs.fireEvent(hs, 'onDimmerClick')) hs.close(); } }, { visibility: 'visible', opacity: 0 }, hs.container, true); } hs.dimmer.style.display = ''; hs.dimmer.owner += '|'+ exp.key; if (hs.geckoMac && hs.dimmingGeckoFix) hs.setStyles(hs.dimmer, { background: 'url('+ hs.graphicsDir + 'geckodimmer.png)', opacity: 1 }); else hs.animate(hs.dimmer, { opacity: exp.dimmingOpacity }, hs.dimmingDuration); }, undim : function(key) { if (!hs.dimmer) return; if (typeof key != 'undefined') hs.dimmer.owner = hs.dimmer.owner.replace('|'+ key, ''); if ( (typeof key != 'undefined' && hs.dimmer.owner != '') || (hs.upcoming && hs.getParam(hs.upcoming, 'dimmingOpacity')) ) return; if (hs.geckoMac && hs.dimmingGeckoFix) hs.dimmer.style.display = 'none'; else hs.animate(hs.dimmer, { opacity: 0 }, hs.dimmingDuration, null, function() { hs.dimmer.style.display = 'none'; }); }, transit : function (adj, exp) { var last = exp || hs.getExpander(); exp = last; if (hs.upcoming) return false; else hs.last = last; hs.removeEventListener(document, window.opera ? 'keypress' : 'keydown', hs.keyHandler); try { hs.upcoming = adj; adj.onclick(); } catch (e){ hs.last = hs.upcoming = null; } try { if (!adj || exp.transitions[1] != 'crossfade') exp.close(); } catch (e) {} return false; }, previousOrNext : function (el, op) { var exp = hs.getExpander(el); if (exp) return hs.transit(exp.getAdjacentAnchor(op), exp); else return false; }, previous : function (el) { return hs.previousOrNext(el, -1); }, next : function (el) { return hs.previousOrNext(el, 1); }, keyHandler : function(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; if (!e.target) e.target = e.srcElement; // ie if (typeof e.target.form != 'undefined') return true; // form element has focus if (!hs.fireEvent(hs, 'onKeyDown', e)) return true; var exp = hs.getExpander(); var op = null; switch (e.keyCode) { case 70: // f if (exp) exp.doFullExpand(); return true; case 32: // Space op = 2; break; case 34: // Page Down case 39: // Arrow right case 40: // Arrow down op = 1; break; case 8: // Backspace case 33: // Page Up case 37: // Arrow left case 38: // Arrow up op = -1; break; case 27: // Escape case 13: // Enter op = 0; } if (op !== null) { hs.removeEventListener(document, window.opera ? 'keypress' : 'keydown', hs.keyHandler); if (!hs.enableKeyListener) return true; if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false; if (exp) { if (op == 0) { exp.close(); } else if (op == 2) { if (exp.slideshow) exp.slideshow.hitSpace(); } else { if (exp.slideshow) exp.slideshow.pause(); hs.previousOrNext(exp.key, op); } return false; } } return true; }, registerOverlay : function (overlay) { hs.push(hs.overlays, hs.extend(overlay, { hsId: 'hsId'+ hs.idCounter++ } )); }, addSlideshow : function (options) { var sg = options.slideshowGroup; if (typeof sg == 'object') { for (var i = 0; i < sg.length; i++) { var o = {}; for (var x in options) o[x] = options[x]; o.slideshowGroup = sg[i]; hs.push(hs.slideshows, o); } } else { hs.push(hs.slideshows, options); } }, getWrapperKey : function (element, expOnly) { var el, re = /^highslide-wrapper-([0-9]+)$/; // 1. look in open expanders el = element; while (el.parentNode) { if (el.hsKey !== undefined) return el.hsKey; if (el.id && re.test(el.id)) return el.id.replace(re, "$1"); el = el.parentNode; } // 2. look in thumbnail if (!expOnly) { el = element; while (el.parentNode) { if (el.tagName && hs.isHsAnchor(el)) { for (var key = 0; key < hs.expanders.length; key++) { var exp = hs.expanders[key]; if (exp && exp.a == el) return key; } } el = el.parentNode; } } return null; }, getExpander : function (el, expOnly) { if (typeof el == 'undefined') return hs.expanders[hs.focusKey] || null; if (typeof el == 'number') return hs.expanders[el] || null; if (typeof el == 'string') el = hs.$(el); return hs.expanders[hs.getWrapperKey(el, expOnly)] || null; }, isHsAnchor : function (a) { return (a.onclick && a.onclick.toString().replace(/\s/g, ' ').match(/hs.(htmlE|e)xpand/)); }, reOrder : function () { for (var i = 0; i < hs.expanders.length; i++) if (hs.expanders[i] && hs.expanders[i].isExpanded) hs.focusTopmost(); }, fireEvent : function (obj, evt, args) { return obj && obj[evt] ? (obj[evt](obj, args) !== false) : true; }, mouseClickHandler : function(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; if (e.button > 1) return true; if (!e.target) e.target = e.srcElement; var el = e.target; while (el.parentNode && !(/highslide-(image|move|html|resize)/.test(el.className))) { el = el.parentNode; } var exp = hs.getExpander(el); if (exp && (exp.isClosing || !exp.isExpanded)) return true; if (exp && e.type == 'mousedown') { if (e.target.form) return true; var match = el.className.match(/highslide-(image|move|resize)/); if (match) { hs.dragArgs = { exp: exp , type: match[1], left: exp.x.pos, width: exp.x.size, top: exp.y.pos, height: exp.y.size, clickX: e.clientX, clickY: e.clientY }; hs.addEventListener(document, 'mousemove', hs.dragHandler); if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); // FF if (/highslide-(image|html)-blur/.test(exp.content.className)) { exp.focus(); hs.hasFocused = true; } return false; } else if (/highslide-html/.test(el.className) && hs.focusKey != exp.key) { exp.focus(); exp.doShowHide('hidden'); } } else if (e.type == 'mouseup') { hs.removeEventListener(document, 'mousemove', hs.dragHandler); if (hs.dragArgs) { if (hs.styleRestoreCursor && hs.dragArgs.type == 'image') hs.dragArgs.exp.content.style.cursor = hs.styleRestoreCursor; var hasDragged = hs.dragArgs.hasDragged; if (!hasDragged &&!hs.hasFocused && !/(move|resize)/.test(hs.dragArgs.type)) { if (hs.fireEvent(exp, 'onImageClick')) exp.close(); } else if (hasDragged || (!hasDragged && hs.hasHtmlExpanders)) { hs.dragArgs.exp.doShowHide('hidden'); } if (hs.dragArgs.exp.releaseMask) hs.dragArgs.exp.releaseMask.style.display = 'none'; if (hasDragged) hs.fireEvent(hs.dragArgs.exp, 'onDrop', hs.dragArgs); hs.hasFocused = false; hs.dragArgs = null; } else if (/highslide-image-blur/.test(el.className)) { el.style.cursor = hs.styleRestoreCursor; } } return false; }, dragHandler : function(e) { if (!hs.dragArgs) return true; if (!e) e = window.event; var a = hs.dragArgs, exp = a.exp; if (exp.iframe) { if (!exp.releaseMask) exp.releaseMask = hs.createElement('div', null, { position: 'absolute', width: exp.x.size+'px', height: exp.y.size+'px', left: exp.x.cb+'px', top: exp.y.cb+'px', zIndex: 4, background: (hs.ie ? 'white' : 'none'), opacity: 0.01 }, exp.wrapper, true); if (exp.releaseMask.style.display == 'none') exp.releaseMask.style.display = ''; } a.dX = e.clientX - a.clickX; a.dY = e.clientY - a.clickY; var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.dX, 2) + Math.pow(a.dY, 2)); if (!a.hasDragged) a.hasDragged = (a.type != 'image' && distance > 0) || (distance > (hs.dragSensitivity || 5)); if (a.hasDragged && e.clientX > 5 && e.clientY > 5) { if (!hs.fireEvent(exp, 'onDrag', a)) return false; if (a.type == 'resize') exp.resize(a); else { exp.moveTo(a.left + a.dX, a.top + a.dY); if (a.type == 'image') exp.content.style.cursor = 'move'; } } return false; }, wrapperMouseHandler : function (e) { try { if (!e) e = window.event; var over = /mouseover/i.test(e.type); if (!e.target) e.target = e.srcElement; // ie if (hs.ie) e.relatedTarget = over ? e.fromElement : e.toElement; // ie var exp = hs.getExpander(e.target); if (!exp.isExpanded) return; if (!exp || !e.relatedTarget || hs.getExpander(e.relatedTarget, true) == exp || hs.dragArgs) return; hs.fireEvent(exp, over ? 'onMouseOver' : 'onMouseOut', e); for (var i = 0; i < exp.overlays.length; i++) (function() { var o = hs.$('hsId'+ exp.overlays[i]); if (o && o.hideOnMouseOut) { if (over) hs.setStyles(o, { visibility: 'visible', display: '' }); hs.animate(o, { opacity: over ? o.opacity : 0 }, o.dur); } })(); } catch (e) {} }, addEventListener : function (el, event, func) { if (el == document && event == 'ready') { hs.push(hs.onReady, func); } try { el.addEventListener(event, func, false); } catch (e) { try { el.detachEvent('on'+ event, func); el.attachEvent('on'+ event, func); } catch (e) { el['on'+ event] = func; } } }, removeEventListener : function (el, event, func) { try { el.removeEventListener(event, func, false); } catch (e) { try { el.detachEvent('on'+ event, func); } catch (e) { el['on'+ event] = null; } } }, preloadFullImage : function (i) { if (hs.continuePreloading && hs.preloadTheseImages[i] && hs.preloadTheseImages[i] != 'undefined') { var img = document.createElement('img'); img.onload = function() { img = null; hs.preloadFullImage(i + 1); }; img.src = hs.preloadTheseImages[i]; } }, preloadImages : function (number) { if (number && typeof number != 'object') hs.numberOfImagesToPreload = number; var arr = hs.getAnchors(); for (var i = 0; i < arr.images.length && i < hs.numberOfImagesToPreload; i++) { hs.push(hs.preloadTheseImages, hs.getSrc(arr.images[i])); } // preload outlines if (hs.outlineType) new hs.Outline(hs.outlineType, function () { hs.preloadFullImage(0)} ); else hs.preloadFullImage(0); // preload cursor if (hs.restoreCursor) var cur = hs.createElement('img', { src: hs.graphicsDir + hs.restoreCursor }); }, init : function () { if (!hs.container) { hs.getPageSize(); hs.ieLt7 = hs.ie && hs.uaVersion < 7; hs.ie6SSL = hs.ieLt7 && location.protocol == 'https:'; for (var x in hs.langDefaults) { if (typeof hs[x] != 'undefined') hs.lang[x] = hs[x]; else if (typeof hs.lang[x] == 'undefined' && typeof hs.langDefaults[x] != 'undefined') hs.lang[x] = hs.langDefaults[x]; } hs.container = hs.createElement('div', { className: 'highslide-container' }, { position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: 0, width: '100%', zIndex: hs.zIndexCounter, direction: 'ltr' }, document.body, true ); hs.loading = hs.createElement('a', { className: 'highslide-loading', title: hs.lang.loadingTitle, innerHTML: hs.lang.loadingText, href: 'javascript:;' }, { position: 'absolute', top: '-9999px', opacity: hs.loadingOpacity, zIndex: 1 }, hs.container ); hs.garbageBin = hs.createElement('div', null, { display: 'none' }, hs.container); hs.viewport = hs.createElement('div', { className: 'highslide-viewport highslide-viewport-size' }, { visibility: (hs.safari && hs.uaVersion < 525) ? 'visible' : 'hidden' }, hs.container, 1 ); hs.clearing = hs.createElement('div', null, { clear: 'both', paddingTop: '1px' }, null, true); // http://www.robertpenner.com/easing/ Math.linearTween = function (t, b, c, d) { return c*t/d + b; }; Math.easeInQuad = function (t, b, c, d) { return c*(t/=d)*t + b; }; Math.easeOutQuad = function (t, b, c, d) { return -c *(t/=d)*(t-2) + b; }; hs.hideSelects = hs.ieLt7; hs.hideIframes = ((window.opera && hs.uaVersion < 9) || navigator.vendor == 'KDE' || (hs.ie && hs.uaVersion < 5.5)); hs.fireEvent(this, 'onActivate'); } }, ready : function() { if (hs.isReady) return; hs.isReady = true; for (var i = 0; i < hs.onReady.length; i++) hs.onReady[i](); }, updateAnchors : function() { var el, els, all = [], images = [], htmls = [],groups = {}, re; for (var i = 0; i < hs.openerTagNames.length; i++) { els = document.getElementsByTagName(hs.openerTagNames[i]); for (var j = 0; j < els.length; j++) { el = els[j]; re = hs.isHsAnchor(el); if (re) { hs.push(all, el); if (re[0] == 'hs.expand') hs.push(images, el); else if (re[0] == 'hs.htmlExpand') hs.push(htmls, el); var g = hs.getParam(el, 'slideshowGroup') || 'none'; if (!groups[g]) groups[g] = []; hs.push(groups[g], el); } } } hs.anchors = { all: all, groups: groups, images: images, htmls: htmls }; return hs.anchors; }, getAnchors : function() { return hs.anchors || hs.updateAnchors(); }, close : function(el) { var exp = hs.getExpander(el); if (exp) exp.close(); return false; } }; // end hs object hs.fx = function( elem, options, prop ){ this.options = options; this.elem = elem; this.prop = prop; if (!options.orig) options.orig = {}; }; hs.fx.prototype = { update: function(){ (hs.fx.step[this.prop] || hs.fx.step._default)(this); if (this.options.step) this.options.step.call(this.elem, this.now, this); }, custom: function(from, to, unit){ this.startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); this.start = from; this.end = to; this.unit = unit;// || this.unit || "px"; this.now = this.start; this.pos = this.state = 0; var self = this; function t(gotoEnd){ return self.step(gotoEnd); } t.elem = this.elem; if ( t() && hs.timers.push(t) == 1 ) { hs.timerId = setInterval(function(){ var timers = hs.timers; for ( var i = 0; i < timers.length; i++ ) if ( !timers[i]() ) timers.splice(i--, 1); if ( !timers.length ) { clearInterval(hs.timerId); } }, 13); } }, step: function(gotoEnd){ var t = (new Date()).getTime(); if ( gotoEnd || t >= this.options.duration + this.startTime ) { this.now = this.end; this.pos = this.state = 1; this.update(); this.options.curAnim[ this.prop ] = true; var done = true; for ( var i in this.options.curAnim ) if ( this.options.curAnim[i] !== true ) done = false; if ( done ) { if (this.options.complete) this.options.complete.call(this.elem); } return false; } else { var n = t - this.startTime; this.state = n / this.options.duration; this.pos = this.options.easing(n, 0, 1, this.options.duration); this.now = this.start + ((this.end - this.start) * this.pos); this.update(); } return true; } }; hs.extend( hs.fx, { step: { opacity: function(fx){ hs.setStyles(fx.elem, { opacity: fx.now }); }, _default: function(fx){ try { if ( fx.elem.style && fx.elem.style[ fx.prop ] != null ) fx.elem.style[ fx.prop ] = fx.now + fx.unit; else fx.elem[ fx.prop ] = fx.now; } catch (e) {} } } }); hs.Outline = function (outlineType, onLoad) { this.onLoad = onLoad; this.outlineType = outlineType; var v = hs.uaVersion, tr; this.hasAlphaImageLoader = hs.ie && v >= 5.5 && v < 7; if (!outlineType) { if (onLoad) onLoad(); return; } hs.init(); this.table = hs.createElement( 'table', { cellSpacing: 0 }, { visibility: 'hidden', position: 'absolute', borderCollapse: 'collapse', width: 0 }, hs.container, true ); var tbody = hs.createElement('tbody', null, null, this.table, 1); this.td = []; for (var i = 0; i <= 8; i++) { if (i % 3 == 0) tr = hs.createElement('tr', null, { height: 'auto' }, tbody, true); this.td[i] = hs.createElement('td', null, null, tr, true); var style = i != 4 ? { lineHeight: 0, fontSize: 0} : { position : 'relative' }; hs.setStyles(this.td[i], style); } this.td[4].className = outlineType +' highslide-outline'; this.preloadGraphic(); }; hs.Outline.prototype = { preloadGraphic : function () { var src = hs.graphicsDir + (hs.outlinesDir || "outlines/")+ this.outlineType +".png"; var appendTo = hs.safari && hs.uaVersion < 525 ? hs.container : null; this.graphic = hs.createElement('img', null, { position: 'absolute', top: '-9999px' }, appendTo, true); // for onload trigger var pThis = this; this.graphic.onload = function() { pThis.onGraphicLoad(); }; this.graphic.src = src; }, onGraphicLoad : function () { var o = this.offset = this.graphic.width / 4, pos = [[0,0],[0,-4],[-2,0],[0,-8],0,[-2,-8],[0,-2],[0,-6],[-2,-2]], dim = { height: (2*o) +'px', width: (2*o) +'px' }; for (var i = 0; i <= 8; i++) { if (pos[i]) { if (this.hasAlphaImageLoader) { var w = (i == 1 || i == 7) ? '100%' : this.graphic.width +'px'; var div = hs.createElement('div', null, { width: '100%', height: '100%', position: 'relative', overflow: 'hidden'}, this.td[i], true); hs.createElement ('div', null, { filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(sizingMethod=scale, src='"+ this.graphic.src + "')", position: 'absolute', width: w, height: this.graphic.height +'px', left: (pos[i][0]*o)+'px', top: (pos[i][1]*o)+'px' }, div, true); } else { hs.setStyles(this.td[i], { background: 'url('+ this.graphic.src +') '+ (pos[i][0]*o)+'px '+(pos[i][1]*o)+'px'}); } if (window.opera && (i == 3 || i ==5)) hs.createElement('div', null, dim, this.td[i], true); hs.setStyles (this.td[i], dim); } } this.graphic = null; if (hs.pendingOutlines[this.outlineType]) hs.pendingOutlines[this.outlineType].destroy(); hs.pendingOutlines[this.outlineType] = this; if (this.onLoad) this.onLoad(); }, setPosition : function (pos, offset, vis, dur, easing) { var exp = this.exp, stl = exp.wrapper.style, offset = offset || 0, pos = pos || { x: exp.x.pos + offset, y: exp.y.pos + offset, w: exp.x.get('wsize') - 2 * offset, h: exp.y.get('wsize') - 2 * offset }; if (vis) this.table.style.visibility = (pos.h >= 4 * this.offset) ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; hs.setStyles(this.table, { left: (pos.x - this.offset) +'px', top: (pos.y - this.offset) +'px', width: (pos.w + 2 * this.offset) +'px' }); pos.w -= 2 * this.offset; pos.h -= 2 * this.offset; hs.setStyles (this.td[4], { width: pos.w >= 0 ? pos.w +'px' : 0, height: pos.h >= 0 ? pos.h +'px' : 0 }); if (this.hasAlphaImageLoader) this.td[3].style.height = this.td[5].style.height = this.td[4].style.height; }, destroy : function(hide) { if (hide) this.table.style.visibility = 'hidden'; else hs.discardElement(this.table); } }; hs.Dimension = function(exp, dim) { this.exp = exp; this.dim = dim; this.ucwh = dim == 'x' ? 'Width' : 'Height'; this.wh = this.ucwh.toLowerCase(); this.uclt = dim == 'x' ? 'Left' : 'Top'; this.lt = this.uclt.toLowerCase(); this.ucrb = dim == 'x' ? 'Right' : 'Bottom'; this.rb = this.ucrb.toLowerCase(); this.p1 = this.p2 = 0; }; hs.Dimension.prototype = { get : function(key) { switch (key) { case 'loadingPos': return this.tpos + this.tb + (this.t - hs.loading['offset'+ this.ucwh]) / 2; case 'loadingPosXfade': return this.pos + this.cb+ this.p1 + (this.size - hs.loading['offset'+ this.ucwh]) / 2; case 'wsize': return this.size + 2 * this.cb + this.p1 + this.p2; case 'fitsize': return this.clientSize - this.marginMin - this.marginMax; case 'maxsize': return this.get('fitsize') - 2 * this.cb - this.p1 - this.p2 ; case 'opos': return this.pos - (this.exp.outline ? this.exp.outline.offset : 0); case 'osize': return this.get('wsize') + (this.exp.outline ? 2*this.exp.outline.offset : 0); case 'imgPad': return this.imgSize ? Math.round((this.size - this.imgSize) / 2) : 0; } }, calcBorders: function() { // correct for borders this.cb = (this.exp.content['offset'+ this.ucwh] - this.t) / 2; this.marginMax = hs['margin'+ this.ucrb]; }, calcThumb: function() { this.t = this.exp.el[this.wh] ? parseInt(this.exp.el[this.wh]) : this.exp.el['offset'+ this.ucwh]; this.tpos = this.exp.tpos[this.dim]; this.tb = (this.exp.el['offset'+ this.ucwh] - this.t) / 2; if (this.tpos == 0 || this.tpos == -1) { this.tpos = (hs.page[this.wh] / 2) + hs.page['scroll'+ this.uclt]; }; }, calcExpanded: function() { var exp = this.exp; this.justify = 'auto'; // get alignment if (exp.align == 'center') this.justify = 'center'; else if (new RegExp(this.lt).test(exp.anchor)) this.justify = null; else if (new RegExp(this.rb).test(exp.anchor)) this.justify = 'max'; // size and position this.pos = this.tpos - this.cb + this.tb; if (this.maxHeight && this.dim == 'x') exp.maxWidth = Math.min(exp.maxWidth || this.full, exp.maxHeight * this.full / exp.y.full); this.size = Math.min(this.full, exp['max'+ this.ucwh] || this.full); this.minSize = exp.allowSizeReduction ? Math.min(exp['min'+ this.ucwh], this.full) :this.full; if (exp.isImage && exp.useBox) { this.size = exp[this.wh]; this.imgSize = this.full; } if (this.dim == 'x' && hs.padToMinWidth) this.minSize = exp.minWidth; this.target = exp['target'+ this.dim.toUpperCase()]; this.marginMin = hs['margin'+ this.uclt]; this.scroll = hs.page['scroll'+ this.uclt]; this.clientSize = hs.page[this.wh]; }, setSize: function(i) { var exp = this.exp; if (exp.isImage && (exp.useBox || hs.padToMinWidth)) { this.imgSize = i; this.size = Math.max(this.size, this.imgSize); exp.content.style[this.lt] = this.get('imgPad')+'px'; } else this.size = i; exp.content.style[this.wh] = i +'px'; exp.wrapper.style[this.wh] = this.get('wsize') +'px'; if (exp.outline) exp.outline.setPosition(); if (exp.releaseMask) exp.releaseMask.style[this.wh] = i +'px'; if (this.dim == 'y' && exp.iDoc && exp.body.style.height != 'auto') try { exp.iDoc.body.style.overflow = 'auto'; } catch (e) {} if (exp.isHtml) { var d = exp.scrollerDiv; if (this.sizeDiff === undefined) this.sizeDiff = exp.innerContent['offset'+ this.ucwh] - d['offset'+ this.ucwh]; d.style[this.wh] = (this.size - this.sizeDiff) +'px'; if (this.dim == 'x') exp.mediumContent.style.width = 'auto'; if (exp.body) exp.body.style[this.wh] = 'auto'; } if (this.dim == 'x' && exp.overlayBox) exp.sizeOverlayBox(true); if (this.dim == 'x' && exp.slideshow && exp.isImage) { if (i == this.full) exp.slideshow.disable('full-expand'); else exp.slideshow.enable('full-expand'); } }, setPos: function(i) { this.pos = i; this.exp.wrapper.style[this.lt] = i +'px'; if (this.exp.outline) this.exp.outline.setPosition(); } }; hs.Expander = function(a, params, custom, contentType) { if (document.readyState && hs.ie && !hs.isReady) { hs.addEventListener(document, 'ready', function() { new hs.Expander(a, params, custom, contentType); }); return; } this.a = a; this.custom = custom; this.contentType = contentType || 'image'; this.isHtml = (contentType == 'html'); this.isImage = !this.isHtml; hs.continuePreloading = false; this.overlays = []; this.last = hs.last; hs.last = null; hs.init(); var key = this.key = hs.expanders.length; // override inline parameters for (var i = 0; i < hs.overrides.length; i++) { var name = hs.overrides[i]; this[name] = params && typeof params[name] != 'undefined' ? params[name] : hs[name]; } if (!this.src) this.src = a.href; // get thumb var el = (params && params.thumbnailId) ? hs.$(params.thumbnailId) : a; el = this.thumb = el.getElementsByTagName('img')[0] || el; this.thumbsUserSetId = el.id || a.id; if (!hs.fireEvent(this, 'onInit')) return true; // check if already open for (var i = 0; i < hs.expanders.length; i++) { if (hs.expanders[i] && hs.expanders[i].a == a && !(this.last && this.transitions[1] == 'crossfade')) { hs.expanders[i].focus(); return false; } } // cancel other if (!hs.allowSimultaneousLoading) for (var i = 0; i < hs.expanders.length; i++) { if (hs.expanders[i] && hs.expanders[i].thumb != el && !hs.expanders[i].onLoadStarted) { hs.expanders[i].cancelLoading(); } } hs.expanders[key] = this; if (!hs.allowMultipleInstances && !hs.upcoming) { if (hs.expanders[key-1]) hs.expanders[key-1].close(); if (typeof hs.focusKey != 'undefined' && hs.expanders[hs.focusKey]) hs.expanders[hs.focusKey].close(); } // initiate metrics this.el = el; this.tpos = this.pageOrigin || hs.getPosition(el); hs.getPageSize(); var x = this.x = new hs.Dimension(this, 'x'); x.calcThumb(); var y = this.y = new hs.Dimension(this, 'y'); y.calcThumb(); if (/area/i.test(el.tagName)) this.getImageMapAreaCorrection(el); this.wrapper = hs.createElement( 'div', { id: 'highslide-wrapper-'+ this.key, className: 'highslide-wrapper '+ this.wrapperClassName }, { visibility: 'hidden', position: 'absolute', zIndex: hs.zIndexCounter += 2 }, null, true ); this.wrapper.onmouseover = this.wrapper.onmouseout = hs.wrapperMouseHandler; if (this.contentType == 'image' && this.outlineWhileAnimating == 2) this.outlineWhileAnimating = 0; // get the outline if (!this.outlineType || (this.last && this.isImage && this.transitions[1] == 'crossfade')) { this[this.contentType +'Create'](); } else if (hs.pendingOutlines[this.outlineType]) { this.connectOutline(); this[this.contentType +'Create'](); } else { this.showLoading(); var exp = this; new hs.Outline(this.outlineType, function () { exp.connectOutline(); exp[exp.contentType +'Create'](); } ); } return true; }; hs.Expander.prototype = { error : function(e) { if (hs.debug) alert ('Line '+ e.lineNumber +': '+ e.message); else window.location.href = this.src; }, connectOutline : function() { var outline = this.outline = hs.pendingOutlines[this.outlineType]; outline.exp = this; outline.table.style.zIndex = this.wrapper.style.zIndex - 1; hs.pendingOutlines[this.outlineType] = null; }, showLoading : function() { if (this.onLoadStarted || this.loading) return; this.loading = hs.loading; var exp = this; this.loading.onclick = function() { exp.cancelLoading(); }; if (!hs.fireEvent(this, 'onShowLoading')) return; var exp = this, l = this.x.get('loadingPos') +'px', t = this.y.get('loadingPos') +'px'; if (!tgt && this.last && this.transitions[1] == 'crossfade') var tgt = this.last; if (tgt) { l = tgt.x.get('loadingPosXfade') +'px'; t = tgt.y.get('loadingPosXfade') +'px'; this.loading.style.zIndex = hs.zIndexCounter++; } setTimeout(function () { if (exp.loading) hs.setStyles(exp.loading, { left: l, top: t, zIndex: hs.zIndexCounter++ })} , 100); }, imageCreate : function() { var exp = this; var img = document.createElement('img'); this.content = img; img.onload = function () { if (hs.expanders[exp.key]) exp.contentLoaded(); }; if (hs.blockRightClick) img.oncontextmenu = function() { return false; }; img.className = 'highslide-image'; hs.setStyles(img, { visibility: 'hidden', display: 'block', position: 'absolute', maxWidth: '9999px', zIndex: 3 }); img.title = hs.lang.restoreTitle; if (hs.safari && hs.uaVersion < 525) hs.container.appendChild(img); if (hs.ie && hs.flushImgSize) img.src = null; img.src = this.src; this.showLoading(); }, htmlCreate : function () { if (!hs.fireEvent(this, 'onBeforeGetContent')) return; this.content = hs.getCacheBinding(this.a); if (!this.content) this.content = hs.getNode(this.contentId); if (!this.content) this.content = hs.getSelfRendered(); this.getInline(['maincontent']); if (this.maincontent) { var body = hs.getElementByClass(this.content, 'div', 'highslide-body'); if (body) body.appendChild(this.maincontent); this.maincontent.style.display = 'block'; } hs.fireEvent(this, 'onAfterGetContent'); var innerContent = this.innerContent = this.content; if (/(swf|iframe)/.test(this.objectType)) this.setObjContainerSize(innerContent); // the content tree hs.container.appendChild(this.wrapper); hs.setStyles( this.wrapper, { position: 'static', padding: '0 '+ hs.marginRight +'px 0 '+ hs.marginLeft +'px' }); this.content = hs.createElement( 'div', { className: 'highslide-html' }, { position: 'relative', zIndex: 3, height: 0, overflow: 'hidden' }, this.wrapper ); this.mediumContent = hs.createElement('div', null, null, this.content, 1); this.mediumContent.appendChild(innerContent); hs.setStyles (innerContent, { position: 'relative', display: 'block', direction: hs.lang.cssDirection || '' }); if (this.width) innerContent.style.width = this.width +'px'; if (this.height) hs.setStyles(innerContent, { height: this.height +'px', overflow: 'hidden' }); if (innerContent.offsetWidth < this.minWidth) innerContent.style.width = this.minWidth +'px'; if (this.objectType == 'ajax' && !hs.getCacheBinding(this.a)) { this.showLoading(); var exp = this; var ajax = new hs.Ajax(this.a, innerContent); ajax.src = this.src; ajax.onLoad = function () { if (hs.expanders[exp.key]) exp.contentLoaded(); }; ajax.onError = function () { location.href = exp.src; }; ajax.run(); } else if (this.objectType == 'iframe' && this.objectLoadTime == 'before') { this.writeExtendedContent(); } else this.contentLoaded(); }, contentLoaded : function() { try { if (!this.content) return; this.content.onload = null; if (this.onLoadStarted) return; else this.onLoadStarted = true; var x = this.x, y = this.y; if (this.loading) { hs.setStyles(this.loading, { top: '-9999px' }); this.loading = null; hs.fireEvent(this, 'onHideLoading'); } if (this.isImage) { x.full = this.content.width; y.full = this.content.height; hs.setStyles(this.content, { width: x.t +'px', height: y.t +'px' }); this.wrapper.appendChild(this.content); hs.container.appendChild(this.wrapper); } else if (this.htmlGetSize) this.htmlGetSize(); x.calcBorders(); y.calcBorders(); hs.setStyles (this.wrapper, { left: (x.tpos + x.tb - x.cb) +'px', top: (y.tpos + x.tb - y.cb) +'px' }); this.initSlideshow(); this.getOverlays(); var ratio = x.full / y.full; x.calcExpanded(); this.justify(x); y.calcExpanded(); this.justify(y); if (this.isHtml) this.htmlSizeOperations(); if (this.overlayBox) this.sizeOverlayBox(0, 1); if (this.allowSizeReduction) { if (this.isImage) this.correctRatio(ratio); else this.fitOverlayBox(); var ss = this.slideshow; if (ss && this.last && ss.controls && ss.fixedControls) { var pos = ss.overlayOptions.position || '', p; for (var dim in hs.oPos) for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { p = this[dim]; if (pos.match(hs.oPos[dim][i])) { p.pos = this.last[dim].pos + (this.last[dim].p1 - p.p1) + (this.last[dim].size - p.size) * [0, 0, .5, 1, 1][i]; if (ss.fixedControls == 'fit') { if (p.pos + p.size + p.p1 + p.p2 > p.scroll + p.clientSize - p.marginMax) p.pos = p.scroll + p.clientSize - p.size - p.marginMin - p.marginMax - p.p1 - p.p2; if (p.pos < p.scroll + p.marginMin) p.pos = p.scroll + p.marginMin; } } } } if (this.isImage && this.x.full > (this.x.imgSize || this.x.size)) { this.createFullExpand(); if (this.overlays.length == 1) this.sizeOverlayBox(); } } this.show(); } catch (e) { this.error(e); } }, setObjContainerSize : function(parent, auto) { var c = hs.getElementByClass(parent, 'DIV', 'highslide-body'); if (/(iframe|swf)/.test(this.objectType)) { if (this.objectWidth) c.style.width = this.objectWidth +'px'; if (this.objectHeight) c.style.height = this.objectHeight +'px'; } }, writeExtendedContent : function () { if (this.hasExtendedContent) return; var exp = this; this.body = hs.getElementByClass(this.innerContent, 'DIV', 'highslide-body'); if (this.objectType == 'iframe') { this.showLoading(); var ruler = hs.clearing.cloneNode(1); this.body.appendChild(ruler); this.newWidth = this.innerContent.offsetWidth; if (!this.objectWidth) this.objectWidth = ruler.offsetWidth; var hDiff = this.innerContent.offsetHeight - this.body.offsetHeight, h = this.objectHeight || hs.page.height - hDiff - hs.marginTop - hs.marginBottom, onload = this.objectLoadTime == 'before' ? ' onload="if (hs.expanders['+ this.key +']) hs.expanders['+ this.key +'].contentLoaded()" ' : ''; this.body.innerHTML += ''; this.ruler = this.body.getElementsByTagName('div')[0]; this.iframe = this.body.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0]; if (this.objectLoadTime == 'after') this.correctIframeSize(); } if (this.objectType == 'swf') { this.body.id = this.body.id || 'hs-flash-id-' + this.key; var a = this.swfOptions; if (!a.params) a.params = {}; if (typeof a.params.wmode == 'undefined') a.params.wmode = 'transparent'; if (swfobject) swfobject.embedSWF(this.src, this.body.id, this.objectWidth, this.objectHeight, a.version || '7', a.expressInstallSwfurl, a.flashvars, a.params, a.attributes); } this.hasExtendedContent = true; }, htmlGetSize : function() { if (this.iframe && !this.objectHeight) { // loadtime before this.iframe.style.height = this.body.style.height = this.getIframePageHeight() +'px'; } this.innerContent.appendChild(hs.clearing); if (!this.x.full) this.x.full = this.innerContent.offsetWidth; this.y.full = this.innerContent.offsetHeight; this.innerContent.removeChild(hs.clearing); if (hs.ie && this.newHeight > parseInt(this.innerContent.currentStyle.height)) { // ie css bug this.newHeight = parseInt(this.innerContent.currentStyle.height); } hs.setStyles( this.wrapper, { position: 'absolute', padding: '0'}); hs.setStyles( this.content, { width: this.x.t +'px', height: this.y.t +'px'}); }, getIframePageHeight : function() { var h; try { var doc = this.iDoc = this.iframe.contentDocument || this.iframe.contentWindow.document; var clearing = doc.createElement('div'); clearing.style.clear = 'both'; doc.body.appendChild(clearing); h = clearing.offsetTop; if (hs.ie) h += parseInt(doc.body.currentStyle.marginTop) + parseInt(doc.body.currentStyle.marginBottom) - 1; } catch (e) { // other domain h = 300; } return h; }, correctIframeSize : function () { var wDiff = this.innerContent.offsetWidth - this.ruler.offsetWidth; hs.discardElement(this.ruler); if (wDiff < 0) wDiff = 0; var hDiff = this.innerContent.offsetHeight - this.iframe.offsetHeight; if (this.iDoc && !this.objectHeight && !this.height && this.y.size == this.y.full) try { this.iDoc.body.style.overflow = 'hidden'; } catch (e) {} hs.setStyles(this.iframe, { width: Math.abs(this.x.size - wDiff) +'px', height: Math.abs(this.y.size - hDiff) +'px' }); hs.setStyles(this.body, { width: this.iframe.style.width, height: this.iframe.style.height }); this.scrollingContent = this.iframe; this.scrollerDiv = this.scrollingContent; }, htmlSizeOperations : function () { this.setObjContainerSize(this.innerContent); if (this.objectType == 'swf' && this.objectLoadTime == 'before') this.writeExtendedContent(); // handle minimum size if (this.x.size < this.x.full && !this.allowWidthReduction) this.x.size = this.x.full; if (this.y.size < this.y.full && !this.allowHeightReduction) this.y.size = this.y.full; this.scrollerDiv = this.innerContent; hs.setStyles(this.mediumContent, { position: 'relative', width: this.x.size +'px' }); hs.setStyles(this.innerContent, { border: 'none', width: 'auto', height: 'auto' }); var node = hs.getElementByClass(this.innerContent, 'DIV', 'highslide-body'); if (node && !/(iframe|swf)/.test(this.objectType)) { var cNode = node; // wrap to get true size node = hs.createElement(cNode.nodeName, null, {overflow: 'hidden'}, null, true); cNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, cNode); node.appendChild(hs.clearing); // IE6 node.appendChild(cNode); var wDiff = this.innerContent.offsetWidth - node.offsetWidth; var hDiff = this.innerContent.offsetHeight - node.offsetHeight; node.removeChild(hs.clearing); var kdeBugCorr = hs.safari || navigator.vendor == 'KDE' ? 1 : 0; // KDE repainting bug hs.setStyles(node, { width: (this.x.size - wDiff - kdeBugCorr) +'px', height: (this.y.size - hDiff) +'px', overflow: 'auto', position: 'relative' } ); if (kdeBugCorr && cNode.offsetHeight > node.offsetHeight) { node.style.width = (parseInt(node.style.width) + kdeBugCorr) + 'px'; } this.scrollingContent = node; this.scrollerDiv = this.scrollingContent; } if (this.iframe && this.objectLoadTime == 'before') this.correctIframeSize(); if (!this.scrollingContent && this.y.size < this.mediumContent.offsetHeight) this.scrollerDiv = this.content; if (this.scrollerDiv == this.content && !this.allowWidthReduction && !/(iframe|swf)/.test(this.objectType)) { this.x.size += 17; // room for scrollbars } if (this.scrollerDiv && this.scrollerDiv.offsetHeight > this.scrollerDiv.parentNode.offsetHeight) { setTimeout("try { hs.expanders["+ this.key +"].scrollerDiv.style.overflow = 'auto'; } catch(e) {}", hs.expandDuration); } }, getImageMapAreaCorrection : function(area) { var c = area.coords.split(','); for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) c[i] = parseInt(c[i]); if (area.shape.toLowerCase() == 'circle') { this.x.tpos += c[0] - c[2]; this.y.tpos += c[1] - c[2]; this.x.t = this.y.t = 2 * c[2]; } else { var maxX, maxY, minX = maxX = c[0], minY = maxY = c[1]; for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { minX = Math.min(minX, c[i]); maxX = Math.max(maxX, c[i]); } else { minY = Math.min(minY, c[i]); maxY = Math.max(maxY, c[i]); } } this.x.tpos += minX; this.x.t = maxX - minX; this.y.tpos += minY; this.y.t = maxY - minY; } }, justify : function (p, moveOnly) { var tgtArr, tgt = p.target, dim = p == this.x ? 'x' : 'y'; if (tgt && tgt.match(/ /)) { tgtArr = tgt.split(' '); tgt = tgtArr[0]; } if (tgt && hs.$(tgt)) { p.pos = hs.getPosition(hs.$(tgt))[dim]; if (tgtArr && tgtArr[1] && tgtArr[1].match(/^[-]?[0-9]+px$/)) p.pos += parseInt(tgtArr[1]); if (p.size < p.minSize) p.size = p.minSize; } else if (p.justify == 'auto' || p.justify == 'center') { var hasMovedMin = false; var allowReduce = p.exp.allowSizeReduction; if (p.justify == 'center') p.pos = Math.round(p.scroll + (p.clientSize + p.marginMin - p.marginMax - p.get('wsize')) / 2); else p.pos = Math.round(p.pos - ((p.get('wsize') - p.t) / 2)); if (p.pos < p.scroll + p.marginMin) { p.pos = p.scroll + p.marginMin; hasMovedMin = true; } if (!moveOnly && p.size < p.minSize) { p.size = p.minSize; allowReduce = false; } if (p.pos + p.get('wsize') > p.scroll + p.clientSize - p.marginMax) { if (!moveOnly && hasMovedMin && allowReduce) { p.size = Math.min(p.size, p.get(dim == 'y' ? 'fitsize' : 'maxsize')); } else if (p.get('wsize') < p.get('fitsize')) { p.pos = p.scroll + p.clientSize - p.marginMax - p.get('wsize'); } else { // image larger than viewport p.pos = p.scroll + p.marginMin; if (!moveOnly && allowReduce) p.size = p.get(dim == 'y' ? 'fitsize' : 'maxsize'); } } if (!moveOnly && p.size < p.minSize) { p.size = p.minSize; allowReduce = false; } } else if (p.justify == 'max') { p.pos = Math.floor(p.pos - p.size + p.t); } if (p.pos < p.marginMin) { var tmpMin = p.pos; p.pos = p.marginMin; if (allowReduce && !moveOnly) p.size = p.size - (p.pos - tmpMin); } }, correctRatio : function(ratio) { var x = this.x, y = this.y, changed = false, xSize = Math.min(x.full, x.size), ySize = Math.min(y.full, y.size), useBox = (this.useBox || hs.padToMinWidth); if (xSize / ySize > ratio) { // width greater xSize = ySize * ratio; if (xSize < x.minSize) { // below minWidth xSize = x.minSize; ySize = xSize / ratio; } changed = true; } else if (xSize / ySize < ratio) { // height greater ySize = xSize / ratio; changed = true; } if (hs.padToMinWidth && x.full < x.minSize) { x.imgSize = x.full; y.size = y.imgSize = y.full; } else if (this.useBox) { x.imgSize = xSize; y.imgSize = ySize; } else { x.size = xSize; y.size = ySize; } changed = this.fitOverlayBox(this.useBox ? null : ratio, changed); if (useBox && y.size < y.imgSize) { y.imgSize = y.size; x.imgSize = y.size * ratio; } if (changed || useBox) { x.pos = x.tpos - x.cb + x.tb; x.minSize = x.size; this.justify(x, true); y.pos = y.tpos - y.cb + y.tb; y.minSize = y.size; this.justify(y, true); if (this.overlayBox) this.sizeOverlayBox(); } }, fitOverlayBox : function(ratio, changed) { var x = this.x, y = this.y; if (this.overlayBox && (this.isImage || this.allowHeightReduction)) { while (y.size > this.minHeight && x.size > this.minWidth && y.get('wsize') > y.get('fitsize')) { y.size -= 10; if (ratio) x.size = y.size * ratio; this.sizeOverlayBox(0, 1); changed = true; } } return changed; }, reflow : function () { if (this.scrollerDiv) { var h = /iframe/i.test(this.scrollerDiv.tagName) ? (this.getIframePageHeight() + 1) +'px' : 'auto'; if (this.body) this.body.style.height = h; this.scrollerDiv.style.height = h; this.y.setSize(this.innerContent.offsetHeight); } }, show : function () { var x = this.x, y = this.y; this.doShowHide('hidden'); hs.fireEvent(this, 'onBeforeExpand'); if (this.slideshow && this.slideshow.thumbstrip) this.slideshow.thumbstrip.selectThumb(); // Apply size change this.changeSize( 1, { wrapper: { width : x.get('wsize'), height : y.get('wsize'), left: x.pos, top: y.pos }, content: { left: x.p1 + x.get('imgPad'), top: y.p1 + y.get('imgPad'), width:x.imgSize ||x.size, height:y.imgSize ||y.size } }, hs.expandDuration ); }, changeSize : function(up, to, dur) { // transition var trans = this.transitions, other = up ? (this.last ? this.last.a : null) : hs.upcoming, t = (trans[1] && other && hs.getParam(other, 'transitions')[1] == trans[1]) ? trans[1] : trans[0]; if (this[t] && t != 'expand') { this[t](up, to); return; } if (this.outline && !this.outlineWhileAnimating) { if (up) this.outline.setPosition(); else this.outline.destroy( (this.isHtml && this.preserveContent)); } if (!up) this.destroyOverlays(); var exp = this, x = exp.x, y = exp.y, easing = this.easing; if (!up) easing = this.easingClose || easing; var after = up ? function() { if (exp.outline) exp.outline.table.style.visibility = "visible"; setTimeout(function() { exp.afterExpand(); }, 50); } : function() { exp.afterClose(); }; if (up) hs.setStyles( this.wrapper, { width: x.t +'px', height: y.t +'px' }); if (up && this.isHtml) { hs.setStyles(this.wrapper, { left: (x.tpos - x.cb + x.tb) +'px', top: (y.tpos - y.cb + y.tb) +'px' }); } if (this.fadeInOut) { hs.setStyles(this.wrapper, { opacity: up ? 0 : 1 }); hs.extend(to.wrapper, { opacity: up }); } hs.animate( this.wrapper, to.wrapper, { duration: dur, easing: easing, step: function(val, args) { if (exp.outline && exp.outlineWhileAnimating && args.prop == 'top') { var fac = up ? args.pos : 1 - args.pos; var pos = { w: x.t + (x.get('wsize') - x.t) * fac, h: y.t + (y.get('wsize') - y.t) * fac, x: x.tpos + (x.pos - x.tpos) * fac, y: y.tpos + (y.pos - y.tpos) * fac }; exp.outline.setPosition(pos, 0, 1); } if (exp.isHtml) { if (args.prop == 'left') exp.mediumContent.style.left = (x.pos - val) +'px'; if (args.prop == 'top') exp.mediumContent.style.top = (y.pos - val) +'px'; } } }); hs.animate( this.content, to.content, dur, easing, after); if (up) { this.wrapper.style.visibility = 'visible'; this.content.style.visibility = 'visible'; if (this.isHtml) this.innerContent.style.visibility = 'visible'; this.a.className += ' highslide-active-anchor'; } }, fade : function(up, to) { this.outlineWhileAnimating = false; var exp = this, t = up ? hs.expandDuration : 0; if (up) { hs.animate(this.wrapper, to.wrapper, 0); hs.setStyles(this.wrapper, { opacity: 0, visibility: 'visible' }); hs.animate(this.content, to.content, 0); this.content.style.visibility = 'visible'; hs.animate(this.wrapper, { opacity: 1 }, t, null, function() { exp.afterExpand(); }); } if (this.outline) { this.outline.table.style.zIndex = this.wrapper.style.zIndex; var dir = up || -1, offset = this.outline.offset, startOff = up ? 3 : offset, endOff = up? offset : 3; for (var i = startOff; dir * i <= dir * endOff; i += dir, t += 25) { (function() { var o = up ? endOff - i : startOff - i; setTimeout(function() { exp.outline.setPosition(0, o, 1); }, t); })(); } } if (up) {}//setTimeout(function() { exp.afterExpand(); }, t+50); else { setTimeout( function() { if (exp.outline) exp.outline.destroy(exp.preserveContent); exp.destroyOverlays(); hs.animate( exp.wrapper, { opacity: 0 }, hs.restoreDuration, null, function(){ exp.afterClose(); }); }, t); } }, crossfade : function (up, to, from) { if (!up) return; var exp = this, last = this.last, x = this.x, y = this.y, lastX = last.x, lastY = last.y, wrapper = this.wrapper, content = this.content, overlayBox = this.overlayBox; hs.removeEventListener(document, 'mousemove', hs.dragHandler); hs.setStyles(content, { width: (x.imgSize || x.size) +'px', height: (y.imgSize || y.size) +'px' }); if (overlayBox) overlayBox.style.overflow = 'visible'; this.outline = last.outline; if (this.outline) this.outline.exp = exp; last.outline = null; var fadeBox = hs.createElement('div', { className: 'highslide-'+ this.contentType }, { position: 'absolute', zIndex: 4, overflow: 'hidden', display: 'none' } ); var names = { oldImg: last, newImg: this }; for (var n in names) { this[n] = names[n].content.cloneNode(1); hs.setStyles(this[n], { position: 'absolute', border: 0, visibility: 'visible' }); fadeBox.appendChild(this[n]); } wrapper.appendChild(fadeBox); if (this.isHtml) hs.setStyles(this.mediumContent, { left: 0, top: 0 }); if (overlayBox) { overlayBox.className = ''; wrapper.appendChild(overlayBox); } fadeBox.style.display = ''; last.content.style.display = 'none'; if (hs.safari && hs.uaVersion < 525) { this.wrapper.style.visibility = 'visible'; } hs.animate(wrapper, { width: x.size }, { duration: hs.transitionDuration, step: function(val, args) { var pos = args.pos, invPos = 1 - pos; var prop, size = {}, props = ['pos', 'size', 'p1', 'p2']; for (var n in props) { prop = props[n]; size['x'+ prop] = Math.round(invPos * lastX[prop] + pos * x[prop]); size['y'+ prop] = Math.round(invPos * lastY[prop] + pos * y[prop]); size.ximgSize = Math.round( invPos * (lastX.imgSize || lastX.size) + pos * (x.imgSize || x.size)); size.ximgPad = Math.round(invPos * lastX.get('imgPad') + pos * x.get('imgPad')); size.yimgSize = Math.round( invPos * (lastY.imgSize || lastY.size) + pos * (y.imgSize || y.size)); size.yimgPad = Math.round(invPos * lastY.get('imgPad') + pos * y.get('imgPad')); } if (exp.outline) exp.outline.setPosition({ x: size.xpos, y: size.ypos, w: size.xsize + size.xp1 + size.xp2 + 2 * x.cb, h: size.ysize + size.yp1 + size.yp2 + 2 * y.cb }); last.wrapper.style.clip = 'rect(' + (size.ypos - lastY.pos)+'px, ' + (size.xsize + size.xp1 + size.xp2 + size.xpos + 2 * lastX.cb - lastX.pos) +'px, ' + (size.ysize + size.yp1 + size.yp2 + size.ypos + 2 * lastY.cb - lastY.pos) +'px, ' + (size.xpos - lastX.pos)+'px)'; hs.setStyles(content, { top: (size.yp1 + y.get('imgPad')) +'px', left: (size.xp1 + x.get('imgPad')) +'px', marginTop: (y.pos - size.ypos) +'px', marginLeft: (x.pos - size.xpos) +'px' }); hs.setStyles(wrapper, { top: size.ypos +'px', left: size.xpos +'px', width: (size.xp1 + size.xp2 + size.xsize + 2 * x.cb)+ 'px', height: (size.yp1 + size.yp2 + size.ysize + 2 * y.cb) + 'px' }); hs.setStyles(fadeBox, { width: (size.ximgSize || size.xsize) + 'px', height: (size.yimgSize || size.ysize) +'px', left: (size.xp1 + size.ximgPad) +'px', top: (size.yp1 + size.yimgPad) +'px', visibility: 'visible' }); hs.setStyles(exp.oldImg, { top: (lastY.pos - size.ypos + lastY.p1 - size.yp1 + lastY.get('imgPad') - size.yimgPad)+'px', left: (lastX.pos - size.xpos + lastX.p1 - size.xp1 + lastX.get('imgPad') - size.ximgPad)+'px' }); hs.setStyles(exp.newImg, { opacity: pos, top: (y.pos - size.ypos + y.p1 - size.yp1 + y.get('imgPad') - size.yimgPad) +'px', left: (x.pos - size.xpos + x.p1 - size.xp1 + x.get('imgPad') - size.ximgPad) +'px' }); if (overlayBox) hs.setStyles(overlayBox, { width: size.xsize + 'px', height: size.ysize +'px', left: (size.xp1 + x.cb) +'px', top: (size.yp1 + y.cb) +'px' }); }, complete: function () { wrapper.style.visibility = content.style.visibility = 'visible'; content.style.display = 'block'; hs.discardElement(fadeBox); exp.afterExpand(); last.afterClose(); exp.last = null; } }); }, reuseOverlay : function(o, el) { if (!this.last) return false; for (var i = 0; i < this.last.overlays.length; i++) { var oDiv = hs.$('hsId'+ this.last.overlays[i]); if (oDiv && oDiv.hsId == o.hsId) { this.genOverlayBox(); oDiv.reuse = this.key; hs.push(this.overlays, this.last.overlays[i]); return true; } } return false; }, afterExpand : function() { this.isExpanded = true; this.focus(); if (this.isHtml && this.objectLoadTime == 'after') this.writeExtendedContent(); if (this.iframe) { try { var exp = this, doc = this.iframe.contentDocument || this.iframe.contentWindow.document; hs.addEventListener(doc, 'mousedown', function () { if (hs.focusKey != exp.key) exp.focus(); }); } catch(e) {} if (hs.ie && typeof this.isClosing != 'boolean') // first open this.iframe.style.width = (this.objectWidth - 1) +'px'; // hasLayout } if (this.dimmingOpacity) hs.dim(this); if (hs.upcoming && hs.upcoming == this.a) hs.upcoming = null; this.prepareNextOutline(); var p = hs.page, mX = hs.mouse.x + p.scrollLeft, mY = hs.mouse.y + p.scrollTop; this.mouseIsOver = this.x.pos < mX && mX < this.x.pos + this.x.get('wsize') && this.y.pos < mY && mY < this.y.pos + this.y.get('wsize'); if (this.overlayBox) this.showOverlays(); hs.fireEvent(this, 'onAfterExpand'); }, prepareNextOutline : function() { var key = this.key; var outlineType = this.outlineType; new hs.Outline(outlineType, function () { try { hs.expanders[key].preloadNext(); } catch (e) {} }); }, preloadNext : function() { var next = this.getAdjacentAnchor(1); if (next && next.onclick.toString().match(/hs\.expand/)) var img = hs.createElement('img', { src: hs.getSrc(next) }); }, getAdjacentAnchor : function(op) { var current = this.getAnchorIndex(), as = hs.anchors.groups[this.slideshowGroup || 'none']; if (as && !as[current + op] && this.slideshow && this.slideshow.repeat) { if (op == 1) return as[0]; else if (op == -1) return as[as.length-1]; } return (as && as[current + op]) || null; }, getAnchorIndex : function() { var arr = hs.getAnchors().groups[this.slideshowGroup || 'none']; if (arr) for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] == this.a) return i; } return null; }, getNumber : function() { if (this[this.numberPosition]) { var arr = hs.anchors.groups[this.slideshowGroup || 'none']; if (arr) { var s = hs.lang.number.replace('%1', this.getAnchorIndex() + 1).replace('%2', arr.length); this[this.numberPosition].innerHTML = '
'+ s +'
'+ this[this.numberPosition].innerHTML; } } }, initSlideshow : function() { if (!this.last) { for (var i = 0; i < hs.slideshows.length; i++) { var ss = hs.slideshows[i], sg = ss.slideshowGroup; if (typeof sg == 'undefined' || sg === null || sg === this.slideshowGroup) this.slideshow = new hs.Slideshow(this.key, ss); } } else { this.slideshow = this.last.slideshow; } var ss = this.slideshow; if (!ss) return; var key = ss.expKey = this.key; ss.checkFirstAndLast(); ss.disable('full-expand'); if (ss.controls) { this.createOverlay(hs.extend(ss.overlayOptions || {}, { overlayId: ss.controls, hsId: 'controls', zIndex: 5 })); } if (ss.thumbstrip) ss.thumbstrip.add(this); if (!this.last && this.autoplay) ss.play(true); if (ss.autoplay) { ss.autoplay = setTimeout(function() { hs.next(key); }, (ss.interval || 500)); } }, cancelLoading : function() { hs.discardElement (this.wrapper); hs.expanders[this.key] = null; if (hs.upcoming == this.a) hs.upcoming = null; hs.undim(this.key); if (this.loading) hs.loading.style.left = '-9999px'; hs.fireEvent(this, 'onHideLoading'); }, writeCredits : function () { if (this.credits) return; this.credits = hs.createElement('a', { href: hs.creditsHref, target: hs.creditsTarget, className: 'highslide-credits', innerHTML: hs.lang.creditsText, title: hs.lang.creditsTitle }); this.createOverlay({ overlayId: this.credits, position: this.creditsPosition || 'top left', hsId: 'credits' }); }, getInline : function(types, addOverlay) { for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { var type = types[i], s = null; if (type == 'caption' && !hs.fireEvent(this, 'onBeforeGetCaption')) return; else if (type == 'heading' && !hs.fireEvent(this, 'onBeforeGetHeading')) return; if (!this[type +'Id'] && this.thumbsUserSetId) this[type +'Id'] = type +'-for-'+ this.thumbsUserSetId; if (this[type +'Id']) this[type] = hs.getNode(this[type +'Id']); if (!this[type] && !this[type +'Text'] && this[type +'Eval']) try { s = eval(this[type +'Eval']); } catch (e) {} if (!this[type] && this[type +'Text']) { s = this[type +'Text']; } if (!this[type] && !s) { this[type] = hs.getNode(this.a['_'+ type + 'Id']); if (!this[type]) { var next = this.a.nextSibling; while (next && !hs.isHsAnchor(next)) { if ((new RegExp('highslide-'+ type)).test(next.className || null)) { if (!next.id) this.a['_'+ type + 'Id'] = next.id = 'hsId'+ hs.idCounter++; this[type] = hs.getNode(next.id); break; } next = next.nextSibling; } } } if (!this[type] && !s && this.numberPosition == type) s = '\n'; if (!this[type] && s) this[type] = hs.createElement('div', { className: 'highslide-'+ type, innerHTML: s } ); if (addOverlay && this[type]) { var o = { position: (type == 'heading') ? 'above' : 'below' }; for (var x in this[type+'Overlay']) o[x] = this[type+'Overlay'][x]; o.overlayId = this[type]; this.createOverlay(o); } } }, // on end move and resize doShowHide : function(visibility) { if (hs.hideSelects) this.showHideElements('SELECT', visibility); if (hs.hideIframes) this.showHideElements('IFRAME', visibility); if (hs.geckoMac) this.showHideElements('*', visibility); }, showHideElements : function (tagName, visibility) { var els = document.getElementsByTagName(tagName); var prop = tagName == '*' ? 'overflow' : 'visibility'; for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { if (prop == 'visibility' || (document.defaultView.getComputedStyle( els[i], "").getPropertyValue('overflow') == 'auto' || els[i].getAttribute('hidden-by') != null)) { var hiddenBy = els[i].getAttribute('hidden-by'); if (visibility == 'visible' && hiddenBy) { hiddenBy = hiddenBy.replace('['+ this.key +']', ''); els[i].setAttribute('hidden-by', hiddenBy); if (!hiddenBy) els[i].style[prop] = els[i].origProp; } else if (visibility == 'hidden') { // hide if behind var elPos = hs.getPosition(els[i]); elPos.w = els[i].offsetWidth; elPos.h = els[i].offsetHeight; if (!this.dimmingOpacity) { // hide all if dimming var clearsX = (elPos.x + elPos.w < this.x.get('opos') || elPos.x > this.x.get('opos') + this.x.get('osize')); var clearsY = (elPos.y + elPos.h < this.y.get('opos') || elPos.y > this.y.get('opos') + this.y.get('osize')); } var wrapperKey = hs.getWrapperKey(els[i]); if (!clearsX && !clearsY && wrapperKey != this.key) { // element falls behind image if (!hiddenBy) { els[i].setAttribute('hidden-by', '['+ this.key +']'); els[i].origProp = els[i].style[prop]; els[i].style[prop] = 'hidden'; } else if (hiddenBy.indexOf('['+ this.key +']') == -1) { els[i].setAttribute('hidden-by', hiddenBy + '['+ this.key +']'); } } else if ((hiddenBy == '['+ this.key +']' || hs.focusKey == wrapperKey) && wrapperKey != this.key) { // on move els[i].setAttribute('hidden-by', ''); els[i].style[prop] = els[i].origProp || ''; } else if (hiddenBy && hiddenBy.indexOf('['+ this.key +']') > -1) { els[i].setAttribute('hidden-by', hiddenBy.replace('['+ this.key +']', '')); } } } } }, focus : function() { this.wrapper.style.zIndex = hs.zIndexCounter += 2; // blur others for (var i = 0; i < hs.expanders.length; i++) { if (hs.expanders[i] && i == hs.focusKey) { var blurExp = hs.expanders[i]; blurExp.content.className += ' highslide-'+ blurExp.contentType +'-blur'; if (blurExp.isImage) { blurExp.content.style.cursor = hs.ie ? 'hand' : 'pointer'; blurExp.content.title = hs.lang.focusTitle; } hs.fireEvent(blurExp, 'onBlur'); } } // focus this if (this.outline) this.outline.table.style.zIndex = this.wrapper.style.zIndex - 1; this.content.className = 'highslide-'+ this.contentType; if (this.isImage) { this.content.title = hs.lang.restoreTitle; if (hs.restoreCursor) { hs.styleRestoreCursor = window.opera ? 'pointer' : 'url('+ hs.graphicsDir + hs.restoreCursor +'), pointer'; if (hs.ie && hs.uaVersion < 6) hs.styleRestoreCursor = 'hand'; this.content.style.cursor = hs.styleRestoreCursor; } } hs.focusKey = this.key; hs.addEventListener(document, window.opera ? 'keypress' : 'keydown', hs.keyHandler); hs.fireEvent(this, 'onFocus'); }, moveTo: function(x, y) { this.x.setPos(x); this.y.setPos(y); }, resize : function (e) { var w, h, r = e.width / e.height; w = Math.max(e.width + e.dX, Math.min(this.minWidth, this.x.full)); if (this.isImage && Math.abs(w - this.x.full) < 12) w = this.x.full; h = this.isHtml ? e.height + e.dY : w / r; if (h < Math.min(this.minHeight, this.y.full)) { h = Math.min(this.minHeight, this.y.full); if (this.isImage) w = h * r; } this.resizeTo(w, h); }, resizeTo: function(w, h) { this.y.setSize(h); this.x.setSize(w); this.wrapper.style.height = this.y.get('wsize') +'px'; }, close : function() { if (this.isClosing || !this.isExpanded) return; if (this.transitions[1] == 'crossfade' && hs.upcoming) { hs.getExpander(hs.upcoming).cancelLoading(); hs.upcoming = null; } if (!hs.fireEvent(this, 'onBeforeClose')) return; this.isClosing = true; if (this.slideshow && !hs.upcoming) this.slideshow.pause(); hs.removeEventListener(document, window.opera ? 'keypress' : 'keydown', hs.keyHandler); try { if (this.isHtml) this.htmlPrepareClose(); this.content.style.cursor = 'default'; this.changeSize( 0, { wrapper: { width : this.x.t, height : this.y.t, left: this.x.tpos - this.x.cb + this.x.tb, top: this.y.tpos - this.y.cb + this.y.tb }, content: { left: 0, top: 0, width: this.x.t, height: this.y.t } }, hs.restoreDuration ); } catch (e) { this.afterClose(); } }, htmlPrepareClose : function() { if (hs.geckoMac) { // bad redraws if (!hs.mask) hs.mask = hs.createElement('div', null, { position: 'absolute' }, hs.container); hs.setStyles(hs.mask, { width: this.x.size +'px', height: this.y.size +'px', left: this.x.pos +'px', top: this.y.pos +'px', display: 'block' }); } if (this.objectType == 'swf') try { hs.$(this.body.id).StopPlay(); } catch (e) {} if (this.objectLoadTime == 'after' && !this.preserveContent) this.destroyObject(); if (this.scrollerDiv && this.scrollerDiv != this.scrollingContent) this.scrollerDiv.style.overflow = 'hidden'; }, destroyObject : function () { if (hs.ie && this.iframe) try { this.iframe.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = ''; } catch (e) {} if (this.objectType == 'swf') swfobject.removeSWF(this.body.id); this.body.innerHTML = ''; }, sleep : function() { if (this.outline) this.outline.table.style.display = 'none'; this.releaseMask = null; this.wrapper.style.display = 'none'; this.isExpanded = false; hs.push(hs.sleeping, this); }, awake : function() {try { hs.expanders[this.key] = this; if (!hs.allowMultipleInstances &&hs.focusKey != this.key) { try { hs.expanders[hs.focusKey].close(); } catch (e){} } var z = hs.zIndexCounter++, stl = { display: '', zIndex: z }; hs.setStyles (this.wrapper, stl); this.isClosing = false; var o = this.outline || 0; if (o) { if (!this.outlineWhileAnimating) stl.visibility = 'hidden'; hs.setStyles (o.table, stl); } if (this.slideshow) { this.initSlideshow(); } this.show(); } catch (e) {} }, createOverlay : function (o) { var el = o.overlayId, relToVP = (o.relativeTo == 'viewport' && !/panel$/.test(o.position)); if (typeof el == 'string') el = hs.getNode(el); if (o.html) el = hs.createElement('div', { innerHTML: o.html }); if (!el || typeof el == 'string') return; if (!hs.fireEvent(this, 'onCreateOverlay', { overlay: el })) return; el.style.display = 'block'; o.hsId = o.hsId || o.overlayId; if (this.transitions[1] == 'crossfade' && this.reuseOverlay(o, el)) return; this.genOverlayBox(); var width = o.width && /^[0-9]+(px|%)$/.test(o.width) ? o.width : 'auto'; if (/^(left|right)panel$/.test(o.position) && !/^[0-9]+px$/.test(o.width)) width = '200px'; var overlay = hs.createElement( 'div', { id: 'hsId'+ hs.idCounter++, hsId: o.hsId }, { position: 'absolute', visibility: 'hidden', width: width, direction: hs.lang.cssDirection || '', opacity: 0 }, relToVP ? hs.viewport :this.overlayBox, true ); if (relToVP) overlay.hsKey = this.key; overlay.appendChild(el); hs.extend(overlay, { opacity: 1, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, dur: (o.fade === 0 || o.fade === false || (o.fade == 2 && hs.ie)) ? 0 : 250 }); hs.extend(overlay, o); if (this.gotOverlays) { this.positionOverlay(overlay); if (!overlay.hideOnMouseOut || this.mouseIsOver) hs.animate(overlay, { opacity: overlay.opacity }, overlay.dur); } hs.push(this.overlays, hs.idCounter - 1); }, positionOverlay : function(overlay) { var p = overlay.position || 'middle center', relToVP = (overlay.relativeTo == 'viewport'), offX = overlay.offsetX, offY = overlay.offsetY; if (relToVP) { hs.viewport.style.display = 'block'; overlay.hsKey = this.key; if (overlay.offsetWidth > overlay.parentNode.offsetWidth) overlay.style.width = '100%'; } else if (overlay.parentNode != this.overlayBox) this.overlayBox.appendChild(overlay); if (/left$/.test(p)) overlay.style.left = offX +'px'; if (/center$/.test(p)) hs.setStyles (overlay, { left: '50%', marginLeft: (offX - Math.round(overlay.offsetWidth / 2)) +'px' }); if (/right$/.test(p)) overlay.style.right = - offX +'px'; if (/^leftpanel$/.test(p)) { hs.setStyles(overlay, { right: '100%', marginRight: this.x.cb +'px', top: - this.y.cb +'px', bottom: - this.y.cb +'px', overflow: 'auto' }); this.x.p1 = overlay.offsetWidth; } else if (/^rightpanel$/.test(p)) { hs.setStyles(overlay, { left: '100%', marginLeft: this.x.cb +'px', top: - this.y.cb +'px', bottom: - this.y.cb +'px', overflow: 'auto' }); this.x.p2 = overlay.offsetWidth; } var parOff = overlay.parentNode.offsetHeight; overlay.style.height = 'auto'; if (relToVP && overlay.offsetHeight > parOff) overlay.style.height = hs.ieLt7 ? parOff +'px' : '100%'; if (/^top/.test(p)) overlay.style.top = offY +'px'; if (/^middle/.test(p)) hs.setStyles (overlay, { top: '50%', marginTop: (offY - Math.round(overlay.offsetHeight / 2)) +'px' }); if (/^bottom/.test(p)) overlay.style.bottom = - offY +'px'; if (/^above$/.test(p)) { hs.setStyles(overlay, { left: (- this.x.p1 - this.x.cb) +'px', right: (- this.x.p2 - this.x.cb) +'px', bottom: '100%', marginBottom: this.y.cb +'px', width: 'auto' }); this.y.p1 = overlay.offsetHeight; } else if (/^below$/.test(p)) { hs.setStyles(overlay, { position: 'relative', left: (- this.x.p1 - this.x.cb) +'px', right: (- this.x.p2 - this.x.cb) +'px', top: '100%', marginTop: this.y.cb +'px', width: 'auto' }); this.y.p2 = overlay.offsetHeight; overlay.style.position = 'absolute'; } }, getOverlays : function() { this.getInline(['heading', 'caption'], true); this.getNumber(); if (this.caption) hs.fireEvent(this, 'onAfterGetCaption'); if (this.heading) hs.fireEvent(this, 'onAfterGetHeading'); if (this.heading && this.dragByHeading) this.heading.className += ' highslide-move'; if (hs.showCredits) this.writeCredits(); for (var i = 0; i < hs.overlays.length; i++) { var o = hs.overlays[i], tId = o.thumbnailId, sg = o.slideshowGroup; if ((!tId && !sg) || (tId && tId == this.thumbsUserSetId) || (sg && sg === this.slideshowGroup)) { if (this.isImage || (this.isHtml && o.useOnHtml)) this.createOverlay(o); } } var os = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.overlays.length; i++) { var o = hs.$('hsId'+ this.overlays[i]); if (/panel$/.test(o.position)) this.positionOverlay(o); else hs.push(os, o); } for (var i = 0; i < os.length; i++) this.positionOverlay(os[i]); this.gotOverlays = true; }, genOverlayBox : function() { if (!this.overlayBox) this.overlayBox = hs.createElement ( 'div', { className: this.wrapperClassName }, { position : 'absolute', width: (this.x.size || (this.useBox ? this.width : null) || this.x.full) +'px', height: (this.y.size || this.y.full) +'px', visibility : 'hidden', overflow : 'hidden', zIndex : hs.ie ? 4 : 'auto' }, hs.container, true ); }, sizeOverlayBox : function(doWrapper, doPanels) { var overlayBox = this.overlayBox, x = this.x, y = this.y; hs.setStyles( overlayBox, { width: x.size +'px', height: y.size +'px' }); if (doWrapper || doPanels) { for (var i = 0; i < this.overlays.length; i++) { var o = hs.$('hsId'+ this.overlays[i]); var ie6 = (hs.ieLt7 || document.compatMode == 'BackCompat'); if (o && /^(above|below)$/.test(o.position)) { if (ie6) { o.style.width = (overlayBox.offsetWidth + 2 * x.cb + x.p1 + x.p2) +'px'; } y[o.position == 'above' ? 'p1' : 'p2'] = o.offsetHeight; } if (o && ie6 && /^(left|right)panel$/.test(o.position)) { o.style.height = (overlayBox.offsetHeight + 2* y.cb) +'px'; } } } if (doWrapper) { hs.setStyles(this.content, { top: y.p1 +'px' }); hs.setStyles(overlayBox, { top: (y.p1 + y.cb) +'px' }); } }, showOverlays : function() { var b = this.overlayBox; b.className = ''; hs.setStyles(b, { top: (this.y.p1 + this.y.cb) +'px', left: (this.x.p1 + this.x.cb) +'px', overflow : 'visible' }); if (hs.safari) b.style.visibility = 'visible'; this.wrapper.appendChild (b); for (var i = 0; i < this.overlays.length; i++) { var o = hs.$('hsId'+ this.overlays[i]); o.style.zIndex = o.zIndex || 4; if (!o.hideOnMouseOut || this.mouseIsOver) { o.style.visibility = 'visible'; hs.setStyles(o, { visibility: 'visible', display: '' }); hs.animate(o, { opacity: o.opacity }, o.dur); } } }, destroyOverlays : function() { if (!this.overlays.length) return; if (this.slideshow) { var c = this.slideshow.controls; if (c && hs.getExpander(c) == this) c.parentNode.removeChild(c); } for (var i = 0; i < this.overlays.length; i++) { var o = hs.$('hsId'+ this.overlays[i]); if (o && o.parentNode == hs.viewport && hs.getExpander(o) == this) hs.discardElement(o); } if (this.isHtml && this.preserveContent) { this.overlayBox.style.top = '-9999px'; hs.container.appendChild(this.overlayBox); } else hs.discardElement(this.overlayBox); }, createFullExpand : function () { if (this.slideshow && this.slideshow.controls) { this.slideshow.enable('full-expand'); return; } this.fullExpandLabel = hs.createElement( 'a', { href: 'javascript:hs.expanders['+ this.key +'].doFullExpand();', title: hs.lang.fullExpandTitle, className: 'highslide-full-expand' } ); if (!hs.fireEvent(this, 'onCreateFullExpand')) return; this.createOverlay({ overlayId: this.fullExpandLabel, position: hs.fullExpandPosition, hideOnMouseOut: true, opacity: hs.fullExpandOpacity }); }, doFullExpand : function () { try { if (!hs.fireEvent(this, 'onDoFullExpand')) return; if (this.fullExpandLabel) hs.discardElement(this.fullExpandLabel); this.focus(); var xSize = this.x.size; this.resizeTo(this.x.full, this.y.full); var xpos = this.x.pos - (this.x.size - xSize) / 2; if (xpos < hs.marginLeft) xpos = hs.marginLeft; this.moveTo(xpos, this.y.pos); this.doShowHide('hidden'); } catch (e) { this.error(e); } }, afterClose : function () { this.a.className = this.a.className.replace('highslide-active-anchor', ''); this.doShowHide('visible'); if (this.isHtml && this.preserveContent && this.transitions[1] != 'crossfade') { this.sleep(); } else { if (this.outline && this.outlineWhileAnimating) this.outline.destroy(); hs.discardElement(this.wrapper); } if (hs.mask) hs.mask.style.display = 'none'; this.destroyOverlays(); if (!hs.viewport.childNodes.length) hs.viewport.style.display = 'none'; if (this.dimmingOpacity) hs.undim(this.key); hs.fireEvent(this, 'onAfterClose'); hs.expanders[this.key] = null; hs.reOrder(); } }; // hs.Ajax object prototype hs.Ajax = function (a, content, pre) { this.a = a; this.content = content; this.pre = pre; }; hs.Ajax.prototype = { run : function () { var xhr; if (!this.src) this.src = hs.getSrc(this.a); if (this.src.match('#')) { var arr = this.src.split('#'); this.src = arr[0]; this.id = arr[1]; } if (hs.cachedGets[this.src]) { this.cachedGet = hs.cachedGets[this.src]; if (this.id) this.getElementContent(); else this.loadHTML(); return; } try { xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { try { xhr = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { this.onError(); } } } var pThis = this; xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if(pThis.xhr.readyState == 4) { if (pThis.id) pThis.getElementContent(); else pThis.loadHTML(); } }; var src = this.src; this.xhr = xhr; if (hs.forceAjaxReload) src = src.replace(/$/, (/\?/.test(src) ? '&' : '?') +'dummy='+ (new Date()).getTime()); xhr.open('GET', src, true); xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xhr.send(null); }, getElementContent : function() { hs.init(); var attribs = window.opera || hs.ie6SSL ? { src: 'about:blank' } : null; this.iframe = hs.createElement('iframe', attribs, { position: 'absolute', top: '-9999px' }, hs.container); this.loadHTML(); }, loadHTML : function() { var s = this.cachedGet || this.xhr.responseText, regBody; if (this.pre) hs.cachedGets[this.src] = s; if (!hs.ie || hs.uaVersion >= 5.5) { s = s.replace(new RegExp(']*>', 'gi'), '') .replace(new RegExp(']*>.*?', 'gi'), ''); if (this.iframe) { var doc = this.iframe.contentDocument; if (!doc && this.iframe.contentWindow) doc = this.iframe.contentWindow.document; if (!doc) { // Opera var pThis = this; setTimeout(function() { pThis.loadHTML(); }, 25); return; } doc.open(); doc.write(s); doc.close(); try { s = doc.getElementById(this.id).innerHTML; } catch (e) { try { s = this.iframe.document.getElementById(this.id).innerHTML; } catch (e) {} // opera } hs.discardElement(this.iframe); } else { regBody = /(]*>|<\/body>)/ig; if (regBody.test(s)) s = s.split(regBody)[hs.ie ? 1 : 2]; } } hs.getElementByClass(this.content, 'DIV', 'highslide-body').innerHTML = s; this.onLoad(); for (var x in this) this[x] = null; } }; hs.Slideshow = function (expKey, options) { if (hs.dynamicallyUpdateAnchors !== false) hs.updateAnchors(); this.expKey = expKey; for (var x in options) this[x] = options[x]; if (this.useControls) this.getControls(); if (this.thumbstrip) this.thumbstrip = hs.Thumbstrip(this); }; hs.Slideshow.prototype = { getControls: function() { this.controls = hs.createElement('div', { innerHTML: hs.replaceLang(hs.skin.controls) }, null, hs.container); var buttons = ['play', 'pause', 'previous', 'next', 'move', 'full-expand', 'close']; this.btn = {}; var pThis = this; for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { this.btn[buttons[i]] = hs.getElementByClass(this.controls, 'li', 'highslide-'+ buttons[i]); this.enable(buttons[i]); } this.btn.pause.style.display = 'none'; //this.disable('full-expand'); }, checkFirstAndLast: function() { if (this.repeat || !this.controls) return; var exp = hs.expanders[this.expKey], cur = exp.getAnchorIndex(), re = /disabled$/; if (cur == 0) this.disable('previous'); else if (re.test(this.btn.previous.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].className)) this.enable('previous'); if (cur + 1 == hs.anchors.groups[exp.slideshowGroup || 'none'].length) { this.disable('next'); this.disable('play'); } else if (re.test(this.btn.next.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].className)) { this.enable('next'); this.enable('play'); } }, enable: function(btn) { if (!this.btn) return; var sls = this, a = this.btn[btn].getElementsByTagName('a')[0], re = /disabled$/; a.onclick = function() { sls[btn](); return false; }; if (re.test(a.className)) a.className = a.className.replace(re, ''); }, disable: function(btn) { if (!this.btn) return; var a = this.btn[btn].getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; a.onclick = function() { return false; }; if (!/disabled$/.test(a.className)) a.className += ' disabled'; }, hitSpace: function() { if (this.autoplay) this.pause(); else this.play(); }, play: function(wait) { if (this.btn) { this.btn.play.style.display = 'none'; this.btn.pause.style.display = ''; } this.autoplay = true; if (!wait) hs.next(this.expKey); }, pause: function() { if (this.btn) { this.btn.pause.style.display = 'none'; this.btn.play.style.display = ''; } clearTimeout(this.autoplay); this.autoplay = null; }, previous: function() { this.pause(); hs.previous(this.btn.previous); }, next: function() { this.pause(); hs.next(this.btn.next); }, move: function() {}, 'full-expand': function() { hs.getExpander().doFullExpand(); }, close: function() { hs.close(this.btn.close); } }; hs.Thumbstrip = function(slideshow) { function add (exp) { hs.extend(options || {}, { overlayId: dom, hsId: 'thumbstrip', className: 'highslide-thumbstrip-'+ mode +'-overlay ' + (options.className || '') }); if (hs.ieLt7) options.fade = 0; exp.createOverlay(options); hs.setStyles(dom.parentNode, { overflow: 'hidden' }); }; function scroll (delta) { selectThumb(undefined, Math.round(delta * dom[isX ? 'offsetWidth' : 'offsetHeight'] * 0.7)); }; function selectThumb (i, scrollBy) { if (i === undefined) for (var j = 0; j < group.length; j++) { if (group[j] == hs.expanders[slideshow.expKey].a) { i = j; break; } } if (i === undefined) return; var as = dom.getElementsByTagName('a'), active = as[i], cell = active.parentNode, left = isX ? 'Left' : 'Top', right = isX ? 'Right' : 'Bottom', width = isX ? 'Width' : 'Height', offsetLeft = 'offset' + left, offsetWidth = 'offset' + width, overlayWidth = div.parentNode.parentNode[offsetWidth], minTblPos = overlayWidth - table[offsetWidth], curTblPos = parseInt(table.style[isX ? 'left' : 'top']) || 0, tblPos = curTblPos, mgnRight = 20; if (scrollBy !== undefined) { tblPos = curTblPos - scrollBy; if (minTblPos > 0) minTblPos = 0; if (tblPos > 0) tblPos = 0; if (tblPos < minTblPos) tblPos = minTblPos; } else { for (var j = 0; j < as.length; j++) as[j].className = ''; active.className = 'highslide-active-anchor'; var activeLeft = i > 0 ? as[i - 1].parentNode[offsetLeft] : cell[offsetLeft], activeRight = cell[offsetLeft] + cell[offsetWidth] + (as[i + 1] ? as[i + 1].parentNode[offsetWidth] : 0); if (activeRight > overlayWidth - curTblPos) tblPos = overlayWidth - activeRight; else if (activeLeft < -curTblPos) tblPos = -activeLeft; } var markerPos = cell[offsetLeft] + (cell[offsetWidth] - marker[offsetWidth]) / 2 + tblPos; hs.animate(table, isX ? { left: tblPos } : { top: tblPos }, null, 'easeOutQuad'); hs.animate(marker, isX ? { left: markerPos } : { top: markerPos }, null, 'easeOutQuad'); scrollUp.style.display = tblPos < 0 ? 'block' : 'none'; scrollDown.style.display = (tblPos > minTblPos) ? 'block' : 'none'; }; // initialize var group = hs.anchors.groups[hs.expanders[slideshow.expKey].slideshowGroup || 'none'], options = slideshow.thumbstrip, mode = options.mode || 'horizontal', floatMode = (mode == 'float'), tree = floatMode ? ['div', 'ul', 'li', 'span'] : ['table', 'tbody', 'tr', 'td'], isX = (mode == 'horizontal'), dom = hs.createElement('div', { className: 'highslide-thumbstrip highslide-thumbstrip-'+ mode, innerHTML: '
'+ '<'+ tree[0] +'><'+ tree[1] +'>
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
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'mousewheel' : 'DOMMouseScroll', function(e) { var delta = 0; e = e || window.event; if (e.wheelDelta) { delta = e.wheelDelta/120; if (hs.opera) delta = -delta; } else if (e.detail) { delta = -e.detail/3; } if (delta) scroll(-delta * 0.2); if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); e.returnValue = false; }); } return { add: add, selectThumb: selectThumb } }; hs.langDefaults = hs.lang; // history var HsExpander = hs.Expander; if (hs.ie && window == window.top) { (function () { try { document.documentElement.doScroll('left'); } catch (e) { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 50); return; } hs.ready(); })(); } hs.addEventListener(document, 'DOMContentLoaded', hs.ready); hs.addEventListener(window, 'load', hs.ready); // set handlers hs.addEventListener(document, 'ready', function() { if (hs.expandCursor || hs.dimmingOpacity) { var style = hs.createElement('style', { type: 'text/css' }, null, document.getElementsByTagName('HEAD')[0]); function addRule(sel, dec) { if (!hs.ie) { style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(sel + " {" + dec + "}")); } else { var last = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1]; if (typeof(last.addRule) == "object") last.addRule(sel, dec); } } function fix(prop) { return 'expression( ( ( ignoreMe = document.documentElement.'+ prop + ' ? document.documentElement.'+ prop +' : document.body.'+ prop +' ) ) + \'px\' );'; } if (hs.expandCursor) addRule ('.highslide img', 'cursor: url('+ hs.graphicsDir + hs.expandCursor +'), pointer !important;'); addRule ('.highslide-viewport-size', hs.ie && (hs.uaVersion < 7 || document.compatMode == 'BackCompat') ? 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'; document.getElementById('loading').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('loading').style.visibility = 'visible'; // Wenn nach dem Laden nach oben gescrollt werden soll, dann hier definieren if (scrolltop == 1) { scrolltop = 'window.scrollTo(0,0);'; } else { scrolltop = ''; } // AJAX anschmeissen new Ajax.Updater(id, 'rpc/general.rpc.php?modus=rpc&target_rpc='+id+'&rpc='+rpc+vars_and, { onComplete: function() { refresh_divs(id,rpc,nav,vars_and); if (scrolltop) { eval(scrolltop); } if (oncomplete) { eval(oncomplete); } if (anker) { document.location.href='#'+anker; } } }); // Browser-URL auf AJAX-Url aendern damit Adressbar-Links wieder funktionieren // var ajaxurl = 'tpl='+rpc+vars_and; ajaxurl = ajaxurl.replace(/&/g,'/').replace(/=/g,'/'); document.location.href='./#?/'+ajaxurl+'/'; //document.getElementById(id).focus(); // Focus lenken // Wenn Google Maps vorhanden, dann laden if (document.getElementById('map')) { load(); } // acp template-info-button if (document.getElementById('apanel_tplinfo')) { document.getElementById('apanel_tplinfo').innerHTML = rpc+'.rpc.tpl'+(nav ? ' (ID: '+nav+')' : ''); } // wenn debug-console offen if (document.getElementById('debugconsole') && enable_debug_layer) { document.getElementById('debugconsole').src = 'php/debugconsole.php_error.php'; } // Wenn Google Analytics vorhanden, dann AJAX-Aufruf mitteilen if (typeof(pageTracker) == "object") { pageTracker._trackPageview("/"+rpc+","+nav+".html"); } } // ########################################################################### // Funktion, um weitere Elemente automatisch mit zu tauschen function refresh_divs(id,rpc,nav,vars_and) { document.getElementById('ajax_locator').value = '1'; // AJAX-History aktivieren document.getElementById('ajax_history').src = 'history,'+rpc+','+nav+'.html'; // Template an AJAX-History uebergeben //if (document.getElementById('rpc_search')) { new Ajax.Updater('rpc_search', 'rpc/search.rpc.php?modus=rpc&target_rpc=rpc_search&rpc='+rpc+vars_and, { onComplete: function() { /* none */ } }); } // Suche if (document.getElementById('rpc_nav_main')) { new Ajax.Updater('rpc_nav_main', 'rpc/nav.main.rpc.php?modus=rpc&target_rpc=rpc_nav_main&rpc='+rpc+vars_and, { onComplete: function() { /* none */ } }); } // Navigation (Main) refreshen if (document.getElementById('rpc_nav_basic')) { new Ajax.Updater('rpc_nav_basic', 'rpc/nav.basic.rpc.php?modus=rpc&target_rpc=rpc_nav_basic&rpc='+rpc+vars_and, { onComplete: function() { /* none */ } }); } // Navigation (Basic) refreshen if (document.getElementById('rpc_nav_top')) { new Ajax.Updater('rpc_nav_top', 'rpc/nav.top.rpc.php?modus=rpc&target_rpc=rpc_nav_top&rpc='+rpc+vars_and, { onComplete: function() { /* none */ } }); } // Navigation (Right) refreshen if (document.getElementById('rpc_nav_left')) { new Ajax.Updater('rpc_nav_left', 'rpc/nav.left.rpc.php?modus=rpc&target_rpc=rpc_nav_left&rpc='+rpc+vars_and, { onComplete: function() { /* none */ } }); } // Navigation (Right) refreshen if (document.getElementById('rpc_nav_right')) { new Ajax.Updater('rpc_nav_right', 'rpc/nav.right.rpc.php?modus=rpc&target_rpc=rpc_nav_right&rpc='+rpc+vars_and, { onComplete: function() { /* none */ } }); } // Navigation (Right) refreshen if (document.getElementById('rpc_nav_bottom')) { new Ajax.Updater('rpc_nav_bottom', 'rpc/nav.bottom.rpc.php?modus=rpc&target_rpc=rpc_nav_bottom&rpc='+rpc+vars_and, { onComplete: function() { /* none */ } }); } // Navigation (Right) refreshen if (document.getElementById('rpc_nav_path')) { new Ajax.Updater('rpc_nav_path', 'rpc/nav.path.rpc.php?modus=rpc&target_rpc=rpc_nav_path&rpc='+rpc+vars_and, { onComplete: function() { /* none */ } }); } // Navigation (Pfad) refreshen if (document.getElementById('rpc_teaser')) { new Ajax.Updater('rpc_teaser', 'rpc/teaser.rpc.php?modus=rpc&target_rpc=rpc_teaser&rpc='+rpc+vars_and, { onComplete: function() { /* none */ } }); } // Navigation (Pfad) refreshen if (document.getElementById('rpc_socialbookmarks')) { new Ajax.Updater('rpc_socialbookmarks', 'rpc/socialbookmarks.rpc.php?modus=rpc&target_rpc=rpc_socialbookmarks&rpc='+rpc+vars_and, { onComplete: function() { /* none */ } }); } // Navigation (Pfad) refreshen google_adsense(); // Google adsense aufrufen // Wenn im Template verwendet, ggf. Galleryscroller initialisieren for (c = 0; document.getElementById('galleryscroller_'+c); c++) { var pb = new poma.scrollbox('galleryscroller_'+c,{'ud':false,'usebuttons':false,'speed':10}); } // Wenn Google-Plus aufrufen renderPlusone(); // Wartehinweis ausblenden document.getElementById('loading').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('loading').style.visibility = 'hidden'; } // ########################################################################### // Google-Plus bei ajax-klick refreshen function renderPlusone() { // Wenn Google-Plus verwendet wird (div vorhanden?) if (document.getElementById('plusone-div')) { gapi.plusone.render("plusone-div", {"size": "small", "count": "true"}); } } // ########################################################################### // Google-Adsense bei ajax-klick refreshen function google_adsense() { /* document.getElementById('google_adsense_1').innerHTML=''; domWrite( "google_adsense_1", "http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js", function() { google_ad_client = "pub-0000000000000000"; 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chr = new Array; } if (chr[87] == 1 && chr[79] == 1) /* w+o */ { window.location.href = document.getElementById('apanel_onlineurl').innerHTML; chr = new Array; } if (chr[87] == 1 && chr[81] == 1) /* w+q */ { window.location.href = './qrcode.php'; chr = new Array; } if (chr[87] == 1 && chr[82] == 1 && this_location['id']) /* w+r */ { switch_content(this_location['id'],this_location['rpc'],this_location['scrolltop'],this_location['nav'],this_location['vars'],this_location['anker'],this_location['oncomplete']); chr = new Array; } // r if (chr[87] == 1 && chr[86] == 1) /* w+v */ { window.location.href = './m/'; chr = new Array; } //document.getElementById('keycodetext').value = keycode + ''; //alert('Taste mit Dezimalwert ' + keycode + ' gedrueckt'); } function key_release(Ereignis) { if (!Ereignis) { Ereignis = window.event; } if (Ereignis.which) { keycode = Ereignis.which; } else if (Ereignis.keyCode) { keycode = Ereignis.keyCode; } chr[keycode] = 0; if (keycode == 27) { chr[17] = 0; clearpage(); 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window.setTimeout("document.getElementById(this_id).className='body_a';",1000); */ last_accordeon = id; } } var login_afterrequest = false; var login_template = 'login'; var login_lang = 'de' // default var login_nav_id = new Array(); login_nav_id['de'] = 1; login_nav_id['uk'] = 48; var http_request = false; var http_target = false; var http_fields = false; var http_url = ''; function makePOSTRequest(url, parameters) { http_url = url; http_request = false; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari,... http_request = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (http_request.overrideMimeType) { // set type accordingly to anticipated content type //http_request.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); http_request.overrideMimeType('text/html'); } } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE try { http_request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { http_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {} } } if (!http_request) { alert('Fehler: Kann keine XMLHTTP-Instanz erstellen.'); return false; } http_request.onreadystatechange = alertContents; http_request.open('POST', url, true); http_request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); http_request.setRequestHeader("Content-length", parameters.length); http_request.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); http_request.send(parameters); } function alertContents() { if (http_request.readyState == 4) { if (http_request.status == 200) { //alert(http_request.responseText); result = http_request.responseText; //document.getElementById('myspan').innerHTML = result; document.getElementById(http_target).innerHTML = result; // wenn es sich um das loginform handelt if (login_afterrequest) { switch_content('rpc_content',login_template,1,login_nav_id[login_lang],'nav='+login_nav_id[login_lang]); login_afterrequest = false; } } else { alert('Fehler: Die Anfrage konnte nicht gesendet werden.\nHTTP '+http_request.status+' ('+http_url+' > '+http_target+')'); } } } function get(target,file,fields,form) { http_target = target http_fields = fields http_fields = http_fields.split(",") poststr = "" poststr = poststr+'submitfields='+fields+'&' for (c = 0; c < http_fields.length; c++) { if (c > 0) { poststr = poststr+'&' } if (document.forms[form].elements[http_fields[c]]) { if (document.forms[form].elements[http_fields[c]].type == 'radio' && document.forms[form].elements[http_fields[c]].checked) { poststr = poststr+document.forms[form].elements[http_fields[c]].name+'='+encodeURI(document.forms[form].elements[http_fields[c]].value); // +'&' } else if (document.forms[form].elements[http_fields[c]].type == 'checkbox' && document.forms[form].elements[http_fields[c]].checked == true) { //alert(document.getElementById(http_fields[c]).name); // && document.getElementById(http_fields[c]).checked == true poststr = poststr+document.forms[form].elements[http_fields[c]].name+'='+encodeURI(document.forms[form].elements[http_fields[c]].value); } else { //poststr = poststr+http_fields[c]+'='+encodeURI(document.getElementById(http_fields[c]).value); poststr = poststr+http_fields[c]+'='+encodeURI(document.forms[form].elements[http_fields[c]].value); if (document.forms[form].elements[http_fields[c]].name == "action" && document.forms[form].elements[http_fields[c]].value == "login") { login_afterrequest = true; } if (document.forms[form].elements[http_fields[c]].name == "lang") { login_lang = document.forms[form].elements[http_fields[c]].value; } } } else { //alert('Can\'t access field '+http_fields[c]); } } makePOSTRequest(file, poststr); //alert(poststr); } // Spezielle Formfeld-Effekte (Cursor auf/ab, Mausrad auf/ab, etc.) function form_wheel(element) { // Wenn Mausrad-Auf UND Wert ist eine Zahl if (event.wheelDelta >= 0 && !isNaN(element.value)) { num = element.value; if (element.value != '') { num++; element.value = num; } } // Wenn Mausrad-Ab UND Wert ist eine Zahl else if (event.wheelDelta <= 1 && !isNaN(element.value)) { num = element.value; if (element.value != '') { num--; element.value = num; } } } // Funktion um Stadtname durch PLZ zu ermitteln function form_zip_name(zip,cc) { // Wenn Wert ist eine Zahl und Wert ist 4 oder 5 Zeichen lang if (!isNaN(zip) && zip.length >= 4 && zip.length <= 5) { // ZIP-RPC abfragen und Antowrt in das Feld "ort" setzten, sofern Feld existiert var req = new Ajax.Request('rpc/zip.rpc.php', { parameters: 'modus=rpc&zip_name='+zip+'&zip_cc='+cc, method: 'get', asynchronous: false, onSuccess: function (request) { if (document.getElementById('ort')) { document.getElementById('ort').value = request.responseText; } } }); } } // Spezielle Formfeld-Effekte (Cursor auf/ab, Mausrad auf/ab, etc.) function form_key(element,event) { if (!event) { event = window.event; } if (event.which) { Tastencode = event.which; } else if (event.keyCode) { keycode = event.keyCode; } // Wenn Pfeil-Auf-Taste UND Wert ist eine Zahl if ((keycode == 38) && !isNaN(element.value)) { num = element.value; if (element.value != '') { num++; element.value = num; } } // Wenn Pfeil-Ab-Taste UND Wert ist eine Zahl if ((keycode == 40) && !isNaN(element.value)) { num = element.value; if (element.value != '') { num--; element.value = num; } } // Testausgabe des Dezimalwertes, der Taste //window.status = 'Taste mit Dezimalwert ' + keycode + ' gedrueckt'; } /* KALENDER ############################################################### */ //**************************************************************************** // PopCalendar 3.30, Emailware(please mail&commend me if u like it) // Originally coded by Liming(Victor) Weng, email: victorwon@netease.com // Release date: 2000.3.7 // Anyone may modify it to satify his needs, but please leave this comment ahead. //**************************************************************************** var gdCtrl = new Object(); var goSelectTag = new Array(); var gcGray = "#808080"; var gcToggle = "#ffff00"; var gcBG = "#cccccc"; var gdCurDate = new Date(); var giYear = gdCurDate.getFullYear(); var giMonth = gdCurDate.getMonth()+1; var giDay = gdCurDate.getDate(); function fSetDate(iYear, iMonth, iDay){ VicPopCal.style.visibility = "hidden"; gdCtrl.value = iDay+"."+iMonth+"."+iYear; //Here, you could modify the locale as you need !!!! for (i in goSelectTag) if (goSelectTag[i].style) { goSelectTag[i].style.visibility = "visible"; } if (goSelectTag) { goSelectTag.length = 0; } } function fSetSelected(aCell){ var iOffset = 0; var iYear = parseInt(tbSelYear.value); var iMonth = parseInt(tbSelMonth.value); self.event.cancelBubble = true; aCell.bgColor = gcBG; with (aCell.children["cellText"]) { var iDay = parseInt(innerText); if (color==gcGray) iOffset = (Victor<10)?-1:1; iMonth += iOffset; if (iMonth<1) { iYear--; iMonth = 12; }else if (iMonth>12){ iYear++; iMonth = 1; } } fSetDate(iYear, iMonth, iDay); } function Point(iX, iY){ this.x = iX; this.y = iY; } function fBuildCal(iYear, iMonth) { var aMonth=new Array(); for(i=1;i<7;i++) aMonth[i]=new Array(i); var dCalDate=new Date(iYear, iMonth-1, 1); var iDayOfFirst=dCalDate.getDay(); var iDaysInMonth=new Date(iYear, iMonth, 0).getDate(); var iOffsetLast=new Date(iYear, iMonth-1, 0).getDate()-iDayOfFirst+1; var iDate = 1; var iNext = 1; for (d = 0; d < 7; d++) aMonth[1][d] = (d" + WeekDay[i] + ""); write("" + WeekDay[i] + ""); write(""); for (w = 1; w < 7; w++) { write(""); for (d = 0; d < 7; d++) { //write(""); write(""); write(" "); write("") } write(""); } } } function fUpdateCal(iYear, iMonth) { myMonth = fBuildCal(iYear, iMonth); var i = 0; for (w = 0; w < 6; w++) for (d = 0; d < 7; d++) with (cellText[(7*w)+d]) { Victor = i++; if (myMonth[w+1][d]<0) { color = gcGray; innerText = -myMonth[w+1][d]; } else { color = ((d==0)||(d==6))?"red":"black"; innerText = myMonth[w+1][d]; } } } function fSetYearMon(iYear, iMon){ tbSelMonth.options[iMon-1].selected = true; for (i = 0; i < tbSelYear.length; i++) if (tbSelYear.options[i].value == iYear) tbSelYear.options[i].selected = true; fUpdateCal(iYear, iMon); } function fPrevMonth(){ var iMon = tbSelMonth.value; var iYear = tbSelYear.value; if (--iMon<1) { iMon = 12; iYear--; } fSetYearMon(iYear, iMon); } function fNextMonth(){ var iMon = tbSelMonth.value; var iYear = tbSelYear.value; if (++iMon>12) { iMon = 1; iYear++; } fSetYearMon(iYear, iMon); } function fToggleTags(){ with (document.all.tags("SELECT")){ for (i=0; ir)||(ptLT.x+aTag.offsetWidthb)||(ptLT.y+aTag.offsetHeight function fPopCalendar(popCtrl, dateCtrl){ gdCtrl = dateCtrl; fSetYearMon(giYear, giMonth); var point = fGetXY(popCtrl); with (VicPopCal.style) { left = point.x; top = point.y+popCtrl.offsetHeight+1; width = VicPopCal.offsetWidth; height = VicPopCal.offsetHeight; fToggleTags(point); visibility = 'visible'; } VicPopCal.focus(); } function fHideCal(){ var oE = window.event; if ((oE.clientX>0)&&(oE.clientY>0)&&(oE.clientX